Monday, February 10, 2014

Make it real, love.


 The clouds will rain down romance,
the light of the moonbeams will enhance.
The  longing and pining for you - 
The moon beams burn my heart
Long to embrace your love-rain.

Don't say you love me unless forever.
Don't tell me you need me, if you're not gonna stay 
Don't give me this feeling, I'll only believe it
Make it real

Be a witness, not a judge.
Focus on yourself, not on others.
Listen to your heart, not to the I‘m your heart

I'm not a good lover
I mess up I start fight
I get jealous easily
I am demanding and I always get mad
But there are few things I do love about myself
I give my all, and I Love You deeply.

You will learn by reading
But you will understand with LOVE


                                    Mhargz GV 

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