OUR LOVE will be now and forever because you are part of me, my present and will be part of my future. I am useless without you, nothing without you, nothing without your love and attention. We are good together, YOU AND I, will travel on together. Heart to heart, MGV
I dreamed of a special someone to love me no matter
who am I, no matter what I do, no matter where I am, no matter what
my situation or circumstance is, no matter if I am young or old.
No matter of space, time and distance.
A dream of being loved just the way I am, just being me,
just being myself, just because I am me.
Until one day I found my dream, the much awaited dream,
my heart desire and my passion. Yes, I found the man I love,
the man of my dream, the man of my life and maybe my soulmate.
I smiled in silence, I smiled even when I was alone,
I was happy that at long last my prince charming came along
only to find out, he was in a relationship with another.
Love hurts but it makes one happy. Heart to heart, MGV
“When life seems tough, carry on … if things go wrong, move on. Bear in mind that we all need to build a stepping stones out of a stumbling blocks !” Heart to heart, MGV
“When everything goes wrong, push! When you wish for something, push! When people don;t understand you, push! When you wish for love, push! P - ray U - ntil S - omething H - appens!” Heart to heart, MGV
“We may find life too complex for us to bear. Too hard for our futile minds to fathom. Yet looking through heaven's eyes, we see the simplicity of it all … the faith of a child's heart.” Heart to heart, MGV
“The most important things in life aren't things.” Heart to heart, MGV
“Wisdom has two parts: 1) Having a lot to say 2) Not saying it.” Heart to heart, MGV
“Happiness is a perfume that you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.” Heart to heart, MGV
You live in my heart because you are in my heart now and forever! So nice to hear these words of assurance from someone you love. So sweet and it makes one smile in silence. Heart to heart, MGV
“The weakest point in any man is that which he fancies to be the strongest.” Heart to heart, MGV
“Worries and pain are all in the mind but when it struck the heart, dreams tear apart.” Heart to heart, MGV
“Whether you've been through your worst time or it is yet to come, always remember that life can only be summed up to three words … “IT GOES ON.” Heart to heart, MGV
“Life is a mixture of sunshine and rain, teardrops and laughter, pleasure and pain … but there was never a cloud that the sun didn't shine through.” Heart to heart, MGV
“One day the man too tired and disheartened with the life's countless trials and hardships asked God why so many hills and mountains to climb in life? God: For you to have a better view.” Heart to heart, MGV
“Never count how many times you falter and fail … just get up. Never count how many times you turned your back on God .. just kneel down and pray.” Heart to heart, MGV
“Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness, bad days give your experience. Both are essential to life.” Heart to heart, MGV
I may not be a beautiful woman or a princess whatever, but I have a beautiful heart, loving you with all my heart, mind and soul. Loving you with all my might now and forever. You dwell in my heart and I will live in your heart no matter what the consequences are. Heart to heart, MGV
Leaving me because it is your decision makes my heart sad and lonely but I will never stop loving you, and you can never ever dictate me to stop loving you. I am a star and I will claim my right to shine for you and others despite being taken for granted ever. Heart to heart, MGV
The greatest disease in the universe is when the person is feeling unloved, uncared and unwanted.
