Friday, February 28, 2014

No doubt she is my beloved


No doubt she is my beloved,  the one I hide deep within my heart.
Ever present and ever so near that separation from her is impossible now.
Merged in every breath I take,  filled in every thought I have
Her absence or presence makes no difference to me now.
Wherever my eyes fall I find her image.

Whatever sound I hear her voice is echoed behind it
Too hard for me to distinguish between reality and dream now
For now I witness her beauty even with both my eyes closed
My heart dances to this secret music which only I can hear her play
Even from a distance I can sense the sweet fragrance that her soul emits.

No these are not the musings of one who has lost his mind
These are the words of a fervent lover who awaits for his destined beloved to arrive.
Love arrives and in its train come ecstasies,  old memories of pleasures,  ancient histories of pain. 

Yet if we are bold, love strikes away the chains of fear from our souls. 
We are weaned from our timidity. 
In the flush of love's light we dare be brave
The power of words belittle not, for a mercurial mind they tame,
like a hushed prayer invade the soul, liberated the subterfuge falls.
Enchanted by wakening like a wondrous dream, catapulted beyond the facade, 
life finds a meaning a new beginning, and love a spell it casts.


                               Mhargz GV   

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