Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A heart to heart !Quotes - WOW Words of Wisdom - 2

It was spring, but it was summer I wanted -
The warm days, and the great outdoors
It was summer, but it was fall I wanted -
The colorful leaves, and cool, dry air.
It was fall, but it was winter I wanted -
The beautiful snow, and the joy of the holiday season.
I was a child, but it was adulthood I wanted -
The freedom and the respect.
I was 20, but it was 30 I wanted -
To be mature, and sophisticated
I was middle – aged, but it was 20 I wanted -
The youth, and the free spirit
I was retired, but it was middle-age I wanted -
The presence of mind, without limitations.
My life was over,
But I never got what I wanted.

Jason Lehman

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You will never change your actions until you change your mind.

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We should learn as if we live forever and live as if we will die tomorrow.

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“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.”

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“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether this happens at 20 or 80, Anyone who keeps on learning not only remains young, but becomes consistently more valuable regardless of physical capacity.”

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“Learn from others. Learn to see in the challenges of others the ills you should avoid. Experience is a present possession that keeps us from repeating past in the future. Life teaches us by giving up new problems before we solve the old ones.”

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

You will find out that happiness is chasing your dreams , not reaching them.

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥
“You're not truly free until you actively pursue and have been made captive by your supreme mission in life.”

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

“Success always starts with a dream that seems impossible but when that dream is pursued and worked, it gradually comes true over time. Nothing worthwhile happens over night. The road to success runs uphill, so don't expect to break any speed records.”

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Success takes time. Once you get your dream going, you have to maintain its momentum. You can't afford to stop along the way. The hardest thing to do in pursuing your dreams is to get it rolling from a standing stop. You want to have to do that only once – the first time.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

“The world makes room for a person on a pursuit. Like a fire truck with its lights on or a police car with its sirens blaring, people may not know where you're going, but they know you're off to something important.”

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Don't be caught out in the backyard looking for four-leaf clovers when opportunity knocks at your front door.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows that it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be eaten. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows that it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or a gazelle; when the sun comes up you'd better be running.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

When you discover your mission you will feel its demand. It will fill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it. W. Clement Stone

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

When a person makes a decision to pursue, the facts don't count. The past doesn't count. The odds don't count. The only thing that matters is the decision to pursue.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

“Nothing brings greater joy to the heart of a leader, parent, or spouse than to see men and women pursuing their purpose in life. Now is the time to climb out of the grandstands and onto the playing fields. Welcome to the pursuit.”

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

No boundaries. What a great slogan this makes for living our lives. We should do what takes us out of our comfort zones. CHASE for our dreams in life!

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Be like David. Find a giant and slay it. ( Find an obstacle big enough!)

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Always pick an obstacle big enough that it matters when you overcome it.

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Tradition offers no hope for the present and makes no preparation for the future. Day by day, year by year, broaden your horizon.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Progress in every age results only from the fact that there are some men and women who refuse to believe that what they know to be right cannot be done.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Be involved in something bigger than you.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

“We are the wire, God is the current. Our only power is to let the current pass through it.” Carlo Carretto.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

If you really want to defend what you believe, live it.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

All that is necessary to break the spell of inertia and frustration is this: act as if it were impossible to fail.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

All great achievements require time and persistence. Be persevering, because the last key on the ring may be the one that opens the door.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Hanging on one second longer than your competition makes you a winner. Become famous for finishing important, difficult tasks.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

It's been said that a great oak is only a little nut that held its ground.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Too many took hold of opportunity but let go of it too soon.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Many people fail in life because they believe in the adage: “ If you don't succeed, try something else.” But success eludes those who follow such advice. The dreams that came true did so because people stuck to their ambitions. They refused to be discouraged. They never let disappointment get the upper hand. Challenges only spurred them on to greater efforts.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

You will be judged by what you finish, not by what you start. If you don't see results right now, don't worry. God does not pay by the week, but He pays at the end.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

You always uncover opportunity by applying persistence to possibilities. When looking at the root meaning of the word succeed, you will find that it simply means to perservere and follow through. “Any diamond will tell you that it was just a hunk of coal that stuck to its job and make good under pressure.”

