Saturday, November 23, 2013

I love you in style


                               I love you with all my heart

My dearest love,

I have never searched for love.  I have never dreamed  of  knowing you and never expected to meet you,  even in dreamland.  I really didn’t care about love maybe because of the previous hurts and pains that besieged me.  Those pains still haunted me everyday.  I saw tears and sadness wherever I go,  whatever I do and whatever I say.

Until that moment when you said your first HELLO.  I already felt there was something in you that would  make me quiver.  We talk and see each other more often,  until one day I woke up already falling in love with you.  But you never knew about it.  It was my deepest secret.  I had no intention of sharing it with anybody,  not even with you.

But you never stopped saying those magic words.  You always started and ended the day with I LOVE YOU.  How can I not fall it love with you?  You love me in style,  treated me like a princess and kissed me on my forehead.  What a feeling to be kissed on your third eye!  You made me smile for no reason at all.  I smiled even in silence because of you.

My love,  my heartbeat, my life and my world.  You live in my heart and I live in your heart.  How can I still miss you?  How can I still long and dream of your hugs and kisses?  How can I still miss every beat of your heart,  when you are my heartbeat?  You are my love,  now and forever.  You love me and that is all that matters.

Thank you for loving me.   You are my everything,  my only love,  now and forever.

Because I love you, 2♥♥

                                                         Mhargz GV             

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