Friday, November 23, 2012

Heart to heart QUOTES on Self . Management

Spend more time in managing yourself because life is not a dress rehearsal.  This is the only chance you get and it is important to make the most of the opportunities which present themselves along your journey in life.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Managing yourself is a key element because those who achieve a measure of success are happy and productive in life.   Heart to heart,   MGV

The demands in life is a constant juggling trick, and like the juggler, most people have to keep a number of balls in the air at the same time.   Know yourself and manage it to maintain your balance.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Like jugglers we toss three crucial balls on air,  your work life, your home life and your personal life.  Work life and home life are made of rubber balls while personal life is made of glass so we have to be careful not to break it.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,   MHARGZ