Monday, November 11, 2013

You are a love magnet.


“It’s not about what you use,  it’s about how you use it.”

Real happiness comes not in achieving big things but enjoying the simple blessings in life.

Dream, believe and achieve.  Visualize yourself having it.

Thought produces energy.  Take care of your thoughts.

Clear the clutter,  confusion and negativity from your mind.  Time to let go of unnecessary thoughts that embraces your whole being.

Love is essential in everything that we do.   Never take it for granted.

Love is a magnetizer.   It adds life and color to our existence so let it flow like a river.

Be ready to receive and believe in your heart that you deserve only the best.  Expect for it because if it is meant for you, it is for you.

With each tick of the clock,  a moment of your life is behind you.  Express your feeling now because tomorrow is no guarantee.   “I love you and I am so happy loving you.”

                                                                    Mhargz GV   

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