Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Love letters straight from your heart


This was one of my favorite songs in college days.  Love letters ... and even now, I hum it once in a while.  During those days,  there were no mobile phones to keep in touch with someone you love or your friends.  No short messaging system or mobile phones.  One has to resort to love letters,  to express what you think and feel at the moment.  To express your feelings to the one you love.

Having pen pals and connect with friends in other countries or within your country were the in thing before.  If I have many friends now it was just like before.  I had so many pen pals before,  different professions,  different nationalities, different proposals but i never gave in to it.  Now you resort to the social media to meet new friends,  and of course keep the old.  You make new contacts but still keep in touch with old friends.

My point is,  when you write a love letter or a short love quotes whatever,  intended for someone,  it comes from your heart.  You wrote it in split seconds because that was what you felt,  really felt and just used the avenue of writing,  a love letter yes.    straight from your heart.

But the irony of all ironies,  or the shock of your life whatever you call it,  or that awkward moment when you discovered that the love letter you wrote for a special someone or a special quote you wrote  was given or sent or whatever you call it,  to a significant someone.  Oh my gosh,  is it not an insult to your sanity or a mockery of your heart,  writing down what you felt,  feeling feelings that you never felt before? and you discovered the love letter or love quote was already sent to someone?   What is that?  You wrote if for someone and now that someone sent it to someone else?  What a mockery,  what an insult!  Your feelings were taken for granted.  Your emotions were only being treated as an object,  not as a subject.

Never ever play with feelings.  Never ever disregard a special affection given you.  Never ever show disrespect,  a total disrespect by giving it to someone when you know beforehand,  it was meant for you,  only you.  Of course there are cases that you request someone to do something for you,  to write something for someone,  it is ok.  But if you already know it was yours,  then by all means,  value it,  keep it in your heart,  cherish it and keep it there,  just for you.

Feelings come,  feelings go.  People come and people leave.  That is the way of life,  the way of love.

Speaking from my heart.

                                                               Mhargz GV             

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