No other element has ever moved a man and a woman, except love. Love while you may. Heart to heart, MGV
But the heart is life itself, for life is the heart of it. Take care of your heart and the hearts of others. Heart to heart, MGV
The love in your heart is not there to stay, love is not love, until you give it away. Indian Sanskrit/MGV
Trust, hope, faith, goals, unconditional love are essentials in a relationship. Never take it for granted lest you forget its essence of being. Heart to heart, MGV
Your name is YOU, and it tells something about your life. Take good care of it and make it a legend. Heart to heart, MGV
Some change their names to divert unpleasant memories, but it is better to change our lives than our names. What is in a name? Heart to heart, MGV
It is a must to face life with courage because it is life itself – good or bad, rich or poor, famous or unknown people have different obstacles and battles in life. Heart to heart, MGV
Words once spoken can never be taken away and committed to memory and translated into the lives of others. Be gentle with your tongue lest it hurts others. Heart to heart, MGV
Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver and the other is gold. The rest will be semi - precious stones and others - are pebbles. The best vitamin for friendship is B1 - make friends and eventually, true or real friends will emerge amidst crisis. Heart to heart, MGV
“Don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself.” Heart to heart, MGV
“Look to this day for yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is only a vision. But today well-lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.” Heart to heart, MGV
“Don't forget you are never really too old to be what you really wanted to be and it's never too late with God!' Heart to heart, MGV
“Be still and determine to trust GOD concerning your tomorrow. “ Heart to heart, MGV
“Love isn't a decision, it's a feeling. If we could decide who to love, then, life would be much simpler, but then less magical. I will wait till the day I can forget you or the day, you realize you can not forget me.” (Rich) , Heart to heart, MGV
“Heart may forget to beat. Eyes may forget to blink. Blood may forget to flow. But I can' t forget you to love. Because you are something special in my life.” (Rich) . Heart to heart, MGV
“A woman's heart is a deep ocean's secret!” But when she loves it is more than ever. Heart to heart, MGV
The true measure of a person is not power or fame nor the height of success, but the depth of one's life. Heart to heart, MGV
Spread your roots of a strong character deep enough to stand the storms and endure the winds of life. Heart to heart, MGV
Be careful on how you deal or label and package people. You can either box them by labeling or free them up by looking for the person of worth inside. It is my choice and your choice. Heart to heart, MGV
Clutter is a disease of the heart, a disease that is consuming as well. The more you have, the more you want; and the more you get, the more you must have more. Clutter no more and have a sense of contentment. Heart to heart, MGV
The issue is not what you own, but rather what influenced you – those things that wastes your time, interest, your very existence. Heart to heart, MGV
What really matters after all is what you have within, that would never take away the treasures inside your heart. Heart to heart, MGV
Is there clutter in your life you need to remove? Yes, by all means live a clutter – free life. Heart to heart, MGV
Rise above the circumstances that destroys your life. Be great! Heart to heart, MGV
Love is still the strongest force in the world, and the glue that holds relationships together. Heart to heart, MGV
No force in all the world has the power to change people as does the chemistry of love. Heart to heart, MGV
The chemistry of love really works. Love and let love and never give up on the person you love. Heart to heart, MGV
“The woman constantly comparing herself to others has not recognized that she is an individual, unique and distinctly different from all the other 2 billion plus women in the world. She has aptitudes and insights no other woman has.” Heart to heart, MGV
The greatest freedom you can ever achieve is that of being yourself. Heart to heart, MGV
Somewhere down the road, our hearts will meet again, it doesn't really matter when … what matters most is that I love you and you will be forever in my heart. Till we meet again. Heart to heart, MGV
You are a beautiful child of God - act like it !!! Heart to heart, MGV
“Making the first move to patch things up shouldn’t always come from the one who made the mistake but it can come from the one who understands.” Aika/Heart to heart, MGV
