Saturday, April 16, 2011

Heart to heart quotes - April blues

Live life to its fullest while counting everyday with happiness and contentment. Everyday is an exciting new adventure so better stop your worry about tomorrow that may never come. Heart to heart, MGV

Plan and prepare for tomorrow at this moment, today. Heart to heart, MGV

Deal with people squarely and treat others the way you want them to treat you, after all, life is a give and take relationship. Heart to heart, MGV

The hope of mankind is dependent on how we are receptive to change. Heart to heart, MGV

Share words of encouragement for others to rise above the ordinary. When we encourage people we lift them in high spirits and there is joy in doing it. Be gentle with your tongue. Heart to heart, MGV

We search what we look for others in ourselves. Never ever compare yourself with people, just be yourself and improve for a better YOU. Heart to heart, MGV

Encouragement makes our heart stronger and it gives an impact between success and failure or sunshine and gloom in our lives. Never deprive others of uplifting words when needed most. Reach out. Heart to heart, MGV

Life is so beautiful when shared with someone special. Cherish those precious moments, after all, it is all that we have ...L O V E. Heart to heart, MGV

Sometimes we search high and low, here, there and everywhere for that special someone we have been longing for. We search for every nook and every corner of our lives, not knowing that one true love, our soul mate is just within reach. Just reach out for others and soon you will discover that one true love will alight behind you just like a butterfly. Heart to heart, MGV

It is difficult to be alone especially if others abandon you, your dreams, your cause and your desire to inspire others. But as long as you move on and on and on, someday you will find your dreams and your desire in life. If it is for a good reason or intention, you will reach the peak of your dreams. Heart to heart, MGV

SHOW appreciation in everything and regain the lost art of gratitude. Begin today by giving your heartfelt thanks to others. Heart to heart, MGV

If you are about to give up on someone or yourself, don't. There is still one great possibility to give a second chance for love and happiness. Why not? only if you try! Heart to heart, MGV

Dwindling relationship may put your future in the category of failure. Settle any differences the soonest possible time before it is late to avoid regrets. Heart to heart, MGV

Sometimes a friend or anybody can quit or just throw in the towel and walk out of our lives. Be a friend and offer words of encouragement when needed most. Heart to heart, MGV

A gentle word , smile, note, even a pat on the back or a hug can make a spark between success and failure or love and hate. Give one because we don't really know what a person is going through at the moment. Heart to heart, MGV

A word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer will keep a person on the go for life. Lungs need oxygen while the heart need words of encouragement to be alive and kicking. Appreciate everything around you no matter how mundane. Heart to heart, MGV

Sometimes we look back with regrets for a decision made in the past. Yes, the chances are endless, for there is an “if only” for every lapses you have ever made in the past. Let go of the past failures and drop the “if only” syndrome and face the world eyeball to eyeball, Heart to heart, MGV

Sometimes we have the tendency or the urge to say “if only” in cases when confronted with issues or problems from the past. Let go of yesterdays and learn from the past. Face another day with renewed faith and believe in yourself that you can build a better tomorrow. Yes, you can! Heart to heart, MGV

Never dwell on the past nor live in a world of broken pieces, frustrations and failures. There is always a second chance for everyone to build anew. Just move on and stare at the obstacles straight from the eye with passion and confidence in yourself. Heart to heart, MGV

What happened, happened, and cannot be changed. There is yet another day, another chance and another hope to hold on to. Cling to it and put action into your words of dreams and ambitions. Heart to heart, MGV

Words define all the differences in our lives. Never dwell on the “if only” excuses but rather accept the consequences of your past decisions and own it. Look for a brighter future by adding “and yet” attitude to embrace the positive power embedded in our system. Move on to a brighter world of tomorrow. Heart to heart, MGV

If you say “if only” now and forever, you will stagnate on despair but if you say “and yet” gives you passion to what the future can offer out of a tough moments or crisis. Stay tuned with the music of hope and dance to the rhythm of a beautiful tomorrow. Heart to heart, MGV

Fear haunts our world, stifle our faith and blocks our dreams and desires for positivity. Put on the best armor of belief and confidence on yourself that you can and will always beat the fear in your mind. Unleash your powerful potentials and never dwell on fear but beat it fast. Heart to heart, MGV

When fear reaches out its cold arms to embrace you, tell yourself not to be afraid because it is only in the mind. You are bigger and smarter than your fear, let it go. Heart to heart, MGV

We are an independent person with strategic plan and intrigue to solve our own problem. If we think the problem is bigger than we are, then, it becomes bigger. Time to drop it like a hot potato. Heart to heart, MGV

We have to do something or anything instead of worry for nothing. Handle the situation squarely with a strong belief and confidence to carry on. Heart to heart, MGV

Thank you for reading...

Heart to heart,


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