SHOW your love and care today and never take someone for granted because it hurts. Heart to heart, MGV
Life is full of challenge which make us strong and stand on our own, so never give up. Never stop loving because it is the most wondrous feeling beyond measure. Heart to heart, MGV
So what if you leave me? So what if you don't love me no more? Nothing will change because I still love you with every fiber of my being. I am happy loving you, and I love myself, loving you. At the end of the day, what matters most, is I AM HAPPY AND DEEPLY IN LOVE with myself after you were gone. I will bounce back to love and life, that is a promise. Heart to heart, MGV
It is our greatest joy to receive an honest reply. Honesty is still the best policy after all. Heart to heart, MGV
Life is a journey keep on going until you reach your destiny. Heart to heart, MGV
In the final analysis, people appreciate frankness rather than a mere flattery. Heart to heart, MGV
“Nothing in this world is permanent but change. That's why you often wonder why people become different in such ways. But why hate change? If there's a change for the worse there could also be a change for the better.” Heart to heart, MGV
Life ends when you stop dreaming so dream forever. No losses only gains. Heart to heart, MGV
Recognize your weaknesses, yes, but enjoy and celebrate all the good qualities that make YOU – YOU! Heart to heart, MGV
The rewards of life are at the end of each journey, not at the beginning. It is not given to how many steps are needed to reach your goal. Just take the first step. Heart to heart, MGV
“Show affection with a simple peck on the check or hugging tight the person you care for. It's worth more than a diamond ring.” Heart to heart, MGV
“Let everyday be a dream you can touch. Let everyday be a love you can feel. Let everyday be a reason to live. Pursue your HAPPINESS, enjoy life.” Heart to heart, MGV
“In life there is PAIN to learn something. In life there is GAIN from what you have earned and that you have ease. So don't give up and be strong!!” Heart to heart, MGV
“We may not be able to choose our circumstances but we can choose our attitude toward them. We always have a CHOICE and that choice will always make a DIFFERENCE.” Heart to heart, MGV
“In MINISTRY, it doesn't matter how you begin but how you end.” Heart to heart, MGV
“Focus your mind on things that are beautiful. Life is too short to waste on worries. Think of solutions and not of problem. Remain good even if others are not.” Heart to heart, MGV
“Don't regret with your mistakes instead learn from it.” Heart to heart, MGV
“In life, there are 5 balls to juggle: family, friends, health, work and spiritual life. Only work is made of rubber, the rest are made of glass. Don't drop them!” Heart to heart, MGV
“Prayer is the most cleansing theraphy of the heart and soul. It converts the hateful thought and pure breath of the spirit.” Heart to heart, MGV
“Life is like traffic signs - 1 way, 2 way; Do not enter; No U turn; No left turn; but the best so far is to GIVE WAY and KEEP RIGHT.” Heart to heart, MGV
“Something is beautiful because we want it to be beautiful. The plant and the animal just live life the way it is! That's the secret of life! Just live life!” Heart to heart, MGV
“We are more curious about the meaning of dreams than about things we see when awake.” Heart to heart, MGV
“The real life is not outside ourselves, but within. Real possessions are not what the hands may grasp but what the heart may hold.” Heart to heart, MGV
“People maybe unkind, just be kind. They may cheat, just be honest. They may forget your good deeds, just do good. In the end it's between you and God not you and them!” Heart to heart, MGV
“When your mind is clean and your heart is pure. When your character is Godly and true … that is wealth. True wealth is really what you are, not what you have!” Heart to heart, MGV
“Don't let one success keep you from pressing on to bigger and better things. Constantly set new goal and you will attain things you never dreamed were possible.” Heart to heart, MGV
Like begets like. It is plain and simple. Heart to heart, MGV
Every death and tragedies is a reminder to live a more present life … live, give and love. Heart to heart, MGV
“God never gives a burden heavier than we can carry. No matter what, He wants us to be more happy than sad.” Heart to heart, MGV
If birds sing after a storm, why can't we? Heart to heart, MGV
“No one has travelled the bridge of success without ever crossing the streets of trials.” Heart to heart, MGV
“God never promise us an easy journey in life, only safety on board... smile then be happy! Heart to heart, MGV
If GOD is with you, you can be sure how the journey is going to end. Heart to heart, MGV
