Saturday, May 28, 2011

Heart to heart quote on emotions/relationship of May

Love is for real when they care and see each other beyond themselves. Heart to heart, MGV

Take care of yourself EMOTIONALLY. Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Focus on your strength and use it with passion as you build on your weaknesses. Be great. Smile. Heart to heart, MGV

Whether you like it or not, your ability to maintain and develop relationship is a contributing factor to success in life. Learn to get along or relate with people as well as treat them with dignity and respect. Respect is given freely and not being asked for. Heart to heart, MGV

Life encounters obstacles that needs to be prioritized to the extent of neglecting on relationship. Spend quality and quantity time with the special someone in your life before it is too late. Send a note, an sms or dial and say “ I love you” now. SMILE. MGV

Believe in the power of ONE! MGV

What makes good in the morning? It is the sweet memory of yesterday and looking forward to a more beautiful mornings ever... and the gift of life!!! SMILE. MGV

ONCE in a while, be a child and dance like no other. Enjoy! MGV

I paint my own rainbow in my life and wish to carry it anywhere I go a rainbow to others. I love to inspire and be inspired. Paint your own rainbow in the canvass of your life and SHARE every colors and beauty of it to others. MGV

Our habits will either make or break our future. Make an inventory of it and discern if those are bad or good ones. Let us examine ourselves through self-awareness because we have the ability to stand apart from ourselves and examine our habits the way it affects our lives. The time will start now! Heart to heart, MGV

If there is a problem we look for a solution. We have an independent will or the ability to make things happen. If a problem exist, fix it with passion and build a better world to live in. Yes, be a builder, yes we can! A new hope, a new look and a new longing. SMILE. MGV

There are times in our lives that we stop at a crossroad, thinking what step or goal to achieve or the proper course of action. We are confused if we are doing the things right or wrong. Let our conscience dictate us, because we have the ability to discern right from wrong. Just listen to your heart and gear towards it. Smile. Heart to heart, MGV

Each and everyone of us has the ability to see and create a future. Create your world, create love and happiness and believe in the power of imagination. CREATE A WORLD OF IMAGINATION and go for it. Yes, we can! Why not? Smile. MGV

A smile is a language for all and all for one. SMILE beautifully!! Heart to heart, MGV

Win or lose you gain experience and benefit from it. Heart to heart, MGV

YES or NO are important words that determine your future in life. When or how you utter them affects your tomorrow. Heart to heart, MGV

Thanks for reading...

Heart to heart,


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