Sunday, August 14, 2011

A heart to heart QUOTES in mid - August

When you allow other people's words to stop you, they will. Listen to your heart. Heart to heart, MGV

A critic is someone who finds fault without a search warrant. Never criticize unless you are perfect. Heart to heart, MGV

A fault is one of the easiest things to find. Never be a fault – finder, instead bring out the best in others. Heart to heart, MGV

Overcome the many efforts of others to pull you down. Be successful in life and respond to criticism with a warrior spirit. Heart to heart, MGV

Don't let critics scare you. Believe in yourself and live your dreams. Heart to heart, MGV

If you are afraid of criticism, you will end up doing nothing. Heart to heart, MGV

If you want a place in the sun, you will have to expect to receive some blisters and have some sand kicked in your face. Never be scared of critics because they are also scared of themselves. Heart to heart, MGV

Criticism is a compliment when you know by heart what you are doing is right. Go for it and believe in yourself. Heart to heart, MGV

Time to say “thank you” and “please” and make yourself valuable to someone. Know that today is the day that you prayed for. Heart to heart, MGV

Tackle a problem bigger than you and look for miracles going towards you. Heart to heart, MGV

Make a small improvement in some area of your life and help someone who has no opportunity to repay you. You will discover that life is so beautiful. Heart to heart, MGV

Change your thinking from TGIF to TGIT - “Thank God It's Today” and do at least three things that will take you out of your comfort zone. Choose to love God and celebrate people. Heart to heart, MGV

Know that the time to be happy is here – the time to be happy is now. LIVE by the Golden Rule so you will never have to apologize for any actions tomorrow. Heart to heart, MGV

Leave others a little better than you found them and take small steps to conquer bad habit. Never be afraid to ask for help. Heart to heart, MGV

Observe that every day the earth praises the Lord. Give your best time of the day to communion with God. Heart to heart, MGV

Give thanks for your daily bread and evaluate your actions not by the harvest but by the seeds you plant. Give of your best. Heart to heart, MGV

“The moon said to the stars, do not look at my dark side for it is unseen by me, and unworthy of love. And the stars said, I see your darkness & light and love your contrasting nature. Would it be love if I only loved the half that reflected my shining? At a distance you only see my light. Come closer and know that I am you.” Rumi /MGV

All we need is love ... yes, LOVE is all there is. Cherish it. Heart to heart, MGV

“Love should be soft and lovely like flowers. It should be immovable and clear like the peaks and it should be immeasurable like the sky.” Heart to heart, MGV

“Love is like a game of cards. You cannot get aces all the time. You have got to play the cards you get and play your hand as best as you can. For when the great scorer comes to write against your name, he will not note whether you won or lost but how you LOVED.” Heart to heart, MGV

“An insincere friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an insincere friend will wound your heart .” Heart to heart, MGV

“The movement of love has its own music. Thank you for the music of love.” Heart to heart, MGV

"Don't stay where you are tolerated, go where you are celebrated"

Be thankful , positive and just be yourself. Love thy self above all. Heart to heart, MGV

Be persistent, confident and committed with your duties. Strive for excellence and quality like no other. Heart to heart, MGV

Be enthusiastic and stay focused with a forgiving heart. Heart to heart, MGV

Be creative and effective in everything that you do. Never ever settle for less. Heart to heart, MGV

The fastest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time. Yes, first things first. Heart to heart, MGV

The only one who will be remembered are those who have done one thing exceedingly well. Be different and excel like no other. Heart to heart, MGV

Be focused, not on something else, but what is on hand. Heart to heart, MGV

Let us not get tired of giving our best. It is the measure of what we are. Heart to heart, MGV

There is no finish line and no age limit in the race towards excellence. Go for excellence instead of perfection. Heart to heart, MGV

Love should be like the river that retains water even in the hottest season. Heart to heart, MGV

True people are those capable of caring from a distance; far enough to make other people grow, but never too far to feel the care within your hearts. Heart to heart, MGV

A person with a purpose does things out of the ordinary. Heart to heart, MGV

Personality does not make a person extraordinary. Heart to heart, MGV

Education, intelligence nor position will not make a person extraordinary. Heart to heart, MGV

What makes a person extraordinary is his noble purpose – the consuming desire to accomplish something good in life. Heart to heart, MGV

Now is the time to release anything that no longer serves your highest purpose. Heart to heart, MGV

If you think you are living in a world of secrets and lies, then shift your paradigm. Be true to yourself, be what you really are and not what others want you to be. Heart to heart, MGV

Follow what you say or walk your talk and be a spark where ever you are. Inspire and bring out the best in others. Heart to heart, MGV

We have different battles in life, levels and darkness that must be confronted. Remember that at the end of a tunnel or after darkness or behind the darkest clouds, comes the BRIGHTEST LIGHT. Heart to heart, MGV

Never get tired from helping. Never get tired from loving. Never wait for people to reciprocate things. Just do what we are supposed to do until we figure out how to make things better. Aika/Heart to heart, MGV

"In the light, you sing in my heart and dance like wine in my head." Rumi / MGV

"The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along." Rumi/MGV

"Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of that which you really love." Rumi/MGV

Now I am here, what else can I do but love? Rumi/MGV

What a joy, to travel the way of the heart. Rumi/MGV

Don't wait until it's too late to tell someone how much you love, how much you care. Because when they're gone, no matter how loud you shout and cry, they won't hear you anymore. (thanks to Rich) Heart to heart, MGV

“I made a list of special people in my life with a pencil, When your name comes, I decided to use a permanent marker because I want to keep you in my life forever.” Thanks Rich/Heart to heart, MGV

“Forgive my eyes for admiring your beauty. You stole my heart the moment you looked at me,
call me crazy, call me insane, every time my heart beats it mentions your name. “ Thanks Rich/Heart to heart, MGV

‎"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."-Oscar Wilde /MGV

“When it comes to true love, we are all submissive. For in order to truly love we must submit of ourselves and them to us.” Manivannan Chellappan /Heart to heart, MGV

“Friends are quiet Angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.” Heart to heart, MGV

"To the world you might be one person; but to one person you might be the world." Heart to heart, MGV

We all have the right to twinkle and shine like a star. Be a star among the stars. Why not? Heart to heart, MGV

Love is NOT LOVE until you give it away. Heart to heart, MGV

“To keep the friendship or to look away. That is the question. When do we know holding on is worth it? When do we know a friend deserves a little bit more of faith?” The answer is your choice. Cherish your friends no matter what happens because time heals. Friends will always occupy some spaces in your heart forever. Heart to heart, MGV

"Do not think that love in order to be genuine has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired. Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies." ~ Mother Teresa / MGV

If you can't take the heat don't tickle the dragon. Anonymous/Heart to heart, MGV

I would rather have one red rose while I can still appreciate its beauty and fragrance than a truckload of roses when I am already gone forever. Heart to heart, MGV

"There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from."
Elizabeth Kubler – Ross / MGV

We all have everything, except that we don't realize it. Nothing is only in our minds. Heart to heart, MGV

Thank you for reading ...

Heart to heart,


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