Time and space are not ours and it is beyond our control. Knowing that someone is hurt or in pain and we are beyond reach makes us feel bad. Express your feelings of love now while it is not yet too late. MGV
Listen to your heart. What you want, feel, desire or long for or what will make you happy, go for it! Time is of the essence and it is fleeting. MGV
Yesterday is gone while tomorrow is vague. Today is now, the present. Present is a gift and it gives us excitement. It is here, it is now and the right moment to make you happy and successful. Indulge in your passion now. MGV
Stay tune to what is happening now and appreciate the gift of today. The present is the present moment and it is now. Treasure every moment and stay happy. MGV
Learn from your past and let go of it. Welcome the now and improve the present for a better tomorrow. Stay focused. MGV
We cannot predict tomorrow, there is no written guarantee. We only have the present moment to plan for what we want to see or happen in the future. MGV
Picture in your mind what a wonderful future would be like. Use your imagination and create a realistic plan to make it happen. Go for it with passion. MGV
What is important now will eventually change. What matters most is the purpose that gives us clearer direction in everything that we do. MGV
Appreciate what is right at the moment and you will be more happy. Relax and take it easy as you stay in the present, the now or today in your life. MGV
When you find yourself in bad vibrations, it is vital to look for what is right, look for good vibrations, even if it will be difficult for you. Then appreciate it and build on it. MGV
Experience painful situation that comes your way and learn from it rather than try to distract yourself with something else. Meet the painful situations squarely because there is no choice but rather turn it into positive. MGV
Change is permanent and inevitable. Be flexible and accept whatever changes that comes your way. Be ready because it is a change for the better. MGV
Each and everyone of us has different potentials at different levels. All we need is to know where they are coming from and meet them half way and go for it. Maximize your fullest potentials in achieving your passion in life. MGV
Life is not always straight or free of obstacles journey. There are curves or turns along the streets or corners just like a maze. Sometimes we get lost and confused in dark alleys. Just walk with faith and believe in your capacity to carry through and you will find happiness and contentment along the way . Never despair because it is life itself. Just enjoy every single step of the way. MGV
If there are changes in our lives, never deny or resist it, for fear that it will lead to something worse. Learn to accept and see it as an opportunity for something better. MGV
We are connected one way or the other because we complete the puzzle in this universe. We have many hats to wear, different strokes for different folks, but same occupying a space under the sun. Whatever we do we share something in common, a quest to find our way in the maze of life and be successful in changing times of our lives. MGV
Resistance to change is a human factor but if we resist and do not change, we can become obsolete or extinct. Be flexible and ready to adapt for change that comes our way. MGV
Moving on to new direction will help you find your dreams and aspirations in life. Stop being afraid and feel good. Reach for you passion at all cost. MGV
Picture yourself enjoying love and happiness will lead you to it. MGV
The quicker you let go of hatred and sadness, the sooner you find love and happiness. Adapt to change quickly and choose to be happy. MGV
If you experience heartbreaks or heartaches for awhile, be ready to fall in love again and enjoy it again and again. Life is beautiful if you love and let love. MGV
Move with the rhytmn of life, light and love and enjoy every single step of the way. Be happy, choose to be happy and you create a happy world. MGV
Whether we like it or not, change happens. Anticipate, monitor, accept it the soonest possible time and enjoy every minute of it, rather than resist it. MGV
If you see it as a problem and you say it is a problem, then it is a problem. MGV
Always strive for improvement in everything that you do. Do your best, only the best. There is always room at the top, a room for improvement. Never settle for less. MGV
Thanks for reading
Heart to heart,
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