Thursday, December 6, 2012


“There is so much that we don’t see,  we don’t touch,  we don’t feel,  we don’t understand.”  It is high time to get out of your comfort zone and unleash those potentials.  Discover YOU.

Open the door sometime and look outside and see how much there is.

“The dream of today will be the reality of tomorrow.  Yet,  we have forgotten how to dream.”

“I have great hope for tomorrow.  And, my hope lies in the following three things – Truth,  Youth and Love.”

Truth,  Youth and Love.  That will be our hope for tomorrow.

As individuals,  we must not be satisfied with just becoming like everybody else.

“The loving person is not satisfied only to be unique,  to develop his uniqueness,  and to fight to maintain his uniqueness.   He wants to be the greatest,  because he realizes that this is something he can give away.”

“We think much less than what we know.  We know much less than what we love.  We love much less than what there is.  And to this precise extent,  we are much less than what we are.”

“We have potential to see,  and to feel,  and to touch,  and to smell, that we never dreamed of. These are things we want to be doing,  if we care about ourselves and if we love ourselves.”

“We think to be a grownup we must be independent and not need anyone.  And that is why we are all dying of loneliness.”

“You are all you have.  Therefore,  make yourself the most beautiful,  tender, wonderful,  fantastic person in the world.  And then you will always survive.”

“Perhaps love is the process of my leading you gently back to yourself.”  Not to whom I want you to be,  but to who you are.”

“My happiness is me,  not you.
Not only because you may be temporary,
But also because you want me to be what I am not.”

“I cannot be happy when I change merely to satisfy your selfishness.
Nor can I feel content when you criticize me for not thinking your thoughts.
Or for seeing like you do,
You call me a rebel.
And yet each time I have expected your beliefs
You have rebelled against mine.
I do not try to mold your mind.
I know you are trying hard enough to be just you.
And I cannot allow you to tell me what to be –  for I am concentrating to be me.”

“You said that I was transparent
And easily forgotten.
But why then did you try to use my lifetime,
To prove yourself who you are?”

We create time and then we become the slaves of time.

“We also create words and words are supposed to free us.  Words are supposed to make us able to communicate.  But words become boxes and bags in which we became trapped.”

“It is the weak who are cruel.  Gentleness can only be expected from the strong.”

In some way,  however,  small and secret,  each of us is a little mad.  Everyone is lonely at bottom and cries to be understood,  but we can never entirely understand someone else,  and each of us remains part stranger even to those who love us.  It is the weak who are cruel,  gentleness is to be expected only from the strong.  Those who do not know fear are not really brave,  for courage is the capacity to confront what can be imagined.

You can understand people better if you look at them – no matter how old or impressive they may be -  as if they are children.  For most of us never mature,  we simply grow taller.   Happiness comes only when we push our brains and hearts to the farthest reaches of which we are capable.  The purpose of life is to matter,  to count, to stand for something,  to have it make some difference that we lived at all.

Leo Rosten

Education is a constant process of change.

You can control your destiny,  that you can be what you want to be.

“If you don’t like the scene you are in,  if you’re unhappy,  if you’re lonely, if you don’t feel that things are happening,  change your scene.”

Paint a new backdrop.  Surround yourself with new actors.  Write  a new play – and if it is not a good play,   get the hell off the stage and write another one.  There are millions of plays -  as many as there are people.

“No one has ever taught anything to anybody.”  And it is true – you only teach yourself.

Carl Rogers

I love you, and I will take you as you are.

To learn and to change and to become,  man also needs freedom.  You’ve got to be free in order to learn.

We need to be free to create.

Sometimes by opening our mouths,  we make dreadful errors.

The most beautiful things could go on if we were silent.

You’ve got to be real.  Don’t be phony.  Come on as yourself.  The hardest thing in the world is to be something you are not.

rself.  And as you get closer and closer and closer to what you are,  be that,  and come on all the time that way. You’ll find it is an easy way to live.

The easiest thing to be in the world is you.  The most difficult thing to be is what other people want you to be.

Don’t let them put you in that position.  Find “you”,  who you are, come on as you are.  Then you can live simply.

You won’t be playing games  any more.  Just clear them all away and say,  “Here is me.  Take me for what I am with all my frailties,  all my stupidity,  and so on.  And if you can’t,  leave me alone.”

“Don’t order anyone to do anything.   You are not God.  You do not know what is in someone else’s  head.  You can guide but you can’t order.”

