Saturday, January 15, 2011


Margie Gellor-Villanueva
What makes good in the morning? It is the sweet memory of yesterday and looking forward to a more beautiful mornings ever... and the gift of life!!! SMILE. MGV
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You, Sally Pack Thorne and Gulliver Chahrour like this.
Sally Pack Thorne The gift of a smile :)
January 8 at 9:43am · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Rula Mazigi Shin The morning itself is beautiful. And it only exists Now.
January 9 at 2:16am · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Ozgar Guido living and enjoying the moment , you wont need to remember the yesterday.
January 10 at 12:17am · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Harry Rice All yesterday is is a present thought.
January 10 at 10:42pm · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Rula Mazigi Shin A present thought is not, however, Presence. It is not The Morning.
January 10 at 10:58pm · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Harry Rice ‎"The Morning" is just a concept in Consciousness.
January 11 at 2:48am · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Rula Mazigi Shin Is it? Or is the concept a metaphor for what is perceived. Which means perceived indirectly. Never directly.
January 11 at 3:16am · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Rula Mazigi Shin If by Morning one means Morning because one IS Morning, then one Knows directly. The meaning of "morning" changes depending on the level or quality of Being.
January 11 at 3:18am · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Rula Mazigi Shin That is why Buddha can't Know on behalf of anyone else hahahaha
January 11 at 3:18am · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Pete Hughes I would suggest that all 'perception' is projection. There is no-one to perceive either directly or indirectly. All personal experience is imagined.
January 12 at 5:00am · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Pete Hughes Quality of Being is a funny one. All qualities are made up.
January 12 at 5:20am · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Rula Mazigi Shin Like a moth to a flame. You are right Pete. It seems there is no getting past the metaphor.
January 12 at 11:13am · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Rula Mazigi Shin
The answer to anything and everything is, "it's made up" - and this repetitive/circular speak, whether true or not, is completely irrelevant. What is relevant is how one perceives his Reality because one DOES PERCEIVE. The Enlightened man d...eals with FACTS, which is the everyday life and struggle of the "finite being". He is not concerned with philosophical arguments of being or non-being, god or no god, 'it's made up' or 'it's not made up'....No, he is concerned with what is RIGHT BEFORE HIM, what is HERE and NOW and how to LIVE in the form that he is Presently. This is my last attempt Pete, any more and I will be the moth IN the flame.See More
January 12 at 9:47pm · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes That isn't the answer to everything. There are no questions, unless you make them up.
Friday at 6:10am · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes All thought is completely irrelevant, but it is still fun.
Friday at 6:11am · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes Reality cannot be perceived.
Friday at 6:11am · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes Who is concerned? Concerned why? There are no concerns outside thought.
Friday at 6:12am · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes Enlightenment is not a personal experience. There are not 'enlightened men' or 'enlightened women' any more than there are 'enlightened hamsters'. Human bodies will carry on however they happen to carry on once the imaginary personal association with them has dissolved.
10 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Heidi Becker i don't know, i just don't think it's for any one of us to say one way or another how another is or feels. enlightenment is a word like any another, which may have one meaning for me, another for Pete, another for Ozgar, another for Rula, and so there is no way to say with certainty that nobody is enlightened or that it is not a personal experience. personally, i'm inclined to accept the idea of enlightenment rather than reject it.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes While One remains in the realm of ideas, unccertainty is inevitable.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Heidi Becker we are all in the realm of ideas, so yes, uncertainty is inevitable. and wonderful.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes The realm of ideas is in us, we are not in it.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes That realm can be entertained or not. When it is not, the notions certain and uncertain, enlightened/not enlightened all have no meaning.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Pete Hughes As do all other notions.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Pete Hughes Imagination is wonderful indeed, but not real.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Heidi Becker
imagination exists, if we are to believe that everything is made up. if imagination doesn't exist, nothing can be made up.
the moment our physical bodies and minds are born, the realm of ideas enters/we enter the realm of ideas. that is our... current form. babies and children have ideas, imaginations; they cry when they are hungry. perhaps they are imagining hunger, but i would also think their physical form is helping them to physically survive. it's hard to imagine baby egos, but who knows? :)
i would suggest everything we speak of is word merely word play. you can chosen to assign meaning to any idea. or you can choose not to.
neither choice is bad or good or otherwise. but to communicate respectfully with one another, i think it helps to imagine what meaning others give their words, and the meaning i give mine.
otherwise why speak/write at all.See More
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes Existence and imagination are synonymous. Existence is imaginary.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Pete Hughes There is no need to believe anything.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Heidi Becker to Pete they are synonymous. :)
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes Pete is imagined.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Heidi Becker i agree, there is no need to believe anything.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Heidi Becker ribbit
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes Your imaginations are your free choice.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Heidi Becker yup
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes Assigning meaning is idea creation. Imagination. Until meanings are imagined, there are no ideas.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Heidi Becker but how can Pete be imagined if imagination doesn't exist?
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 3 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes Who is it that needs help?
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Pete Hughes Imagination is existence. The word existence derives from the Latin EXISTERE which translates as 'to project'.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Pete Hughes Existence is imagination.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Heidi Becker so it exists
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 3 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes While being imagined, yes.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Heidi Becker word play, yes, it is fun.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 3 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes As do dreams exist while being dreamed.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Heidi Becker so everything exists while is exists
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Heidi Becker everything is imagined while being imagined
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Heidi Becker that's a neat package
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes Existence is the play half of the cycle.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Heidi Becker what cycle?
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Heidi Becker and the other half?
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes The cycle of being/non-being. Existence/non-existence. Play. Rest. To be or not to be. That is the free choice.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Heidi Becker and that's your free choice to believe :)
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes What you choose to imagine yourself to be brings in infinite more free choices.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Heidi Becker or imagine :)
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes There is no need to believe anything. Just pretending.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Heidi Becker ribbit
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes Infinite free creation.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Pete Hughes The wonder of free play.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Pete Hughes Ad lib on an omniversal scale.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Pete Hughes ‎"Why speak / write at all?"
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes Why go on the swings?
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Heidi Becker well speaking for me personally, i speak and write to learn from others. why anybody else does isn't for me nor you to say.
7 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes If you choose to imagine separate persons with things to learn from each other, all well and good. That is a fun story.
7 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Heidi Becker congratulations.
7 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes Yes, those can be imagined too. :-)
7 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
Rula Mazigi Shin ‎"i would suggest everything we speak of is...merely word play. you can chosen to assign meaning to any idea. or you can choose not to."

I see this too. It's not the word, but the Sensing which is represented by the word. The Sense is not the word. Beautiful.
3 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Heidi Becker ‎:)
3 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...
Pete Hughes Choose to assign meaning to any sense, or choose not to as well.
3 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
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For me, it means another GIFT OF LIFE ... a new morning, a new day, a new moment, a new beginning to carry on with our dreams in life. To live life to the fullest with love and happiness in my heart.

A simple question that raised 67 comments, simply indicates that when we say GOOD MORNING, it is relative to the person uttering those words.

Thanks for reading...

Heart to heart,


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