Thursday, December 6, 2012

A heart to heart QUOTES on negativity

Negativity of the world can’t put you down unless you allow it to get inside you.

I choose to listen to my inner voice ,  not the random opinion of others.

Never allow regrets to take the place of your dreams.

Find your voice.   Listen to your inner spirit.

Never worry of people who does not worry about you.  Live your dreams.

Choose the person that makes you and your world extremely beautiful.

Say “ I love you” to your special someone.   You’ll never know you see or talk to them again.

Things just happen beyond our control.  Get over it rather than fret all your life.

Love like no other because someday the seeds of love will one day bloom in the heart of someone you love more than words.

I care for you because you are someone special to me.  Never ever forget that I love you.

Never  quit because it is not an option.

You have a choice among choices in life and it can make you powerful.   Get the best choice and never allow anybody to pull you down.

Give way for change and be the change you want to see around you.

Be yourself and the real people will love the real you.  Never ever change just to please anybody.

Let go of anything you can’t control and just embrace the energy of the present moment.  Enjoy it.

Find yourself and find your voice.  There are still songs left unsung and only you can sing it.

You are beautiful more than you ever know.  Drop the negative thoughts that mar the beauty from within.  Let it shine like a star.

If someone does not care of losing you then by all means let it go,  never hold on.  It is just an agony.  Face the world with a warrior spirit and   awaken the Lion in you.

A “message” is more exciting than a “poke” but hearing the words “ I love you”  is heaven on earth.

Beginning is usually the hardest part in our journey in life.   But once you started  always remember why you decided to  move on.

To be alive and surrounded by few who loves me is all I really need for now.

Live your life without fear  now that you befriended yourself.  Delete negative vibrations and let go of the past.

Decide to free yourself and dance in the wind.  Dance with the rhythm of life and love now and forever.

Old friends are like our golds and diamonds.  They are our treasures beyond compare with no price tags. Cherish each other while you may.

The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives the passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.

Audrey Hepburn

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Today,  you are the star!  It is your show,  remember?

There is just one life for each of us: our own.

~Euripides ♥♥♥

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

At bottom every man knows well enough that he is a unique being, only once on this earth; and by no extraordinary chance will such a marvelously picturesque piece of diversity in unity as he is, ever be put together a second time.

~Friedrich Nietzsche

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

You are magic.   Just believe in yourself and wave that magic wand.

Sometimes a broken heart drags us down but it would be better if we just breath and let it flow like a river.  Realize that pain has limit or span of time while hurt is optional.

Just love me for what I am.  Nothing more, nothing less.   Just being me.

Love and happiness is a journey .    Make someone smile along the way as your travel in life.

A true friend  comes at an unguarded moment.    Sometimes we think we are alone,  then out of nowhere  a friend would just pop – up and say “hello”  and checked on our well – being.  Mr. Moonlight,  come again please.

Making mistakes are part of life itself.   What matters is the moment you stand up and bounce back. It is how many times you bounce back that counts.

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,


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