Sunday, September 18, 2011

Heart to heart QUOTES on cherished readings

“Don't run ahead of God. Let Him direct your steps. He has plans. He has time. God's clock is never early nor late. It always strikes on time.” Heart to heart, MGV

“With money you can buy a house but not a home; a clock but not time; a bed but not sleep; a book but not knowledge; see a doctor but not good health; buy a position but not respect; blood but not life; acquaintance but not a friend.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Love the ones who don't because you can.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Forgive quickly. God never said life would be easy. He just said it would be worth it.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Smile when in leisure. Smile when in pain. Smile when troubles pour like rain. Smile when someone hurt your feelings, you because know, smiling always starts the healing!” Heart to heart, MGV

“There are only two days in our lives that we can do nothing about: One is YESTERDAY which is gone while the other is TOMORROW which is uncertain and may not come at all. We can only live in TODAY: above all enjoy today.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Life doesn't come with guarantees. Just know that smiling will brighten your face, laughter will brighten your day and good people will make your life great.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Time and things don't really last. What matters are the people we care about and the values we dare to live and share. Let life be as beautiful as your heart.” Heart to heart, MGV

“If a problem, can be solved, then there is no need for worrying. If a problem cannot be solved, then what is the use of worrying!” Be Happy. Tibetian saying/Heart to heart, MGV

“Turtles remind us to slow down.
Ants remind us of little things.
The sky reminds us to look up and pray.
Friends remind us how great life can be.”
Heart to heart, MGV

“Lord, enlighten what is dark in me;
Strengthen what is weak in me;
Mend what is broken in me;
Bind what is bruised in me;
Heal what is sick in me;
Strengthen what is crooked in me; and,
revive whatever peace and love have died in me.”
Heart to heart, MGV


“Sunrise after the darkest of nights;
Friends who bring out the best in you;
A love that makes your smile;
Belief that anything is possible;
Courage to finally do what you have been putting off;
Time for yourself;
Promises that are not broken;
An answered prayer;
A heart that forgives;
A Christmas feeling all year round;
A soul that heals; and,
A life with no regrets.”

Heart to heart, MGV

“For the small pieces of heaven that each day brings … to laugh, to love, stumble and learn ,,, let us thank the Lord for these daily gifts.” Heart to heart, MGV

“You are part of someone else's life. You may never find out where you fit, but others will fill up the empty spaces in their lives with pieces of you. So, when you wonder why God put you on this earth, remember that someone else's life may never be complete without you in it.” Heart to heart, MGV

“You won't fully enjoy a swing unless you raise your feet from the ground.
You won't fully enjoy a boat unless you remove the rope's knot from the river bank.
Your dog won't fully enjoy his/her “dog life” unless you remove the chain on his/her neck.
Never ever limit yourself when it comes to happiness, learn how to let go and move on.
Life is beautiful!”
Heart to heart, MGV

“Beautiful character begins in the heart. Let your light shine - whether you are a candle in a corner or a lighthouse on a hill.” Heart to heart, MGV

“WISDOM is oftentimes acquired when we stumble, not when we succeed. Our mistakes leave us wiser than our triumphs.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Life is a walk of faith to God.
Full of surprising yet fulfilling;
Full of tests yet rewarding; and,
Full of trials yet strengthening!! “
Heart to heart, MGV

“The many tasks we face each day may tire us, but being with God each day can bring relief from stress. Let us be reminded that in the end, only three things matter: how we fully lived, how deeply we loved and how gracefully we let go of things not essential in life.”
Heart to heart, MGV

Saying “good night” is not letting you know I am sleepy. It is my way of saying “ I remember you before I end my day!” Hope that you feel the care that goes with it. Heart to heart, MGV

Thank you for reading,

Heart to heart,


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A heart to heart QUOTES - mid September ...