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

The road to success runs uphill, so don't anticipate a sprint.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Impatience is costly. Your greatest mistakes will happen because of impatience.

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Most people fail simply because they're impatient and they cannot join the beginning until the end.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

The power to hold on in spite of everything, to endure – this is the winner's quality. To endure is greater than to dare. The difference between impossible and the possible lies simply in a person's determination.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Best Advice in Two Lines: "SILENCE is the best ANSWER for all QUESTIONS... and SMILING is the best REACTION in all SITUATIONS." :-)

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

“Laugh at yourself and at life. Not in the spirit of derision or whining self-pity, but as a remedy, a miracle drug, that will ease your pain, cure your depression, and help you to put in perspective that seemingly terrible defeat and worry with laughter at your predicaments, thus freeing your mind to think clearly toward the solution that is certain to come. Never take yourself too seriously.” Og Mandino

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

If you have time to whine and complain about something, then you have the time to do something about it. Anthony J. D'Angelo

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

"All animals, except man, know that the principal business of life is to enjoy it." Samuel Butler

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

“We are not put on earth for ourselves, but are placed here for each other. If you are there always for others, then in time of need, someone will be there for you.”

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

“Run your fingers through my soul. For once, just once, feel exactly what I feel, believe what I believe, perceive as I perceive, look, experience, examine, and for once; just once, understand.”

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

It is not how many times we kissed, how many times we embraced or how many times we expressed our love and affection to each other, but how many times you said “I love you” and you really meant it from your heart. It is not easy to miss someone and it is easy to really love someone . What is difficult if you only take for granted the feelings meant for you.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))
“What is the quality of your intent?

Certain people have a way of saying things that shake us at the core. Even when the words do not seem harsh or offensive, the impact is shattering. What we could be experiencing is the intent behind the words. When we intend to do good, we do. When we intend to do harm, it happens. What each of us must come to realize is that our intent always comes through. We cannot sugarcoat the feelings in our heart of hearts. The emotion is the energy that motivates. We cannot ignore what we really want to create. We should be honest and do it the way we feel it. What we owe to ourselves and everyone around is to examine the reasons of our true intent. My intent will be evident in the results.” Thurgood Marshall

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Unconditional Love is easier than you think. It just means that you continue to feel Love and show Love without any mental demand that Love be returned. To demand love be returned is a state of selfishness. This is why, we are told to "Love our enemies".. Unselfish Love is the only Real Love.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

There are times that we have to listen to our brain to save our heart.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Even if I cried, even if you made me cry, I still love you now and forever.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.”
Steve Maraboli

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

“She is mine own,
And I as rich in having such a jewel
As twenty seas, if all their sand were pearl,
The water nectar, and the rocks pure gold.”

~ William Shakespeare

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“Into each life some rain must fall.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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“HAPPINESS comes not from aiming for the sky, but in enjoying life on the ground.”

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No rain, no rainbow.

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You can never leave everything to FATE, sometimes you have to do something to point it in the right direction.

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The world is shaped by love and the problem we now have is the absence of true love.

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Some friends bring ruin on us, but a true friend is more loyal than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24)

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Never depend on single income. Make investment to create second source.

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If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need.

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Don't save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.

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Never test the depht of river with both feet.

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Don't put your eggs in one basket.

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Honesty is a very expensive gift. Not everybody can give it to you.

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“The heart already knows what the mind can only dream of, trust your heart." ~Unknown

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

What really matters most in life are not the possessions you own but what you carry in your heart.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Real friends are those with whom you can dare to be yourself, people with whom you can dream aloud with no inhibitions.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

You can't bake a cake without breaking the eggs. Be the change wherever you are.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Listen when others talk and hear what they are saying.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

We go as we come to this world. In the final analysis, nothing is ours to keep.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Who you are is what makes you special. Do not change for anyone.