Try to communicate,  try to understand.

“Remember that you are a team.  Your dealings with people are only going to be as successful as you are together.  You are going to want to plan together what you are going to do because there are greater resources and strengths in two than there are in one.”

We must remind ourselves,  however,  that no change takes place without working hard and without getting your hands dirty

There are no formula and no books to memorize on becoming. I only know this:   I exist, I am,  I am here,  I am becoming,  I make my life and no one else makes it for me.   I must face my own shortcomings,  mistakes,  transgressions.  No one can suffer my non-being as I do,  but tomorrow is another day, and I must decide to leave my bed and live again.  And if I fail,  I don’t have the comfort of blaming you or life or God.

Leo Buscaglia – Living, Loving and Learning.

There is no need to hide because you are free as the wind blows. No one will chase you unless you are worth the chase. Because if you love someone, you will never make excuses or alibis just to give you some space. For all you know that someone also needs some space from you even more.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Sometimes we think and feel that staying away for awhile gives us some space or allow us some comfort zone from someone.  But if you really care, if you really love someone,  you can never afford to keep your distance.   You can never afford to live in your silence because you are hurting yourself even more.   Unless you really want to move on?  Then face the sun,  be brave enough to say goodbye.

Love at the very start is full of joy and happiness.  It gives meaning to a once lonely heart.  It gives energy,  inspiration,  enthusiasm,  smiles and laughter ... all those wondrous feelings beyond compare.   Feelings that simply exudes and even friends would feel it to the max.  But sometimes it just ends with  some petty and unreasonable beyond unreasonable reasons!  It has to end because the one you love just left without saying goodbye.  Not brave enough to face the sudden twist of fate or destiny of being loved no more....but love after all,  will find a new love to rest in your heart.  It takes time to heal,  it takes time to cry but just accept the fact,  love will be around in a new form.

And that very moment when you just woke up one day already in loved with someone.  Full of intensity.  Full of such wonderful feelings beyond compare.  Feelings that could never be fathomed or understood by anyone,  not even me.  A kind of feeling beyond reach,  beyond sight,  beyond touch.  Beyond all the barriers you could ever imagine.  Yet you  know that when there is love there is no distance because it is only in the mind.  Love is a magic.

Never ever take someone else's feelings for granted. Life is a boomerang and one day you will meet your Goliath.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

You might be enjoying your silence now.   You might be temporarily free from all the negative or positive sides of loving and being loved.  You might be depriving yourself of the happiness of being loved and missed.  But there is always an empty space in your heart.  A space of love and honey,  a space of happiness and contentment.  A space of trust  and confidence. A space for you and your inner self.

There is no limit to you,  you will always be exciting.  You will always have something to share.

The wonderful thing is,  you never really lose yourself.   Only temporarily.   If you want to find yourself,   you’re still there!

You don’t lose anything you ever had.

I’m still there!  I’m still there!  Inside!  Find me!  Develop me!  Share me!  And then you will find a little bit of what is essential!

Go ahead and look and look and look,  but you are not going to find it out there.  Nobody has your answers .- only you have your answers.  Happiness is inside you.

If you think you can pack up your bag and escape you,  you’re in for a mighty big surprise.  Who are you faced with in the mirror?

With all your hang-ups,  with all your fears,  with all your confusion,  with all your loneliness,  with all the things that you are.   So it’s time to begin looking where it makes sense to look.

What is essential is not out there.  What is essential is indeed you.

“If you want to find life you’ve got to look inside you.”

There are no classes in life,  there are no classes in love,  there are no classes in “ I am lonely what can I do?”

But what do we think is essential?  The body is only a vehicle.  It’s a magnificent vehicle because it carries what is essential,  but in itself,  is not essential.

“We forget that facts are not wisdom. We learn facts, and spend our lives filling our minds with facts that we consider to be essential.   But those facts are mostly useless static.”

Are you truly the you of you?  Or are you the you that other people have told you you are?

“Knowledge is not wisdom!   Learning alone is not wisdom.  Wisdom is the application of knowledge and facts.  Wisdom is realizing you know nothing.”

“Wisdom is saying,  “ My mind is open.   Wherever I am,  I’m beginning,  There is more to be realized by a hundred-fold that what I know.”  That’s the beginning of wisdom.”

Experience the togetherness.