In everything that you do, always make sure that you are one step ahead. Heart to heart, MGV
In every crisis, there is always a message. All we need is to be silent for a moment to hear it loud and clear. Thanks for the gift of life and for a miracle of all miracles. Heart to heart, MGV
For lovely eyes, always look at the good side of other people. Heart to heart, MGV
For tender lips, speak only kind words towards others. Heart to heart, MGV
For a charming face, always smile with a happy heart. Heart to heart, MGV
For graceful feet, always walk with God. Heart to heart, MGV
Be a good looking person all the time. Heart to heart, MGV
“Many times we do not have all the answers to why things happen. Nonetheless, we must continue to walk by faith. Instead of looking for explanation, we can pause and listen to God's voice saying, TRUST ME! “ Heart to heart, MGV
“Sometimes in life things happen too fast. Everyday we face challenges. We face personality conflicts and disappointments. Often when we are feeling high, we can't see the lessons! One simple concept that can get us through the most stressful of times is GRATITUDE. We should learn to say thank you for the way things are. Even when we do not like the experience, but thanks anyway, for it gives us a humbling moment and a time to reflect that life is not really ours. We should be thankful that we are still here. Let's be a blessing to everyone.” Thanks for being my blessing and for the gift of friendship. Heart to heart, MGV
“Kindness is just a simple gesture yet such a powerful asset. It can touch hearts and even change lives. So keep on being kind and inspire others.” Heart to heart, MGV
It is difficult to to walk backwards because our feet are meant to make us move forward. Move forward and never look back of yesterdays that haunts you. Heart to heart, MGV
Life is always better if we see what is ahead than to look at what's left behind. Smile and meet obstacles head on. Heart to heart, MGV
Forget bad past, bitterness, grudges, hatred and pain. Move on, forgive and love. LOVE is all there is. Heart to heart, MGV
Carry a warm and sunny atmosphere wherever you go. Let your happy disposition shine on others and cheer them up. Live life. Heart to heart, MGV
Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Mark Twain/MGV
“If you are loved by others, that means you are doing something good. But if you are envied, that means you are doing something better. But when you share yourself with others, you have done the best and life begins to find its meaning. The time you touch the lives of others is the moment you truly live your purpose.” Stay blessed. Heart to heart, MGV
“Smile! It will make you look better. Pray, it will keep you strong. Love, it will make you enjoy life.” Heart to heart, MGV
“Life they say is touch and go. Some people you know may only be there for a time. Some may go away but people who find you special will always find ways to stay.” Heart to heart, MGV
“As the sky breaks into a beautiful sunrise, may God open the heavens to shower you lots of love and happiness to make your day a meaningful one.” Heart to heart, MGV
“Heart may forget to beat, eyes may forget to blink, blood may forget to flow. But I can't forget you to love. Because you are something special in my life.” Heart to heart, MGV
“Don't wait until it's too late to tell someone how much you love, how much you care. Because when they're gone, no matter how loud you shout and cry, they won't hear you anymore.” Heart to heart, MGV
“Friendship is about bringing out the positive when everything seems negative, being accepted for who you are, being able to pick up right where you left off, sharing and talking and laughing with friends like me.” Heart to heart, MGV
“LOVE is the power inside us that inspires and gives us never ending energy and reason to care, to trust, and to make other people happy. May you be filled with love and energy always.” Heart to heart, MGV
Our wishes ...
Give light to my steps and a lamp to my feet.
Give me your wisdom so I will know which road to take.
Give me perseverance to withstand the twists and turns of this road called life.
Heart to heart, MGV
“Sometimes we ask ourselves, why does God allow all these things to happen to good people? Why sufferings and hardships have to be present in this world? Why can't it all be fun, joy and laughter? God wants us to be always happy, it's just a matter of looking at things on a broader perspective. It's time to discover that believing is more than just saying but it's more on doing.” Heart to heart, MGV
“Lord, let not the problems and woes of life weigh me down, for I know your great love for me far outweighs whatever challenges I will face.” Heart to heart, MGV
Christmas is not to be remembered by, but something to be lived with. Christmas is the time to LOVE.