To love another person is to see the face of God. Victor Hugo/MGV

We are all called upon to do small things with great love. Mother Teresa of Calcutta/MGV

Love is all we have, the only way that each can help the other. Euripedes/MGV

One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life; that word is love. Sophocles/MGV

He who is a friend is always a friend. Proverbs 17:17/MGV

The heart has but one eye which seeks the beloved: the light of a whole life dies when love is gone. Anon/MGV

One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives. Euripides/MGV

There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than a true friendship. St. Thomas Aquinas/MGV

The depth of friendship does not depend on the length of acquaintance. Rabindranath Tagore/MGV

Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove. William Shakespeare/MGV

Happy people are people with an attitude of gratitude. Heart to heart, MGV

Make positive affirmations despite your negative situations. Let problems solve itself with their own solutions embedded at their system. Heart to heart, MGV

Your emotions are the expressions you have accumulated in your mind overtime. Let go of your emotions. Heart to heart, MGV

Welcome every morning with a smile. A smile gives a fresh new start. Heart to heart, MGV

Look on the new day as another special gift from your creator. Thanks God it is today!!!! Heart to heart, MGV

Another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Start and end your day right with love and affection. Heart to heart, MGV

Let go of the “wait and see attitude” and be a self-starter. Yes, anything you wish to do or accomplish, start anew. Heart to heart, MGV

Let your first moment set the tone of success coupled with positive action that echos thru the day. Keep the fire of positivity burning because it is contagious. Heart to heart, MGV

Today will never happen again. Do the one thing you want to do and never ever settle for idle moments. Share your thoughts, share your love and share your world with others today. Heart to heart, MGV

You were not born to fail but to succeed. Then by all means, don't waste it with a false move at all. Start your day right with a positive mental attitude and choose to be happy. Heart to heart, MGV

We have many roles in life and we juggle many roles or manage our time to accomplish something or beat deadlines. Yes, but remember there is happiness when we extend our services to others. Never be too busy to lend a hand. Heart to heart, MGV

REACH out and help others succeed. You can help make that dream a reality. Heart to heart, MGV

Never limit what you want in life just because of your doubt. Never doubt your capacity of doing great. Heart to heart, MGV

“I pray that you would make my faith big enough to facilitate all YOU want to do in me and through me. Give me FAITH to believe in the complete wholeness you want to work in my life.” Heart to heart, MGV

Love goes beyond borders just to find its place in someone else's heart. Heart to heart, MGV

Love sounds simple yet complex. You don't define love because love defines you. Heart to heart, MGV

Never ever search for love because it abides in your heart. All you need is to feel its existence and share it with someone to smile in silence. Heart to heart, MGV

"Let us always meet each other with a smile because the smile is the beginning of love." Heart to heart, MGV

Find your passion. See where it is coming from. Go for it. Heart to heart, MGV

Worry? Why do you let yourself worry? Let worry, worry for itself. Face the world with calmness coupled with a warrior spirit because whether you like it or not, the show must go on!!! Heart to heart, MGV

To feel bitterness and hatred towards a person who hurt you is only natural as human beings. But to forgive is supernatural, divine and humane. It unloads burdens in your heart. Vengeance is not ours! Heart to heart, MGV

“Your character will be known by your talk, by your balk and by your walk.” Walk your talk. Heart to heart, MGV

What you utter in those unguarded moments when your emotions are down indicates what you really are. Be careful with what you say lest it hurts. Heart to heart, MGV

“The tongue is a fire, the very world of iniquity.” Be gentle with your tongue, be gentle with people. Treat others the way you want them to treat you. Heart to heart, MGV

“Balk is what we refuse to cooperate with or what we rebel against. At times, balking is perfectly legitimate. Every man ought to balk in open defiance of evil and sin.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Walk is used to describe how you live. Your reputation maybe pretty good, but beneath it, the life you are living troubles your conscience.” Heart to heart, MGV

“You may have fooled your associates, your family – even your spouse. And you maybe fooling yourself a bit. But when you lie in bed at night and look toward heaven, you know you have not fooled God at all.” Heart to heart, MGV

The past is past; you cannot change it. But you can change your attitude towards a better future, a better tomorrow, a better YOU. Heart to heart, MGV

Character is fluid; it can be changed. Character is like a diamond, it needs to be polished. Heart to heart, MGV

The next time you feel like giving up on your work, think of others who desperately needs your job. Heart to heart, MGV

There is always a room for improvement. It is your choice for a better YOU because we all deserve a second chance. Heart to heart, MGV