If you say yes, by all means stand by it. Have a sense of commitment knowing that your friends highly depended on you. Role ownership and responsibility is the name of the game. Heart to heart, MGV
How do you carve out your heart? It is time to set things straight with someone you love. Heart to heart, MGV
Keep a kind of love that will make you alive day by day, week by week, month by month. Always communicate your thoughts and feelings with someone you love. Love like no other while you may. Heart to heart, MGV
Acceptance produces harmony, but rejection results in conflict and misunderstanding. Relationship will work if you will work at it. Heart to heart, MGV
Focus on improving your shortcomings rather than pointing out your loved one's weaknesses. It takes no bright person to see what is wrong with the other person, but it takes time and effort to work on your own flaws to save a relationship. Heart to heart, MGV
Let me express my heartfelt and sincere thanks to my fellow ADMINS of WOW for really burning their midnight candles just to keep in touch with friends of WOW. And to FRIENDS OF WOW, many thanks for journeying with us thru life and thru this page. WE LOVE YOU, that is all that matters. Heart to heart, MGV
There is no other solution to guilt but forgiving each other and ourselves as well. Forgive and forgive and let go. Heart to heart, MGV
Love is all around. It is in your heart. Savor every moment of togetherness for we don't know when one will say goodbye. Heart to heart, MGV
A friend is a gold link in the chain of life. Be my link forever. Heart to heart, MGV
A friend is a jewel that shines brightest in the darkness of misfortune. You are my one and only jewel and you make my life shine for others. Heart to heart, MGV
A friend is a medicine for the ills of life. Yes, you make my life feel good simply because of your presence. Heart to heart, MGV
We might have many acquaintances but only few are real or true friends. Be my friend forever. Heart to heart, MGV
Loving someone takes time especially in a distance. It takes time to develop deep and lasting love. Trust and commitment towards each other matters most. Heart to heart, MGV
True or real love never looks on social status, the financial standings, or even space and time. No matter how far or since you were together, love abides in each other's heart. Heart to heart, MGV
Real love knows no money matters, power or success. What matters most is the joy of togetherness over aloneness. Heart to heart, MGV
Many people seek for sense of belonging or friendship. Reach out and offer an open arms and an open heart. Be a friend unto the friendless. Heart to heart, MGV
You never can have too many friends, no matter how rich or poor you are. No matter how much you have yet true or real friends can never be bought. Heart to heart, MGV
I wonder what you are doing now, I wonder where you are?? “ If I could, I'd catch a falling star to shine on you so I'll know where you are … “ never ever take for granted a beautiful soul missing you. Heart to heart, MGV
“We may be singing sad songs on this day but we are thankful that once a window of happiness and beautiful music was opened for all of us. Thank you for being you.” Heart to heart, MGV
I swim in the deepest ocean of life - and grasping for breath once in a while. Life goes on - we face whatever storms may rise while at sea. What matters most is we remain positive and hurdle all the waves of obstacles and crisis. Just focus on that one north star that will guide us to the shore of success. Heart to heart, MGV
Love never hide and it flies the distance just like a rainbow. Be my love. Heart to heart, MGV
Make it a business to smile even to strangers. Who knows, it is all they need for the moment. Heart to heart, MGV
Wrap your arms around your heart and forgive and forget whatever pains you went through. Heart to heart, MGV
What ever your choices in life, or your thoughts, remember you are in control. Heart to heart, MGV
Be strong in any given circumstances and have the strength to carry on. Act, yes Act, as if you can't go wrong. Heart to heart, MGV
Love is a choice. I love you and you are the only love worth having. You asked me why? You made me smile even when I am alone. Heart to heart, MGV
Positivity vibrates and it will magnetize back to you. Heart to heart, MGV
I love you more than my words. Love and let love. Heart to heart, MGV
The purpose of life is to enjoy it. Then go for it. Heart to heart, MGV
Life is made up of little things worth sharing such as smiles, kindness and service without asking anything in return. Heart to heart, MGV
Life is wonderful and need not to be perfect. There is no such thing as perfect. Heart to heart, MGV