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What lies ahead will always be a mystery. Do not be afraid to explore it.

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When life pushes you over, you push back harder.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Where there are choices to make, make the one you won't regret.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

YOU are my only love, the wellspring of my life.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Why things happen will never be certain. Take in stride and move forward.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

My greatest joy is loving you, only you and you alone.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

‎"A CHILD reminds us that PLAYTIME is an essential PART of our daily ROUTINE"(Ralph Waldo Emerson) and "We can be CHILDLIKE without being CHILDISH." (Christopher Meloni)

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

"The one thing all famous authors, world class athletes, business tycoons, singers, actors, and celebrated achievers in any field have in common is that they all began their journeys when they were none of these things. Yet still, they began their journeys." - Mike Dooley

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Your thoughts are the architects of your destiny. Take care of your thoughts and see an architectural design of your future.

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

People come and go in our lives. We laugh and cry with friends and eventually separate ways. Those who made us cry will haunt our memories forever so never ever play with feelings of others.

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

Let your LOVE flow like river Nile. Love like no other.

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥
The most extraordinary thing about the oyster is when irritations get into its shell. The shell does not like it but cannot get rid of it. The shell uses the irritations to do the loveliest thing an oyster ever has a chance to do. If there are irritations in our lives today, there is only one prescription :

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Work like you don't need money. Take pride with passion.

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

Love like you have never been hurt before. Love like no other.

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Dance your favorite steps like no one is watching. Who cares? As long as you enjoy to the maximum level.

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“Every person is important. It does not matter whether you play the violin, the flute, the cello, or the drums; you are still part of the orchestra.”

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Faith connects the gaps.

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Prayers bridges distance.

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Love narrows sufferings.

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Whoever has GRATITUDE will be given more, they will have an abundance.

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In our search to rebuild a better tomorrow, we may not become a celebrity or popular person on our way to a comeback trail, but things can become better, much better.

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥
When things look bad just remember and believe that happiness is always possible. It is within our hearts.

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We might experience failure in our lives but remember we have a comeback power embedded in our system.

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Be an asset to yourself and start all over again whenever you fail. It is never too late to start anew, life is no contest.

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

Change yourself instead of changing your world.

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Nothing in life can keep us down except our own thinking. Heads up and face life the way it should be.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

If we want a good quality of life, we must have a good quality of thought.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Our thoughts lead our life direction so we must always feel good, stay happy and expect the best.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

“Great is the person who does not show hatred over what is lost, but instead, shows gratefulness over what is left.”

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

When we start to count flowers, we cease to count weeds.

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When we start to count blessings, we cease to count needs.

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When we start to count laughter, we cease to count tears.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

When we start to count memories, we cease to count years.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

“Laughter is a unique medicine that places your problems in perspective, relaxes your tense muscles, reassures those around you and helps you to enjoy life even when you don't have everything you want as of this moment.”

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

The secret of closeness is concern, the secret of love is sacrifice, the secret of happiness is giving and the secret of life is God.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

To get the best out of life, one must face the past without regret, handle the present with confidence and prepare for the future without fear.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Keep the faith and drop the fear.

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Don't believe your doubts and don't doubt your beliefs.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Life is wonderful if you know how to live.

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We live another day or we may just fade away like a memory.
Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Behind every storm is surely the rainbow of hope and sunshine.
Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Learn from our mistakes, because life would be so boring if we are all perfect.
Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Thanks for stress so that we can be reminded to relax and put variety in our lives.
Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Have a thousand and one reasons to be thankful because life is beautiful with no rewind.
Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

“Wherever you are, please be gentle, for FEELINGS IS EVERYWHERE".

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

“The best TEACHERS teach from within, not just from the book.”

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

It is amazing to realize that even if the world around us changes so fast, the heart longs for the same friends to share memories with. (thanks to Vivs D.)