Sometimes we think possessions are essential.  Big homes,  lots of money.   Other people.  Goals, big important goals are essential.  We spend our lives insuring ourselves against impending doom,  which we’re sure is just outside the door.  And by doing all of this,  we cease to live in the moment.
Leo Buscaglia – Living, Loving and Learning.

If there is something a lover is,  it’s a person who realizes that the only reality is the “now”.  Yesterday is gone,  and there’s nothing you can do about it.  It’s good because it brought you to where you are right now.  And in spite of what people have told you, this is a good place to be!!

Leo Buscaglia – Living, Loving and Learning

But there is nothing you can do about yesterday,  it isn’t there anymore.  And tomorrow?   Tomorrow is a wonderful thing to dream about.   It’s marvellous to dream about tomorrow,  but it isn’t real.  And if you spend your time dreaming about yesterday and tomorrow, you’re going to miss what’s happening to you and me right now.  And that is the real reality.  To be in touch.  Tomorrow is too nebulous.

Leo Buscaglia – Living, Loving and Learning.

Can you forgive?  Can you forget?  Can you say it’s OK?  Can you say,  “They are people, too?  And you take them in your arms and embrace them?  Then take your self in your arms.  Find out again that you are special,  that you are unique,  and you are wondrous,  that in all the world there is only one of you!!!   Hug yourself,  you sweet old thing!  Sure you are screwed up,  and sometimes you do dumb things and you forget that you are a human being,  but the most wonderful thing about you is that,  no matter where you are,  you have potential to grow.  You are just starting.  There is only this much of you now,  and there is an infinite amount to discover and to find!  Don’t spend your time crying!  Forgive others!  Forgive yourself.  Forgive yourself for not being perfect.  And accept the responsibility for your own life.

Leo Buscaglia – Living, Loving and Learning.

“You have your brush,  you have your colors, you paint paradise,  then in you go.”  Do it!  Take orange and magenta and blue and purple ... and green,  and yellow – and paint your paradise.   You can do that!  You can do it right now.  It’s your life that is essential.

It doesn’t matter who you have hurt,  if you’ve learned not to hurt again.  It doesn’t matter what mistakes you’ve made as long as you don’t make them again.  As long as you learn,  as long as you’re willing to take your life in your hands,  and kiss it and go on from there.   Then there is growth.  Then there is life.

Leo Buscaglia – Living, Loving and Learning

“If I have only five days to live I would tell so-and-so I love them”   I say do it now!

If I have five days left I would walk on the beach and watch a sunset.   What are you waiting for?

No one has insurance that you won’t die.  It’s the most inevitable thing,  it will happen to everyone and to all of us.  It teaches us what love is -  it’s open arms.  It’s freedom.  Keep your arms open and people will come and go -  as they will anyway.   You have no control.

Leo Buscaglia – Living, Loving and Learning.

Experience life;  agonize, scream, cry.  And then let it go.

What is essential is to live life in wonder.  All this magic that’s around us,  but we let it go by!

Life is a great river,  and it will flow,  no matter what you do or don’t do.  We can decide to flow with the river, and live in peace and joy and love,  or we can decide to battle it,  and live in agony and despair.   But the river doesn’t care.   Life doesn’t care.  In either case,  all of our streams run into the same sea.   It’s up to you.

Leo Buscaglia – Living, Loving and Learning.

What is essential is not only to take from life,  but it is essential that you put something back into it.

The purpose of life is simply to count, to matter,  to have it make some difference that you lived at all.   Leo Rosten

“To live in love is to live in life,  and to live in life is to live in love.”

Make your life fantastic!

“If the only you have is a hammer,  you tend to treat everything as if it were a nail.”

What is truly essential is invisible to the eye.

“Man used to keep his mind on his work,  and now he loses it in his mirror.”  Paul Reps

Wherever we are right now is important.

Wherever you are  love where you’re at for it all starts there.

I like me where I am now.   You can’t go on until you make that statement.   If I had a single wish in the world and had a magic wand,  I would wave it over everybody and have you say,  and have you believe,  “ I love me wherever I am right now,  right this minute, I’m great.”

Every once in a while you’ve got to let all things go.  And a wonderful thing happens when you do.  

You don’t find “nothing” but rather “everything” only now, unexpurgated,  it is years without effort.  It’s the most unique of feelings.

Learn to let our minds go without fear of losing them.

“It is wonderful for us to experience highs, and we should experience as many highs as we possibly can.   Build upon your highs, experience more – and more - and more – and more – in terms of potential,  and then even your lows become just low highs and are easier to accept and let go!”

