Sunday, July 29, 2012

A heart to heart QUOTES on WORDS

What is your idea of peace?  Is it the absence of trouble, of conflict, of problems?  All of us have a varied definition and idea of what peace is.  Throw away your differences and look after one another and stop thinking only of ourselves or others.  We all have differences.  When we keep on checking on others' flaws, conflict arises.  Let us make ourselves a channel of peace.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Your words have the power to start fires or quench passion. Choose your words and pause before you speak to avoid regrets. Heart to heart, MGV

Choose your words wisely and speak softly while you may, unless you wish to persuade with passion. Heart to heart, MGV

Kind words do not cost much. Be gentle with your tongue. Heart to heart, MGV

Never carry a grudge.  Forgoing a revenge and daring to forgive an injury is the greatest strength ever of you.   Heart to heart,   MGV

The baggage of unforgiveness drags a person down and it is a  heavy load to carry as we travel  in a journey called life.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Reach out for others and build bridges instead of burning it with hatred and despair.  Heart to heart,   MGV

Revenge is not a good companion when you travel in life because getting even will resort to imbalance and unhappiness.  Travel light along the highway of life.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Never ignore the impact of your destiny in life, forgive and let go of the barriers.   Heart to heart,   MGV

People need loving most when they deserve it least.  I love you ever more.   Heart to heart,   MGV

When we think about offenses, trouble grows;  when we forgive, trouble goes.  Forgive and forget, yes it is difficult, but worth the inner joy and happiness.   Heart to heart,   MGV

When confronted with the issue to forgive and forget, no excuses are necessary.  Let it be.   Heart to heart,   MGV

In the final analysis, what really matters is what happens in us, not to us – greater joy and peace of mind.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Patting a fellow on the back is the best strategy  to get a chip off his chest.  Forgiveness saves the energy of anger, hatred and waste of time.  Heart to heart,   MGV

GIVING and FORGIVING are the two marks of greatness.  Be great.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Not forgiving someone makes a big deal of damage to the system it is stored than the person on which it is poured.   Forgive and forget and see a smiling YOU.  Heart to heart,   MGV

Hate someone if you want to be miserable all your life.   Come to think of it.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Amnesia is the best reaction if somebody wronged you.  Let it pass and never get even.   Choose happiness over hatred.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Dare to be yourself in the midst of adversity and crisis.  Face the world with courage.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Choose right over wrong.  RIGHT is always right.  Heart to heart,   MGV

Choose ethics over convenience.  Go out of your comfort zone.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Choose truth over popularity. Honesty is still the best policy.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Travel the path of integrity without looking back.  Face everyone with a smile.   Heart to heart,   MGV

There is no wrong time to do the right thing.  Stand for what is right even if you are alone.  Heart to heart,   MGV

Love life and observe hundreds of miracles everyday, otherwise, you will see nothing.  It is there … just find it.  Heart to heart,   MGV

Be ready to reach for your dream wholeheartedly.  You are surrounded with million of dreams if you try to see them with passion.   Seize your dream.   Heart to heart,   MGV
There is a big opportunity right where you are now.  Yes, you are standing right in the middle of your own acres of diamonds.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Life is too short and can only be experienced once in a lifetime .  But life is a precious gift  to appreciate  and always be thankful.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Transform your faith, dream and goal into reality.  SEIZE them with passion and go for it.  Heart to heart,   MGV

Unlock your infinite possibilities.  Find the master key and use it with power to open every door of your dreams.   Heart to heart,   MGV

The most important thing that you can do with your life is to quest for a dream worth chasing and when you catch it, move forward and find a bigger dream.  Dream big and go for it.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Happiness is in chasing your dreams and not reaching for it.  The right pursuit brings happiness and joy.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Facts, past and odds does not matter if you decide to reach for your dreams.  Go where you have never gone before  and claim your dream with passion.   Heart to heart,   MGV

THINK BIG because life is too short. Reach out and march off the map and dig for diamonds instead of chasing butterflies.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Nothing brings greater joy to your heart if you live your purpose in life.  Now is the time to climb the stairs  and  onto the stage to claim your trophy of dreams you deserve.  Heart to heart,   MGV

When the sun comes up you would better be running.  Let the sleeping tiger in your system roar inside out.  Live your dream!   Heart to heart,   MGV

You are special. You are unique. You are one of a kind. You are a miracle. You have hidden potentials inside of you. Unleash all your potentials and be great! Heart to heart, MGV

If you can't see the bright side, polish the dull side.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Kind words make good echoes.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Life is short, pray long.  MGV

The best things in life are not things.  MGV

No GOD, no peace.  MGV

Know God, know peace.  MGV

Life is a measure to be filled,  not a cup to  be drained.  Heart to heart,  MGV

When you are green with envy, you are ripe with trouble.  Heart to heart,  MGV

The tongue weighs practically nothing, but few can hold it.  Heart to heart,  MGV

