Monday, May 23, 2011

Heart to heart QUOTES in May for a sweetheart

The heart of our beloved should be handled with care because once broken it is the hardest thing to mend. Heart to heart, MGV

Love like no other. Never let go or never give up. Storms may rise on seas unknown while we journey towards our love planet, but never give up. Heart to heart, MGV

Love is everlasting because it only ends when you give up and stop believing. Never give up on the person you love. Heart to heart, MGV

Love is the one thing that money cannot buy. Learn how to value it and go beneath a person's heart and seek for its worth. Heart to heart, MGV

You can never change the past nor guarantee the future but you can change the drama series of the day by touching someone's heart. Heart to heart, MGV

Happiness gives deep impact of the importance of working hard, striving for the best performance and loving what you do. Heart to heart, MGV

Life is like a mountain full of rocks and grasses. Learn to enjoy the climb no matter how bumpy it is. Heart to heart, MGV

Take time to work towards excellence. Love makes us do things well and gear towards perfection. Heart to heart, MGV

Keep on smiling and never let go of your dreams. Wake up and be ready to act on it. Heart to heart, MGV

Life is a challenge that we ought to face and discover that sacrifices have their rewards. Heart to heart, MGV

OBSERVE before criticizing because that is the way to live life. Heart to heart, MGV

Love makes us smile in the midst of crisis and it gives us inner strength to carry on. Heart to heart, MGV

Do what you love to do and be busy at all times. Never settle for idle moments. Heart to heart, MGV

Be true to your dreams that God has given you and go for it with passion. Heart to heart, MGV

Enjoy every minute and be sure to savor the sweetness of each day. Heart to heart, MGV
 Let go of the child in you and be silly and laugh once in a while...take off and play. Heart to heart, MGV

Be brave enough to trust your wings and fly. Yes, fly like an eagle and soar high to the next level. Heart to heart, MGV
Believe in the power of prayers that will get you by. Anchor on your faith no matter what the consequences are. Heart to heart, MGV
Keep your outlook in life as bright and sunny. Choose to be happy. Heart to heart, MGV

Be yourself because you really are  one of a kind! Nobody looks exactly like you. Heart to heart, MGV
Successful persons have good communication skills. Express from the heart not to impress others. Speak your mind and share your thoughts. Heart to heart, MGV

Dress for the job you want, not the one you have in your closet. Let your fashion statement reflect professionalism. Heart to heart, MGV

Don't get personal if you must correct someone. Never do it in front of others. Maintain privacy. Heart to heart, MGV

Always think big. Unleash the giant in you and bring out the magical world with gigantic smile and laughter. Heart to heart, MGV

Aim high and live your dreams. Ask yourself, what is working? How can I do more of it? You can do something more, why not? Heart to heart, MGV

Be an architect of change because in every crisis,
there is a message. Heart to heart, MGV

Live your dreams and be a butterfly in your own beautiful world of garden. See beauty and you will see a beautiful world. Heart to heart, MGV

If you don't like what you see or hear, change
yourself. Embrace change and do a terrific change in your world. Shift
your paradigm. Heart to heart, MGV

Have the synergy to make an impact and join hands with others to show our efforts. Reach out for other, only then you will realize that there is joy is serving others. Heart to heart, MGV

In everything that we do, see with discerning eyes where love are hidden and be the voice and someone's vital link. Express love and be loved. Heart to heart, MGV

Whoever you are and and where ever you go, aim high to make a difference. Either you be the candle that lights or be a mirror that reflects light for others. Heart to heart, MGV

In our journey in life, we might be treading on
rough roads, this is not a hopeless endeavor. Move on and face every
rocky road with hope and dreams for the better. Set your priorities and
refocus if you may. Heart to heart, MGV

Ignite change wherever you go. Keep the fire burning, keep it going. Yes, you can do that, why not? Heart to heart, MGV

Think big and dream big and go for it with passion. Remember that passion is the secret to success. Heart to heart, MGV

Seek for an inspiration to spark your soul and bring you happiness always. Heart to heart, MGV

Pray for an endless strength during times of trials and stress. Heart to heart, MGV

Never pray for fame, riches or fortune. Instead pray for a finer things of which worth has no measure - such as hope, good health, peace and all the wonderful things in life your heart is dreaming of. Heart to heart, MGV

Enjoy your work and not just be forced by circumstances and be trapped into doing it. Heart to heart, MGV

Enjoy and make life and not just live your life. Life is beautiful. Heart to heart, MGV

A prayer reaches God in heaven before you say it. Pray for others.
Heart to heart, MGV

The best is yet to come. Seize your day with a bang! Heart to heart, MGV

Be an author of your life story and save the best
chapter for last. Create an ending with a bang or an impact. Heart to
heart, MGV

Be a composer of the music of your life and keep
the finest for the finish. Leave an impact and let your presence be
felt. Heart to heart, MGV

There is more to our song than what we have sung. Every minute of our lives have different tunes to sing. Enjoy the rhythm of life. Heart to heart, MGV

There is more to our life story than we have read. Unleash your power from within. Heart to heart, MGV

There is more to our life than we ever thought. Discover your purpose in life. Heart to heart, MGV

