Saturday, January 15, 2011

A heart to heart QUOTES on love is for real not for fun.

You might be a slow walker but never walk backward. Move on and follow the beatings of your heart. Go for the new longings and hopes but never despair. Hope is eternal. MGV

Life is not a comparison or competition with others nor coping up with the Joneses. Never ever compare yourself with others lest you end up frustrated. Compete with your own self, to be a better person you will ever be from yesterday. MGV

We are in control of our own destiny, wants, needs and desires. Take full charge of our lives otherwise somebody else will and we end up with regrets. MGV

A new YOU, a new ME and a better TOMORROW for a greater person. Be great! MGV

Love is for real not for fun. MGV

Drop all the negative vibrations and say hello to positive vibrations and travel light in the highways and byways of life. Be happy and choose to be happy. MGV

Love is for real not for fun. MGV

Every single step will lead you to your dreams, just don't walk backward but forward. MGV

Commit yourself to have the right attitude and focus on ideas and thoughts in the creation of a high quality life you deserve. Excel and be the best in everything you do. MGV

Smile because there are no losses only gains. You might touch someone's heart or create a difference in someone's life. MGV

Smile ... hugs and kisses everyone! We are connected one way or the other....turn on the power of positivity. STAY POSITIVE. MGV

Listen carefully, be emphatic and pause before you speak. Think of the consequences of your words. MGV

Never parade yourself in public ... let them discover yourself and see your inner beauty. MGV

Never be responsible for the actions of others because you are only responsible for you. Think twice of the consequences of your words and actions. MGV

Thank you for reading...

Heart to heart,


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