"All love is sweet, given or returned." Heart to heart, MGV

“We will never realized how blessed we are, unless we see and feel the desperate needs of others for the basic things we just take for granted. “ Heart to heart, MGV

“Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer." Rich/Heart to heart, MGV

“Life can give you a hundred reasons to cry, but you can give life a thousand reasons to smile.” Rich/Heart to heart, MGV

Joy is constant and sorrow is temporary. There is joy in loving. Heart to heart, MGV

“There are only two days in our lives that we can do nothing about: One is YESTERDAY which is gone...while the other is TOMORROW which is uncertain and may not come at all....We can only live in TODAY: above all enjoy today.:)” Rich/Heart to heart, MGV

If you refuse to meet failure along your journey in life, success will make a detour. Heart to heart, MGV

If you will not fail, you will never succeed. Failure and success are twins. Heart to heart, MGV

Happiness is not fame, money, prestige, power or material success. It is something else, something different. It is relative and it abides in your heart if shared with someone. Heart to heart, MGV

Focus on the eternal values in life which spells happiness. It will endure and last for time and eternity. Be happy, choose to be happy and live with happiness in your heart. Heart to heart, MGV

Never take the road to success with least resistance. Remember that road towards excellence is a huge mountain all the way. Easy road seems to lead downhill. Heart to heart, MGV

“Many people dream of a worthy achievements, while a few stay awake to do them. Dream your dreams but wake up on time to make your dreams come true.” Heart to heart, MGV

If there is better way to do it … use it. Heart to heart, MGV

“ If you are not to find yourself simply falling in with whatever happens at the time, you have to draw a line across your life and decide what you want to do.” Heart to heart, MGV

“If you find you are not getting on very well with others, it may be that your attitude towards them or your attitude towards yourself is less than positive.” Heart to heart, MGV

If you are not choosing a constructive approach you will inevitably find others are less helpful. Bring out the best in others as you bring out the best in you. Be your best. Heart to heart, MGV

If you have not fully appreciated the power your behavior has in determining that of others, you may not realize how much it can influence other people's attitudes towards you. Just be yourself, but the best of YOU and yourself. Heart to heart, MGV

If you do not have a sense of well-being, you may not be looking after yourself properly. Take care of yourself much more love yourself. Heart to heart, MGV

Lead a balanced life so that you will not find it difficult to work well. Enjoy your work while you may. Heart to heart, MGV

Doing something you have always wanted will bring you some measure of content. Do what you want with passion. Heart to heart, MGV


“I allow the Divine to make my investments according to a wisdom greater than my own.” - MGV

“ God loves me. I love myself unconditionally.” - MGV

“I never devalue myself by destructive self-criticism.” - MGV

“I see God in others and I have unconditional warm regard for all persons at all times.” - MGV

“I am easily able to relax at any time, and every day through every affirmation I become healthier in both mind and body.” - MGV

“I am completely self – determined, inner directed by the Holy Spirit and allow others the same right. “ - MGV

“I am completely responsible for all my responses to all other persons and to all events.” - MGV

“One of the most difficult to cope up with is change especially when it will affect the way we do things that we are so comfortable with. Even if the change is for the better there are some who would insist on clinging on the old ways. There are some who would rather choose to cling on the past hurts, anger and frustrations and refuse to move on. There are some who would rather continue on their path of ruin than to change their ways and save themselves. Let us pause for a moment and examine the path we are going. Is it for the good or not? If not then decide to change. Lord, lead me to the right path.” Heart to heart, MGV

“I would rather have eyes that cannot see; ears that cannot hear; lips that cannot speak, than a heart that cannot love. ” Heart to heart, MGV

“The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye but found by the heart.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Love is not written on paper, for paper can be erased. Nor is it etched on stone, for stone can be broken. But it is inscribed on a heart and there it shall remain forever.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart and the senses.” Heart to heart, MGV

“The heart has reasons that reason does not understand.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart.” Heart to heart, MGV

“This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, love to complete your life.” - Winnie the Pooh/Aika/MGV