“So what are we not?  We are not our mental static.  We are not our bodies.  We are not our programming.  We are not our education.  We are not our sensations.  We are not our perceptions.  We are not our power.  We are not our present feelings.  We are not our present responses. We are, in part, but we are a lot more.”

Bridges not barriers.

I give love because I love you,  not because I expect you to love me back.

If I give expecting something in return,  I’m sure to be unhappy.

When you say “good morning” to someone,  it’s because you  want to say it,  not because you expect something back.

“If we don’t expect,  we have all things.” says Buddha.

Love because you will to love.

Give because you will to give.

Flowers bloom because they must,  not because there are people fawning over them!

You live and love because you will.  Because you must.

“Every day you take from the ground,  you take from air,  you take from beauty – what are you giving back?  We never think about what we’re putting back,  do we?”

What is essential is invisible to the eye.

“Your love means so much for me,  I’ll cherish it for all eternity.”

In India,  every time you meet or say  goodbye to somebody,  you put your hands in front of you and say “NAMASTE”.  That means, “I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides.   I honor the place in you where ,  if you are at that place in you,  and I am at that place in me,  there is only one of us.”  NAMASTE.

Leo Buscaglia -  Living, Loving & Learning.

(  Leo Buscaglia )

Right knowledge,  to supply you with the tools necessary for your voyage.

Wisdom, to assure you that you are using the accumulated knowledge of the past in a manner that will best serve the discovery of your presence,  your “now”.

Compassion  to help you accept others whose ways may be different from yours,  with gentleness and understanding,  as you move with them or through them, or around them or your own way.

Harmony,  to be able to accept the natural flow of life.

Creativity,  to help you to realize and recognize new alternatives and unchartered paths along the way.

Strength,  to stand up against fear and move forward in spite of uncertainty,  without guarantee or payment.

Peace,  to keep you centered.

Joy,  to keep you songful  and laughing and dancing all along the way.

Love,  to be your continual guide towards the highest level of consciousness of which man is capable.

Unity,  which brings us back to where we started ... the place where we are at one with ourselves  and with all things.

Who cares if you love me no more or even care.  Who cares if you miss me no more or even think of me.   What matters most is I count on love,  I felt the joy and happiness loving you.   The feeling of love makes my heart jump for joy and smile maybe for eternity.That is all that matters as of the moment because no matter what I do,  you will never be mine.

Sometimes we think and feel that when we love someone and sooner or later being taken for granted or ignored with no reason at all makes our life miserable.   Come to think of it.   Love yourself even more and you will realize life is more beautiful.  If it is meant to be,  it will be.

Think big and dream big with hope like no other.

Sooner or later we will realize that people come and go because they are not meant to stay.

In your dealings with others you will discover that some are “people pleaser”  and some are “people user”.   They are only good or speak to you when then need something out of you.  Don’t despair at least you have done something good.  When you stop doing it they will realize your importance or your worth that nobody can replace.

When we love or care for someone,  as much as possible we want to keep in touch.  Even just a single “hi or hello”,  or “how are you” or” are you alright?” makes a difference in a relationship.  But ego comes in and all you hope is for that someone to do it first.   But there might be  initiative no more and the heart is broken out of wounded pride.

I give you my love,  my feelings together with my humble heart.   Take care of my heart lest it breaks because I took the risk of giving it to you.   The risk of losing you someday.

That moment when you have to express what you felt for some issues in life.  You have to let go of words not to impress but to express.  Fight for what you believe  in.  Stand up and deliver no matter how unpopular you become.  What matters is you stood up and say what you think is right rather than what you ought to be.

“I wish I could see inside your mind,  touch your thoughts,  step aside and realize how you feel for me , whatever it is!”

“It is the sameness that brings us close,  but it’s newness that will keep us together.”

“Maintain yourself as the others maintain themselves.”

“The big magical trip of life is digging it all out and discovering the wonderful you.”

“We are the only living creatures that can think about thinking.”

“We can analyze,  we can dream,  we can create in our minds -  that’s what it means to be human and that’s why it should give you a tremendous feeling of wonder and magic.”

“If I do anything for me,  I do it for you.   The closer I come to loving me,  the more love I have to give you. “

It takes two to see one.   You want to know who you are?  Look at the eyes of the people around you who love you.  They are the only people who will dare tell you’ve got dirt on your nose.

“We have  a choice to become either lovers or losers.   For to miss love is to miss life.”