Education or intelligence or position does not make a person
extraordinary. It is the consuming desire to accomplish something good
in life that matters most. Be an extraordinary person with a noble
purpose and intention. Heart to heart, MGV

Personality does not make a person extraordinary but your noble purpose in life. Be noble and great. Heart to heart, MGV

Be a person with a purpose and do things out of the ordinary. Yes, you can! Heart to heart, MGV

You are the oasis in the barren days of my life. You are the moonlight in my unstarry nights. You are the love of my life. Heart to heart, MGV

This is the perfect time
to listen to your heart, hear its beatings to live a happy life
because happiness lives in our hearts and waiting to be shared with
someone today. Heart to heart, MGV

Live this day with love
and compassion for others. Love and let love! Heart to heart, MGV

Mornings are always a
wonderful part of the day. It ushers in a new beginning and a fresh
start. Seize your day with passion and reach for your ultimate dream
in life. Yes now! Heart to heart, MGV

Stay within comfortable
distance, far enough to make other people grow. But never too far to
feel the care within their hearts. Heart to heart, MGV

True people are those
capable of loving and caring from a distance. Make your presence
felt by your beloved even if you are far and never take for granted
someone who loves you and miss you. Let love stay in your heart.
Heart to heart, MGV

Love is realizing that you love doing the things you hate because someone appreciates the efforts you make. Heart to heart, MGV ( thanks Rich)

You are what your choices are in life. It says something about who you are and what you are. Make an inventory of your choices and that’s your life. Change your choices and it will change your life. Heart to heart, MGV

Life sweetest joys are hidden in unsubstantial things. Moments that bring simple little pleasures one after another softly just like little pearls slipping off a string. Enjoy every single minute of your life because it is an unrepeatable moment and a miracle. Heart to heart, MGV

In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd. Miguel de Cervantes/MGV

Enjoy life to the fullest and live your passion today. Regret will never be yours tomorrow if you enjoy every mundane things with passion. Heart to heart, MGV

No more lonely nights just thinking of you sweetheart. Love is for real and not for fun, no matter what, no matter where and no matter how. Heart to heart, MGV

I love you sweetheart. You are my moonlight in my darkest nights. Heart to heart, MGV

In every journey in life we have to pause and think of our directions , absorb and embrace all the joy and happiness that comes with it and appreciate every minute details we encounter along the way. Happiness is not found at the end of the rainbow but along the course of the journey. Heart to heart, MGV

Never struggle to be on top, to be the first, to be above all. Never compete with others but yourself so you will not end up frustrated, stressed and out of steam. Take time to enjoy life every minute because there are no more rewinds. Seize your day! Heart to heart, MGV

If you don't like what you see in others, don't imitate it. Just be true to yourself and be yourself. Heart to heart, MGV

Know your limits and your place in the world to gain inner peace and complete joy in your heart. Heart to heart, MGV

You might not win the race but who cares? What counts most is the experience you gained plus the happiness you shared with others along the way. Heart to heart, MGV

The sweetest sounds and words that we always love to hear is " I LOVE YOU"... express your love today to your beloved. Love and let love! Heart to heart, MGV

Life is beautiful if we inspire others instead of filtering their thoughts. Heart to heart, MGV

Those who appear in your life - whether to help or to harm are all given by God. Meet all of them with a peaceful heart, but with a warrior's spirit. Heart to heart, MGV

You will fail many times but in failing you will learn, and in learning, you will find your way. Heart to heart, MGV

REMEMBER, there are no mistakes in life - only lessons. And lessons will keep on repeating themselves until learned. Heart to heart, MGV

Thanks God it's today! Seize your day with passion! Heart to heart, MGV

Live your life with a big and beautiful smile. This is a global gesture everybody understands. Smile! Heart to heart, MGV

Your expression is the most important in all your wardrobes because it is the best advertisement of YOU. Smile because it adds to your face value. Heart to heart, MGV

Be like a flower - bloom and smile beautifully. Smile is the best face-lift you can gift yourself and it comes for free! Be a free-bee and SMILE. Heart to heart, MGV

Laugh at yourself once in a while, just like others. Laughter is the best medicine with no prescription, no side effects and it is for free. No need to buy laughter and share it with others. Heart to heart, MGV

Thanks GOD it's today! Seize your day with hugs and kisses, smiles and laughter because it costs no money, right? Start your journey with a smile and let it go a long, long way. Heart to heart, MGV

Sweetheart, I love you. You are my first priority even though I am your last priority! But my priority of all priorities is just to love you with all my heart, mind and soul. Heart to heart, MGV

I love you ... you dwell in my heart and will dwell in my soul now and forever. I never regretted the day I found you because it made me whole and complete. Heart to heart, MGV

ENJOY the present moment until true love finds you. Just like a butterfly it will alight in your heart out of nowhere. Yes, love is on its way to your heart! Heart to heart, MGV

Love should not only be based on feelings but on commitment. Love is for keeps and it is not just for a passing thing. Thank you for loving me. Heart to heart, MGV

Express your thoughts and never impress others. But there are moments that silence is the best art of communication. Be silent once in a while if it only means peace and serenity within yourself. Heart to heart, MGV

In our journey in life , we sometimes have to move backward to take a better step forward. Yes, shift gear and move towards your passion. Love and let love. Heart to heart, MGV

Thanks for reading...

Heart to heart,


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