“Imagine how your words affect your own body. When you say, “I’m a failure,” or “I’m hopeless,” or “I won’t get well,” imagine how these words weaken your health. Make a choice to say the best words out there. Say often, “I’m wonderful,” “I’m beautiful,”   “I’m God’s child,” and “God has a great plan for my life!” MGV
“Always stretch your heart and expand your love, so that it touches not only those whom you give it to, but also those who need it so much.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Carrying a lamp in a forest at night doesn't guarantee you will see all the trees. It only means that you can see a few steps ahead of you, far enough to keep your footing sure. Likewise, as the Lord lights your path, He may not shine all the answers to the shadowy questions in your mind, but He will give you all the light you need to scale life's obstacles with confidence and ability.” Heart to heart, MGV

“A heart that is open to appreciate every blessing should always be bigger than the eyes that see what is missing. Let our blessings be the reason to celebrate life and may those missing serve as inspiration to work for a life that never stops to get better and better.” Queen R/Heart to heart, MGV

Look at what is in store in the future for you rather than what was stored in the past. Heart to heart, MGV

“Make up your mind to be happy. Learn to find pleasure in simple things.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Make the best of your circumstances. No one have everything, and everyone has something to sorrow intermingled with the gladness of life. The trick is to make laughter outweigh the tears.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Don't take yourself too seriously. Don't think that somehow you should be protected from the misfortunes that befall others.” Heart to heart, MGV

“You can't please everybody. Don't let criticism worry you.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Do the things you enjoy doing, but stay out of debt.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Don't borrow trouble. Imaginary burdens are harder to bear than the actual ones.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Since hate poison the soul, do not cherish enmities or grudges. Avoid people who make you unhappy.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Have many interests. If you can't travel, read about new places.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Don't hold postmortems. Don't spend your life brooding mistakes. Don't be one who never gets over things.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Do what you can for those less fortunate than yourself.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Keep busy at something. A busy person never has time to be unhappy.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Around the corner I have a friend,
In this great city that has no end,
Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,
and before I know it, a year is gone.
And I never see my old friend's face,
For life is a swift and terrible race,
He knows I like him just as well,
As in the days when I rang his bell,
and he rang mine but we were younger then,
and now we are busy, tired men.
Tired of playing a foolish game,
Tired of trying to make a name.
“Tomorrow:” I say! “ I will call on Jim
Just to show that I'm thinking of him.”
But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes,
And distance between us grows and grows,
Around the corner, yet miles away,
“Here's a telegram sir,” “ Jim died today.”
And that's what we get and deserve in the end.
Around the corner, a vanished friend,”

Say “hi” to a friend today while he or she can still answer back and say “ hello.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Remember to always say what you mean, if you love someone, tell them. Don't be afraid to express yourself. Reach out and tell someone what they mean to you, because when you decide that it is the right time it might be too late.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Seize the day. Never have regrets. And most importantly, stay close to your friends and family, for they have helped make you a person that you are today.” Heart to heart, MGV

SMILE, even through your tears!! Heart to heart, MGV

Live well, laugh often and love with all of your heart! Heart to heart, MGV

“The next time someone steps on your feet or you wish to take revenge, think first before you lose your patience with someone you love.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Trucks can be repaired. Broken bones and hurt feelings can't. Too often we fail to recognize the difference between the person and the performance. We forget that forgiveness is greater than revenge.” Heart to heart, MGV

“People make mistakes. We are allowed to make mistakes. But the actions we take while in a rage will haunt us forever.” Heart to heart, MGV

“We should always remember that when we point one finger at a person, the other four fingers are pointing at ourselves. If we forgive others, others will ignore our mistakes too.” Heart to heart, MGV

“ It is easier to reshape a mountain or a river than a person's character. It is not easy to change. Thus, having high expectations or changing the spouse character will cause disappointment and unpleasantness. It would be less painful to change ourselves and lower our expectations. “ Heart to heart, MGV

“YOU can never have everyone praise you, nor will everyone condemn you. Never in the past, not at present, and never will be in the future. Thus, do not be too bothered by the other words if our conscience is clear.” Heart to heart, MGV

“There is no better time to be happy than right now. If not now, when? Your life will always be filled with challenges.” Heart to heart, MGV

“It is best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway. Happiness is the way. So, treasure every moment that you have and treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with, and remember that time waits for no one. “ Heart to heart, MGV