“There is land of the living and the land of the dead,  and the bridge is love.  The only survival and the only meaning”

The greatest thing we have is life.

Where there is life,  there is hope.

“In  the end,  each one must define his or her individual life.  For it is your life alone,  nobody else’s .  And there is no other way.”

Don’t miss love.  It’s an incredible gift.

A lot of magic,  a lot of wonder,  a lot of confusion.  But that’s what it means.  That’s what life is.  And all so exciting.   Get into that box and you’ll never be bored.

Learn again to trust.

There is a world to be appreciated.

“There are fantastic things to be seen and to be felt and to be desired and to be aimed toward and to be achieved.”

You are an incredible gift,  and you are yours.

You are nothing if you think you are nothing.

The best things in life will go on forever and a day.

Every person deeply needs communication plus the gift of friendship.

“The body may creak a little but there is no arteriosclerosis of emotions.”  

Older people literally hunger for caring and affection and physical touching,  just like anybody.

Loving and relating  with each other  plus togetherness must be lived in the present moment only. You have to enjoy now,  you have to grow and live it  now to its fullest,  you have to do what is right for people now.

If you care and love someone,  your ultimate goal is to want them to be all that they are and you will motivate them every inch of the way. You will bring out only the best for them.

Every moment that your special someone do something that helps them to grow or learn something  to become more,  you sing out loud and dance to show you appreciate the minute of becoming more than they are.  Celebrate the growth and individuality.

You are not growing alone,  you are growing altogether,  but hand in hand,  side by side,  without melting one into the other.

You are one of a kind,  one in a million, original and unique person,  it’s not possible to melt into somebody else.  Embrace individuality.

“Sing and dance together and be joyous,  but let each one also be alone.”

Khalil Gibran

Express from your heart  to someone today and say, “ I want to quiver with you.”

“Give your hearts,  but not into each other’s keeping,  for only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.  Stand together and yet not too near together for the pillars of the temple,  in order to hold the temple up,  stand apart.  The oak tree and cypress do not grow in each other’s shadow.”

Khalil Gibran

Don’t ever grow in anybody’s shadow,  you cannot grow in someone else’s shadow.

“You find your own sunlight and you get a big and wonderful and as glorious as possible.”

“Let’s communicate,  let’s talk,  let’s let it happen.”  But it doesn’t happen in someone else’s shadow.  There you wilt,  you forget who you are,  you lose you and if you’ve lost you,  you’ve lost the most essential thing you have.

So you’re one and one but you’re two and you’re together.  You’re  an “I” , He’s an “I” and you are together an “us.”

“Loving relationships depend upon open,  honest,  beautiful communication.  Never have a short argument.  Never!”

“We live very close together.  So,  our prime purpose in life is to help others. And if you can’t help them at least don’t hurt them.”

Dalai Lama of Tibet

“Each of us stands alone in this vast world,  momentarily bathed in a ray of sunlight.  And suddenly it’s night.

“If you stand together with me,  we can see the sunlight,  and believe me,  the night won’t seem so frightening.”

Relations never leave each other, or never break,
They just sometimes sit silently
Deep in each other’s heart saying
"I am still here,  are you there?"

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥

There is magic in you that makes me quiver!

In every sunrise and in every sunset I see you clearly.   You share with me those moments , and I can feel it deep in my heart.   Though you are out of touch,  out of reach and out of sight,  you live in my heart,  forever and a day.

That moment when someone said you have to fight for someone you love.  Oh yes, we fight for them and try to hold on forever.   But people come and go and some are not really meant to stay forever.   So,  let go because the mere fact that someone just ignore you is indicator for a time to let go.

Bring back the magic in you.  Add life and colors to YOU because you are unique.

Better to get up late and be wide awake than to get up early and be asleep all day.

You have the potential and there is something there.   Just believe in magic and unleash all potentials with no inhibitions.   Just be you.

It is time to TRUST.  It’s time to start to build little bridges and reach out to people.

Don’t be fooled by Me

I want you to know how important you are to me,  how you can be the creator of the person that is in me if you choose to.  You alone can break down the wall behind which I tremble.  You alone can see behind my mask.   You alone can release me from my shadow world of panic and uncertainty and loneliness.   So please don’t pass me by.  I know it will not be easy for you.  A conviction of worthlessness builds strong walls.  And the nearer you approach me,  the blinder I may strike back.  You see,  I am to be fighting against the very thing I need the most.