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Lord, I am so much grateful
that I have another day to live,
that I can make things better if not best this time,
that I can share the simple blessings of making someone smile,
that I can express how much my friends mean to me.
Thanks so much for your love and your blessings.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Love and appreciation are identical vibrations. Appreciation is the vibration of alignment with who-you-are. Appreciation is the absence of everything that feels bad and the presence of everything that feels good. When you focus upon what you want - when you tell the story of how you want your life to be - you will come closer and closer to the vicinity of appreciation, and when you reach it, it will pull you toward all things that you consider to be good in a very powerful way. (Abraham)

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

It is not material things that give us a good life but real affection, genuine love and friendship of people around us.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

“Make it a practice to judge persons and things in the most favorable light at all times and under all circumstances.”

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Sometimes we come to a turning point in life and that is to make the right decision. Time is gold, fleeting and it is more valuable than money.
Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Life is not always the way we want it to be. What matters most is we live it with good intention and give happiness to those we meet along the way.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Each day is a new opportunity, I choose to make this a great one.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Everything I desire comes to me easily and effortlessly because I express gratitude at all times.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))
I have everything I shall need for as long as I live.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Become aglow with the spirit. Move forward today, serving the Lord. Remember to pray, and remain patient.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Today’s trials and tribulations will reveal a welcome solution or lesson tomorrow.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Hold tightly to hope, as the future with our God is bright.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))
The best place to rest your head is on a clear conscience.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better that your current situation.

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

Another day, another chance to make things right. A new day is indeed a gift not all are given. Thanks for the gift of life!

Love and smile (((◕‿◕✿)))

"The Pencil and the Eraser"

PENCIL: I'm sorry...

ERASER: For what? You didn't do anything wrong.

PENCIL: I'm sorry because you get hurt because of me. Whenever I made a mistake, you're always there to erase it. But as you make my mistakes vanish, you lose a part of yourself. You get smaller and smaller each time.

ERASER: That's true. But I don't really mind. You see, I was made to do this. I was made to help you whenever you do something wrong. Even though one day, I know I'll be gone and you'll replace me with a new one, I'm actually happy with my job. So please, stop worrying. I hate seeing you sad.

"Parents are like the eraser whereas their children are the pencil. They are always there for their children, cleaning up their mistakes. Sometimes along the way, they get hurt, and become smaller/older, and eventually pass on. Their children will eventually find someone new (spouse), but parents are still happy with what they do for their children, and will always hate seeing their precious ones worrying, or sad."

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

"Be prepared for hard times when your days are good. Do not wait 'til times are hard and sigh for good days."

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Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it.

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“Life's road is straigth and narrow, with mountains we climb, and the only way to get there is one step at a time.”

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“The WAY you are right now, the very quality of your life is decided by the type of relationships you hold. Make the effort to understand people around you.

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For just this moment, stop seeing the world through the physical realm and see within. There is inner joy and peace.

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Life is not about the things we possess, but about inner joy and peace. Things are just things after all.

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Look inward to see what brings you joy, and find it there. Love and happiness abides in your heart.

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Every professional starts as an amateur, a fact even the best of the best were at the bottom to begin with.

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Events and people in your life came for a reason, a very good reason.

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You are a part of someone else's life for a reason as well, and the best reason there is.

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Touch the lives of people because for every life you touch, you gain treasures for your own, a treasure that nobody can take it away from you.

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The time to relax is when you don't have time for it. ~Attributed to both Jim Goodwin and Sydney J. Harris

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Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of mental illness. ~Richard Carlson

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Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. ~Ovid

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For fast-acting relief, try slowing down. ~Lily Tomlin

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No one can get inner peace by pouncing on it. ~Harry Emerson Fosdick

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We live longer than our forefathers; but we suffer more from a thousand artificial anxieties and cares. They fatigued only the muscles, we exhaust the finer strength of the nerves. ~Edward George Bulwer-Lytton

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Give your stress wings and let it fly away. ~Terri Guillemets

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“The only people who never fails are those who never try.”