“There is no better time than right now to be happy. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. So work like you don't need money, love like you've never been hurt, and , dance like no one's watching.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Sometimes , to see the stars , we need the lights to go out. “ Heart to heart, MGV

“Colors may fade, the sun may not shine, the moon may not be bright, heartbeats may stop, lives may pass but our friendship, I'll treasure 'til the day my heart stops.” Rich/Heart to heart, MGV

“Every teardrop is precious so better make sure that if you drop some, its worth crying for, because you can never pick them and put them back to your eyes.” Rich/Heart to heart, MGV

“Life they say is touch and go. Some people you know may only be there for a time. Some may go away but people who find you special will always find ways to stay.” Rich/Heart to heart, MGV

“If your problem is as big as a ship, never forget that your blessings are as wide as the ocean.” Heart to heart, MGV

If you want to brighten someone's day or night, pass this on to someone special. SMILE …. it comes for free!!! Heart to heart, MGV

Be alone but never, no never, and a thousands of never be lonely! Heart to heart, MGV

“Don't work too hard to give yourself the best of everything, instead make a greater effort to give God the best of yourself.” Rich/Heart to heart, MGV

“A soul shall never be helpless with God's infinite grace.” Inhale God's love everyday! Heart to heart, MGV

“As much as you want to plan your life, God has a way of surprising you with unexpected things that will make you happier than you originally planned. “ Heart to heart, MGV

“Are you worrying about something that prevents you from seeing what a beautiful day is today? Today is the answer to last night's prayer. Indeed, today, believe in your heart that God will show you what a good and loving God He is. If you are troubled and burdened by something remember, there is no problem that God can not solve. Just believe and instead of saying “God I have a big problem”, say, “Problem, I have a big God!” Heart to heart, MGV

“Many friends will walk in and out of your life. But only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.” Heart to heart, MGV

“To handle yourself, use your head. To handle others, use your heart.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift.” Heart to heart, MGV

Show your friends how much you care. Send your love and smiles to everyone. Heart to heart, MGV

I am strong because I've known weakness, I am compassionate because I have experienced suffering, I am alive because I am a fighter, I am wise because I've been foolish, I can laugh because I have known sadness. I can love because I have known loss. Mostly, I am strong because God holds me up when I stand! Re post if you are a strong woman who has weathered the storm, but still loves to dance in the rain. Heart to heart, MGV

When I was a kid, I didn't have a laptop, iPod, Blackberry, PS3, Wifi or designer clothes. I played outside with friends, bruised my knees, made up stories and played hide and seek. I ate what my mom made. I would think twice before I say "no" to my parents! Life wasn't hard. It was good and I survived.!!! Re-post this if you appreciate the way you were raised. MGV

“Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious... and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths”. KEEP MOVING FORWARD. -Walt Disney/MGV

And I loved deeper
And I spoke sweeter
And I gave forgiveness I'd been denyin'
And he said some day I hope you get the chance
To "Live Like You Were Dying"

Like tomorrow was the end
And ya got eternity to think about what to do with it
What should you do with it
What can I do with it
What would I do with it

"Live Like You Were Dying"
-Tim McGraw / MGV

“There is nothing to regret - either for those who go or for those who are left behind.” Heart to heart, MGV

"But provide what exactly? The understanding that money is the most important thing? Or the idea that, the only life worth living is one
you're really passionate about?" --Emma (Glee Season 1)/ MGV

"Last Christmas, I gave you my heart. But the very next day, you gave it away. This year, to save me from tears, I'm looking for someone special." Heart to heart, MGV

Now that you know, what are you going to do about it? Heart to heart, MGV

As contraries are known by contraries, so is the delight of presence best known by the torments of absence. ~Alcibiades/MGV

"Moving on is simple, it's what you leave behind that makes it so difficult." Heart to heart, MGV

“The saddest love is to love someone, to know that they still want you, but the circumstances don’t let you have them.” Remember, where there is love there is no barrier. Heart to heart, MGV

"At the moment of childbirth, every woman has the same aura of isolation, as though she were abandoned, alone." Boris Pasternak/MGV

"If you're going to make me cry, at least be there to wipe away the tears." Heart to heart, MGV

“Why do we always ignore the ones who adore us, and adore the ones who ignore us and the worst feeling in the world is giving all the love you have and knowing it will never be returned." Love while you may, even if it brings you hurt. Heart to heart, MGV