Isn’t that amazing?

But I am told that love is stronger than walls, and in this,  lies my only hope.  So beat down those walls with your firm but gentle hands,  for the child in me is very sensitive and can’t grwo behind walls.  So don’t give up,   I need you.

We’re more alike than we are different.   All of us feel that.  We need to have those bridges built between you and me,  because we need each other.  And the real you of you can only really grow with all of the bridges intact of me, of someone else, of the person next to you.  All of us feeling the same things,  And give us this business of not trusting each other.  It’s a gamble,  of course.  But everything is a gamble!

Leo Buscaglia  -  

Know that you know and listen to what you know.  Then act upon it.

Learn to trust your own voices.   Learn to hear again. Learn to believe.  Try it out!  You’ll never know until you do.

The wonderful thing about doing that is that you not only release yourself and become free,  but you allow everybody else to be free,  because then you are responsible for all you do,  for the actions that you take.  And don’t be afraid to fail.  We live in this society of perfectionism.  Forget it!!!

Life is a choice and it’s your to make.   You can live it happily or you can live it sadly.   You can be giddy.  You can be ever so serious.  But take full responsibility for the choice you make.

Choose the way of life.   Choose the way of love.  Choose the way of caring.  Choose the way of trusting.  Choose the way of goodness.  It’s up to you.  It’s your choice.

In every crisis there is a message.   Now I realized things are just things.  If your life is at stake,  you drop everything fast.  Life is the most precious gift there is.

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,


A heart to heart QUOTES on negativity

Negativity of the world can’t put you down unless you allow it to get inside you.

I choose to listen to my inner voice ,  not the random opinion of others.

Never allow regrets to take the place of your dreams.

Find your voice.   Listen to your inner spirit.

Never worry of people who does not worry about you.  Live your dreams.

Choose the person that makes you and your world extremely beautiful.

Say “ I love you” to your special someone.   You’ll never know you see or talk to them again.

Things just happen beyond our control.  Get over it rather than fret all your life.

Love like no other because someday the seeds of love will one day bloom in the heart of someone you love more than words.

I care for you because you are someone special to me.  Never ever forget that I love you.

Never  quit because it is not an option.

You have a choice among choices in life and it can make you powerful.   Get the best choice and never allow anybody to pull you down.

Give way for change and be the change you want to see around you.

Be yourself and the real people will love the real you.  Never ever change just to please anybody.

Let go of anything you can’t control and just embrace the energy of the present moment.  Enjoy it.

Find yourself and find your voice.  There are still songs left unsung and only you can sing it.

You are beautiful more than you ever know.  Drop the negative thoughts that mar the beauty from within.  Let it shine like a star.

If someone does not care of losing you then by all means let it go,  never hold on.  It is just an agony.  Face the world with a warrior spirit and   awaken the Lion in you.

A “message” is more exciting than a “poke” but hearing the words “ I love you”  is heaven on earth.

Beginning is usually the hardest part in our journey in life.   But once you started  always remember why you decided to  move on.

To be alive and surrounded by few who loves me is all I really need for now.

Live your life without fear  now that you befriended yourself.  Delete negative vibrations and let go of the past.

Decide to free yourself and dance in the wind.  Dance with the rhythm of life and love now and forever.

Old friends are like our golds and diamonds.  They are our treasures beyond compare with no price tags. Cherish each other while you may.

The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives the passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.

Audrey Hepburn

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Today,  you are the star!  It is your show,  remember?

There is just one life for each of us: our own.

~Euripides ♥♥♥

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

At bottom every man knows well enough that he is a unique being, only once on this earth; and by no extraordinary chance will such a marvelously picturesque piece of diversity in unity as he is, ever be put together a second time.

~Friedrich Nietzsche

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

You are magic.   Just believe in yourself and wave that magic wand.

Sometimes a broken heart drags us down but it would be better if we just breath and let it flow like a river.  Realize that pain has limit or span of time while hurt is optional.

Just love me for what I am.  Nothing more, nothing less.   Just being me.

Love and happiness is a journey .    Make someone smile along the way as your travel in life.

A true friend  comes at an unguarded moment.    Sometimes we think we are alone,  then out of nowhere  a friend would just pop – up and say “hello”  and checked on our well – being.  Mr. Moonlight,  come again please.

Making mistakes are part of life itself.   What matters is the moment you stand up and bounce back. It is how many times you bounce back that counts.

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,