Merry Christmas to one and all. Let there be love and happiness all the year round. Heart to heart, MGV
In the midst of solitude, depression and nothingness, let the spirit of Christmas brings us joy, hope and forgiveness for us to reach out and fulfill the mystery of giving and sharing. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family. Heart to heart, MGV
I LOVE YOU and loving you with every fiber of my being is never a waste of time. I love you because you are YOU, because you made me smile in silence and even when I am alone. You made me realize that love can still flourish the second time around. Yes, it is never too late to love again, to enjoy myself loving you. I love myself loving you. I want you to know that I love you and I miss you, because I might not have another chance to express my deepest feeling and I may regret it the rest of my life. Heart to heart, MGV
My 2012 wishes for one and all...
1) Happiness deep inside
2) Serenity at every sunrise
3) Success in every faces of your life
4) Family beside you
5) Caring friends around you
6) A love that never ends
7) Good health within you
8) Beautiful memories of yesterdays
9) A nice day with so much to be thankful for
10) A pathway leading to better tomorrows
11) Dreams that manage to come true
12) An overflowing blessings from God.
May our wishes will come true today, tomorrow and in 2012.
Heart to heart, MGV
“You are that someone and love of my life. I'll write you lover's poetry. You are my world.” When one is in love, you can write poetry even if you are not a poet. You can paint a beautiful canvass even if you are not an artist. You can express LOVE clearly even if you are not a public speaker because it really comes from your heart. Let your heart speak, I LOVE YOU. Heart to heart, MGV
Magnify your blessings and not your problems. Give and share because there is joy in it. Heart to heart, MGV
THINK happy thoughts all through the day. Let go of all the negative vibrations and say hello to positivity. It works. Heart to heart, MGV
Always find the good in other people and not their weaknesses. Remember nobody is perfect, not even us. Heart to heart, MGV
Be happy for life is short. Live and love life, eventually you will realize that LIFE loves you even more. Heart to heart, MGV
I am not the princess of your choice nor the beautiful woman of your dreams. I am not a poet of your interest nor a woman of your hidden love. I am only me, my real self with my sincere heart loving you like no other. Someday in the dark alley of your life, you will only find me, only me, waiting for you and embrace you with my loving care and affection. Just wait and see. Heart to heart, MGV
“If you need something to be grateful for, check your pulse. Always be thankful for the gift of life.” Heart to heart, MGV
Yes, we all have greatness, different talents and potentials, all we have to do is to exploit for it, or to discover where it is coming from or just unleash our potentials and use it to the maximum level . We have to remember, that nobody, yes nobody can pull us down or make us an average WITHOUT OUR CONSENT. Heart to heart, MGV
Today I will laugh and let my heart sing. For none of us knows what tomorrow may bring. Heart to heart, MGV
Today I will be thankful that GOD is on my side. No need to worry. No need to hide. Heart to heart, MGV
Today I will proclaim it “ His promises are true”. Heart to heart, MGV
Faith can move mountains and save countries too. Heart to heart, MGV
Today I will live it, as God would intend. Enjoying each blessing from beginning to end. Heart to heart, MGV
Today was not promised. It's gift from above. A gift that's worth sharing, like the gift of God's love.
Heart to heart, MGV
“Things happen because we choose to. There maybe regrets but blaming is not an option. We are where we are because we brought ourselves there. We get happy, we get sad, but most importantly we learn.” Heart to heart, MGV
“The winners in life think constantly in terms of I CAN, I WILL, and I AM. Losers, on the other hand, concentrate their waking thoughts on what they should have or would have done, or what they can't do.” Dennis Waitley/Heart to heart, MGV
“The fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's smile at someone and receive a smile in return. Are to me continual spiritual exercises.” Leo Buscaglia/Heart to heart, MGV
“You give your best not because you need to impress people. You give your best because that's the only way to enjoy your work.” ( Andrew Matthew ) TO ALL OUR FRIENDS , thanks for giving us precious moments to share our quotes in 2011 and hope you continue to be with us in 2012 as we continue our journey as ADMINS of this page. Heart to heart, be a BIGGER person, GBU , FC/MGV/NV/SLA/RM/JS
Thanks for reading...
Heart to heart,
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