“Friends, you and me … you brought another friend. And then there were three. We started our group, our circle of friends. There is no beginning, there is no end.” Thank you FACEBOOK FRIENDS for being a part of me, a part of my life and a part of my cherished treasures. Heart to heart, MGV

Ten (10) painful moments:

1.Bringing back the feelings you have learned to forget;
2.Reminiscing the good times;
3.Trying to hide what you really feel;
4.Loving someone who loves another;
5.Having commitment with someone that you know would not last;
6.Shielding your heart to love somebody;
7.Loving a person too much;
8.Right love at the wrong time;
9.Taking the risk of loving again;
10.Deleting you from the FB friends list. (the most painful - lol)

But no matter what, where, when, why and how, I will still love life to its fullest because life is so beautiful. It is a miracle and will never be repeated again. No rewinds, no dress rehearsals and most of all no fast forwards. Live and let live!!! Heart to heart, MGV

“No one can understand the truth until you drink the coffee of frothy goodness.” C. Chan/Heart to heart, MGV

"Tomorrow is another day!" Scarlett O'Hara/MGV

“Life gives answers in three ways. It says yes and give you what you want, it says no and gives you something BETTER, it says wait and gives you the BEST. May you get the best of your heart desire.” Thomas/ Heart to heart, MGV

“There are only two times I want to be with you…Now and forever.” Heart to heart, MGV

I am no beauty queen,I am just beautiful me. Selena Gomez/MGV

“There are no accidents in life because everything happens for a reason. Every people we meet have roles in our lives be it small or big. Some will hurt and make us cry to become stronger, some will simply inspire and love us to make us happy, whole and complete. And some will teach us lessons not to change but for us to realize our mistakes and help us grow and make us the best person that we can be.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Anger is only one letter short of danger. “ Manage your anger, let it go and forgive. Heart to heart, MGV

“Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people. Never gossip or never talk about someone behind their backs. Heart to heart, MGV

“He who loses money, loses much. He who loses a friend, loses much more. He who loses faith, loses all.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable.” Never underestimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can change a person's life. For better or for worse. Heart to heart, MGV

“ Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.” Heart to heart, MGV

Don't tell me our God is not an awesome God. !!! Heart to heart, MGV

“Learn to write your hurts in the sand and to carve your benefits in stone.” Heart to heart, MGV

“They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Do not value the THINGS you have in your life, but value WHO you have in your life!” Heart to heart, MGV

“When someone hurts us we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it.” Heart to heart, MGV

“A good deed is never lost, he who sows courtesy, reaps friendship; he who plants kindness gathers love. “ Heart to heart, MGV

“ If what you see by the eyes does not please you, then close your eyes and see from the heart. Because the heart can see beauty and love more than the eyes can ever wonder. Heart to heart, MGV

“When we come to the edge of the light we know, and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, of this we can be sure … either God will provide something solid to stand on or … we will be taught to fly.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give them. God puts us all in each other's lives to impact one another in some way. Look for God in others.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Life will only come once, so make the most out of it. God didn't give us all things to enjoy life, but life to enjoy all things.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Fate chooses your relations, you choose your friends.” Heart to heart, MGV

“When trust is broken, it is the end of the relationship. Lack of trust leads to suspicion, suspicion generates anger, anger causes enmity and enmity may result to separation.” Heart to heart, MGV

“When the excitement of love wears off, couples wake up and discover that marriage is not a bed of roses. The nightmare begins. “ Be in touch with reality that life is not always a bed of roses. Heart to heart, MGV

A broken egg cannot be reversed. Take care of the trust of others given to you. Value and cherish it and never ever let go of it. Heart to heart, MGV

Different people have different perception. One man's meat could be another man's poison. Heart to heart, MGV

“Every person who has achieved great things has had critics. If you get kicked in the rear, it means that you are out in front. The higher you go, the more haters will come out. When you reach a new level by pursuing what God has out in your heart, the jealous, the critical people and the small minded will come out of the woodwork. Don't be a people pleaser, let's all be a God pleaser.” Heart to heart, MGV

Let go of your ego - let go of your pride. Only then can we be happy. Heart to heart, MGV