Never search for happiness in things, positions or different places because you can only find true happiness if you excel in service to benefit others. Heart to heart, MGV
Happiness depends on your thoughts and dreams. Heart to heart, MGV
Complete your day by starting it right, with love, joy, happiness and contentment. Smile and choose to be happy. Heart to heart, MGV
Don't be afraid of mistakes. Admit it, laugh at it and learn from it. Heart to heart, MGV
If you don't stay focused on your goals and ambitions, you will encounter obstacles and crisis. Take it easy because it is part of living. Heart to heart, MGV
No matter what, no matter where, life goes on. You have to face everything that comes your way with utmost courage and give the best of your ability to hurdle every circumstances heads up. Heart to heart, MGV
Make your dreams come true. Wake up, act on it, plan for it, and believe and follow your heart. Move towards your vision with great passion. Heart to heart, MGV
Never do the one thing you don't like to do, the wrong thing just to please a friend or to keep one. Listen to your heart, if it says NO, then learn to say no. Heart to heart, MGV
Our words or acts may make or break us because we are the result of our actions. Heart to heart, MGV
Stay young and mingle with young people or if you want to get older, try to cope up with the elderly. It is your choice. Heart to heart, MGV
Let go of your anger and leave an erroneous or danger zone the fastest means. Forgive and forget because anger is a choice. Heart to heart, MGV
Don't ever allow others to conquer over you by being angry. Yes, we have the right to be angry but let it go the soonest possible time. Heart to heart, MGV
“We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.” Yes, the shaping of your life is your task because the future is in your hands. Heart to heart, MGV
Love grows up from the roots of your life. Yes, live and let love. Heart to heart, MGV
You have to live before you can love – real love. Heart to heart, MGV
Love is like a drama. When one is hurt, the other cries for you and sighs for you. Heart to heart, MGV
Treasure every lasting moments of today, because someday, all will be lost except sweet memories that we can share with others. Heart to heart, MGV
Grow old but never cold. Live life as if there is no tomorrow because age are just numbers and only in our minds. Heart to heart, MGV
The true poetry of life is simply loving and being loved in return. But if love is beyond reach as of the moment, love yourself more than ever. Heart to heart, MGV
Never curse your trials because whether you like it or not, trials never leave you where they find you. You have to face it squarely. Heart to heart, MGV
Trials will make you grow better or bitter, it depends on how you handle the situation. Just turn every trials into a positive light. Heart to heart, MGV
Trials will make you grow and mature enough to face your journey in life. Take it like a grain of sand. Heart to heart, MGV
Trial is only temporary and is short - span. Never fear, never fret. Instead face it to the best of your ability with all your possible resources. Heart to heart, MGV
Your determination will contribute greatly to any goal you want to achieve. Heart to heart, MGV
If you want to help, see to it that you have enough strength to share with others. You cannot help if you need help yourself. You cannot give what you don't have. Heart to heart, MGV
Try to see the best in people instead of finding faults and lapses. Heart to heart, MGV
Reach out to others in need and divert your thinking from your own problems. Heart to heart, MGV
All of us have different levels of challenges and problems. Let us face it and emerge as winners. Heart to heart, MGV
Develop the habit of encouraging others because it may be important to someone you meet today. Heart to heart, MGV
Time and space are the two dimensions of life and the borders of our material world. Value it because it is not ours to keep and beyond our control. Heart to heart, MGV
Let us shift our paradigm on giving rather than taking or speaking. Let us put nobility in our work to make it a noble workplace. Heart to heart, MGV
Attitude of a person toward work determines its outcome. Your position or title of your job does not matter most, but the nobility you put in your job is most important. Heart to heart, MGV
God allows us to do something great in our golden years. That is His right and our privilege to make good of it. Never frown, never fret. Smile with the golden years but make it the best performance of your life ever. Heart to heart, MGV
We are showered with talents and skills and all we have to do is discover what they are and excel in them. Heart to heart, MGV
Thanks for reading
Heart to heart,
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