We stand tallest when we stoop to help others.  Heart to heart,  MGV

We receive and achieve only when we believe.  Heart to heart,  MGV

“There is a fountain of youth:  it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of the people you love.  When you learn to tap this source, you will have truly defeated age.” (Thanks Queen R)   MGV

Nobody will know to what heights or levels you can soar high.   YOU will only know if you spread your wings and fly or if you will be pushed to your limits.  Soar high to the next level.   Heart to heart,   MGV

We are all born originals so never die as copies, or xeroxed or duplicates.  Don't be a copycat, just be yourself and YOU alone.  You are one of a kind.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Be yourself because each one of us has a unique call or mission in life.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Never compare yourself with someone else.  Just do your very best and you will have satisfaction of a work well done.   Heart to heart,  MGV

You are unique,  one of a kind.  To be a copycat is to cheat yourself out of the fullness that you were born original.  Yes, be yourself.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Imitation is just an imitation.  Be original.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Be a star, a stand out and don't ever  blend in.  Heart to heart,   MGV

If a million of people say something untrue, it is still untrue.  Truth is never dependent upon consensus of belief.  Heart to heart,   MGV

It does not matter what anyone else believes;  you must believe.  Never take instruction for your personal life from a majority.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Never ever choose to quit because someone disagrees with you.  You can't please everybody, and that is a fact.   Heart to heart,   MGV

There should be something different in YOU.  If you don't stand out in a group,  if your life is not unique or different, then time to reevaluate yourself.  It is never too late to start all over again.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Giving LOVE is the greatest pleasure of the heart and receiving it back is the best treasure of the soul.   Thanks Queen R/MGV

Live life to its fullest and not just exist for the sake of living.   Heart to heart,  MGV

Listen with your heart and not just hear what others  say.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Cooperate with your mind, body and soul and not just  agree with others.   Heart to heart, MGV
status  heaven
Communicate your feelings rather than just talk it out with others.  Heart to heart,  MGV
Bloom where you are planted rather than just grow and survive the storms in life.   Heart to heart,  MGV

Invest in something rather than just spend for unnecessary things.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Create a beautiful world around you rather than just think of it.  Heart to heart, MGV

Excel in your work rather than just work for the compensation.   Heart to heart,  MGV

Give more of your talents instead of just share it with others.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Discern what is right or wrong rather than just decide on something.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Commit yourself rather than just being considerate.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Forget everything rather than just forgive.  Heart to heart,  MGV

We serve because we care rather than just help others.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Reconcile with others rather than just coexist with them.  Heart to heart,   MGV

Worship the Lord rather than just sing with the group.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Plan for the future rather than just think ahead of it.   Heart to heart,  MGV

Do things with passion.  Act on it rather than just dream forever.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Perceive what is in store for the future rather than just wait and see attitude. Heart to heart, MGV

Apply what you have learned or put action into theory rather than just read.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Reciprocate the feelings rather than just receive it half-heartedly.   Heart to heart, MGV

Focus on the priority rather than just choose among the choices.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Believe and go for it rather than just end up wishing to a star.  Heart to heart,   MGV

Help others with open arms rather than just offer an advise.  Heart to heart,   MGV

Impart your knowledge rather than just speak and tell.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Inspire others rather than just speak up.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Multiply your talents and potentials rather than just add something.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Improve for the better rather than just change.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Stretch your limits rather than just reach for it.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Pray hard without ceasing instead of just ponder on it.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Live for Jesus rather than just live for the future.  MGV
Change your word from " I " to " YOU" and you will see a happy world. Heart to heart, MGV

A SELF-CENTERED person never get anywhere because he thinks he is already there. Heart to heart, MGV

Look at your world in a broad, generous and friendly spirit, and you will find how wonderful it is full of love and joy. Heart to heart, MGV

Never borrow trouble so that you will not be in debt trouble. Heart to heart, MGV

Follow your heart and head in going to the right direction and you won't have to worry about your feet. Be there where your passion is. Heart to heart, MGV

We only have the present moment, so cherish it and make it best. Just learn from yesterday because there is no today if there is no yesterday.  Heart to heart,   MGV

Your past does not equal your future. Make today your best ever!~ Heart to heart, MGV

If you are happy, share and tell others. If you are not happy with yourself, CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY. Heart to heart, MGV

 Speak up. Speak out. Speak love. Speak in the name of love. Heart to heart, MGV

It is your choice to decide to do something now and forever to make your life from better to best. Heart to heart, MGV

Our destiny in life is determined by our choices, not by any chance. Heart to heart, MGV

In every accomplishment in life, whether great or small, starts with a decision. Decide now before it is too late. Heart to heart, MGV

Only you can hold yourself back. Spread your wings and fly. Heart to heart, MGV

Only you can stand in your own way. Move over and move forward.
Heart to heart, MGV

Always grateful for new beginnings and second chances.

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,


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