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Never get tired from helping. Never get tired from loving. Never wait for people to reciprocate things. Just do what we are supposed to do until we figure out how to make things better.

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

“Forgive my eyes for admiring your beauty. You stole my heart the moment you looked at me,
call me crazy, call me insane, every time my heart beats it mentions your name. “

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"Even in my solitude I am as I would be in front of a guest."

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Why is it that ONLY OTHERS ARE SPECIAL,significant TO YOU?Why is it that your own self is not important,not special to you?You ensure that you cook delicious food for your guests ; you serve them in your best dinnerware.Someday do this for yourself.But do this in such a manner THAT YOU REMAIN AWARE OF ALL THAT YOU DO!Discourse by:Anandmurti Gurumaa

Your face is your best advertisement. Add a value to your face …. smile!

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Choose to be happy and feel better. It is impossible to smile if you don't feel good from the inside.

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Never say “ I can't do it”, instead shout to the world “ I will try” because it will work wonders.

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Be thankful with challenges because it simply means you have the ability beyond your powers to do your roles in life.

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Never give up or quit trying. Go on to water and fertilize your dreams to nurture the seeds of your vision.

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Never worry of anything if you quest for your dreams in life. Begin with a million of hopes, aspirations and determinations to move on, after all, life is all about moving on.

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

Whatever blessings you receive in your life is not so that you can keep it all by yourself. Part of it is intended to be shared to others.

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

People who share their blessings always receive. Selfishness will only end in self-destruction.

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥
Dear Child … a daughter.

You have My thumbprint upon you. You are a princess, did you know that? You are My child, the daughter of THE King! I look at you and see a precious, priceless pearl. There is no ocean I would not swim, no mountain I would not climb, no price I would not pay to have you and to be with you and call you my own. I already have. I have done all that I could, given all that there is. I desire to be with you every moment of every day. How I long for you to talk to Me every day. My love for you never grows cold. My promises are never broken (contrary to what he might lead you to believe). My character never changes. And you, my daughter have been made in My image. I love you dearly, unconditionally and completely. I understand every emotion that you have. I've been there. I count every tear that you cry. I know every hair on your head. And do you know what? I even know your weaknesses and your failures and your fears. I know those hidden parts of you that you wish would go away. Those dark corners of your world that you stuff deep down, praying that no one will ever see. I have already seen them and they will not change my love for you. Nothing will. I love your heart and I desire all of it. I just wanted to remind you today of how beautiful you are and how precious you are to Me. With Unmeasurable Love,

"Your Heavenly Father"

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

A sense of purpose is the best driving force to live.

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

When you have a reason to live, you will never have a reason to quit.

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

Ponder on the beauty of life and living: ~ ~ ~

cherish your vision ~
cherish your ideals ~
cherish the music that stirs in your heart ~
the beauty that forms in your mind ~
the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts.

If you remain true to them, your world will at least be built.

Only great passions, can elevate the human soul to achieve great things.

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

If you know that God's hand is in everything, you can leave everything in God's hands.

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

Good things come to those who wait ~ ~ ~
Better things come to those who try ~ ~ ~
Best things come to those who BELIEVE ~ ~ ~
But desired things come to those who PRAY.
SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

Let the calm of morning ~ ~ ~
give you enough strength for every task ~ ~ ~
Let the sun light up your face ~ ~ ~
and let God's love embrace you ~ ~ ~

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

MY DAUGHTERs ( PLEASE SHARE because we love our daughters )

I look at you and I don't see the passage of time.
I see my little girl playing dress up,
running through the yard
playing on a swing.
I will try and respect the fact that you are older now
and that the decisions you will make are your own
but you must understand that to me,
you will always be my little girl.
I may not be able to carry you in my arms anymore,
but I will always carry you in my heart.

Your MOM will always be your mom, no matter what, no matter where and no matter when. I love you my daughters and there are no favorites because you are all special gift from above.

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

"Anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind." So be careful.

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,


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