Follow your dreams... as you go through the path - there are some twists or changes that may hinder your journey, obstacles that will distract or derail you. But you have to deal on these hindrances and look for strategies. Never give up. Pursue and discover what is BEYOND YOUR DREAMS. Heart to heart, MGV

As individuals, we have different talents and potentials and we shine or bloom in the place where we are planted. Each one of us are contributing factors to the life and light of the universe. Heart to heart, MGV

Keeping our feet on the shore will not give us opportunities to LIVE OUR DREAMS ...- we have to sail and swim the deepest oceans against storms and obstacles in life. Discover what is in store for our future/new oceans and leave behind our comfort zone. Heart to heart, MGV

When things aren't working out as you wish, be patient. Stop trying to move ahead of God. His timing is perfect. Trust Him. Thomas/Heart to heart, MGV

God gives us people to love and things to use, not things to love and people to use. Thomas/Heart to heart, MGV

Don't let yesterdays issues and problems get you down. We all go thru ups and downs. Don't allow negativity control you because some things are just for a season and not for a lifetime. We can't change people nor turn back the hands of time but we can work on ourselves and our future. Thomas/Heart to heart, MGV

“A speech will either prosper or ruin a nation.” Be gentle with your tongue lest it hurts others. Heart to heart, MGV

“Love is a choice, a decision.” Heart to heart, MGV

“The inner man is bigger than the outer man.” Heart to heart, MGV

“In order to earn, you must sell.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Nothing gives you more free  time than  being punctual .” Value your time and space. Heart to heart, MGV

Only in our dreams are we free. The rest of the time we need wages. Terry Pratchett/MGV

"Don't compromise yourself; you're all that you have." Heart to heart, MGV

“Remember that all giant tress were once a tiny seed. You just have to believe and trust God.” Heart to heart, MGV

Rather than be selfish to naïve people, use your financial education to be generous. Rather than cheat and deceive the uneducated, use your advantage to teach, enlighten and set people free. Rather than make only yourself richer, use your advantage to enrich the lives of others.

Every time you begin to feel that there is no more strength in you, know that there is more in HIM … God sustains.” Heart to heart, MGV

Thank you for reading

Heart to heart,


Friday, September 2, 2011

A heart to heart QUOTES on THINK about it ...

Think about this …

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men and women who find it easier to live in a world they've been given to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact – it is an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing. “ Heart to heart, MGV

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful, beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves: Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually who are you not to be? YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time,
for that is the stuff life is made of”

Remember how short my time is …. Psalm 89:47

Said yesterday to tomorrow:

When I was young, like you
I, too was fond of boosting
of all I meant to do.
But while I fell a dreaming
Along the pleasant way,
Before I scarcely knew it,
I found it was today!
And as today so quickly
My little course was run
I had not time to finish
One – half the things begun
would I could try it over
But I ne ' er go back
A yesterday forever
I now must be, a lack!
And so, my good tomorrow
If you could make a name
That history shall cherish
Upon its roll of fame,
Be all prepared and ready
Your noblest part to play
In those new fleeting hours
When you shall be today.

- The Pacific/ heart to heart, MGV

“There are times that we treat life like a mysterious door – it doesn't open no matter how hard we push it! We never notice that a huge sign is posted there that reads: PULL

It is the same thing with life. We struggle, we push, we push harder till we're tired, hurt, bruised, and wounded. We forget that there is a better way: SURRENDER. LET GO and LET GOD.

God willed our lives to be wonderful. Lift it up to Him.” Heart to heart, MGV

Lessons from the Ants:
“ No matter how busy they are in their labor... they still manage to stop to greet their friends.!” Heart to heart, MGV

“You may never know how wide your influence really goes. An act of kindness, a word of encouragement, or a job well done could be what moves a close friend or even a stranger one step closer to God. Take a moment to thank God for the people who've had a positive influence on your life. Then ask God to help you become someone else's reason for thanks.” Heart to heart, MGV

Life is too short to miss its best. Heart to heart, MGV

“ As much as you want to plan your life, God has a way of surprising you with unexpected things that will make you happier than you originally planned. “ Heart to heart, MGV

Thanks for reading,

Heart to heart,