Sunday, July 29, 2012

A heart to heart QUOTES - FABLE

There is a wonderful fable that tells of a young girl who is walking through a meadow when she sees a butterfly impaled upon a thorn.   Very carefully she releases it and the butterfly starts to fly away.  Then it comes back and changes into a beautiful good fairy. “For your kindness,”  she tells the little girl,  “ I will grant you your fondest wish.”  The little girl thinks for a moment and replies, “ I want to be happy.”  The fairy leans toward her and whispers in her ear and then suddenly vanishes.

As the girl grow,  no one in the land was more happy than she.  Whenever anyone asked her for the secret of her happiness,  she would only smile and say, “ I listened to a good fairy.”

As she grow quite old,  the neighbours were afraid the fabulous secret might die with her.  “Tell us, please,”  they begged, “tell us what the fairy said.”  The now lovely old lady simply smiled and said,  “She told me that everyone  no matter how secure they seemed,  had need of me!”

We all need each other.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))


When I ask you to listen to me and you start giving advice,  you have not done what I asked.

When I ask you to listen to me and you begin to tell me why I shouldn’t feel that way,  you are trampling on my feelings.

When I ask you to listen to me and you feel you have to do something to solve my problems,  you have failed me,  strange as that may seem.

Perhaps that’s why prayer works for some people.
Because God is mute and He doesn’t offer advice or try to fix things.
He just listens and trusts you to work it out for yourself.

So please,  just listen and hear me.   And if you want to talk,  wait a few minutes for your turn and I promise I’ll listen to you.


(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

Truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
(Legal Oath

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

There is no such thing as an absolute truth -
that is absolutely true.


(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

Hate, bitterness and vindictiveness are overpowering, self-defeating and intellectually as well as emotionally depleting,

Love is letting go of fear.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

If we are unable to forgive others, we cannot expect others to forgive us.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other -- it doesn't matter who it is -- and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other. Mother Teresa

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

A man's worth is measured by how he parents his children. What he gives them, what he keeps away from them, the lessons he teaches and the lessons he allows them to learn on their own. Lisa Rogers

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave. Martin Luther

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

“The only lifelong, reliable motivations are those that come from within, and one of the strongest of those is the joy and pride that grow from knowing that you've just done something as well as you can do it." Lloyd Dobens

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

It’s up to us to give our relationships a chance.   There is nothing greater in life than loving another and being loved in return,  for loving is the ultimate of experiences.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“The important thing is to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.”

Charles Dubios

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“Being a good friend – whether to yourself, your mother, your child,  or the person sharing your bed – means first of all,  respective the integrity of the individual.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“The best thing that I learned after knowing I had to give up everything,  was that all I really owned was what I was.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Yes,  one can be happy,  even in impending death.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

We must treat each other with dignity.   Not only because we merit it but because we grow best in thoughtfulness.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Treat others with the same warmth and consideration you need and see what happens.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Each of us is responsible for creating an environment of warmth and consideration for those we love.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“Affirm that you can do it.  I DESERVE TO SUCCEED AS MUCH AS ANYONE ELSE.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“BELIEVE that somehow, some time,  somewhere, through someone’s help you can achieve your heart’s highest goal.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Commit yourself to a dream.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

DARE to try.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

DARE to love.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

DARE to make a commitment.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

DARE to take a risk.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Educate yourself.  Don’t be tempted to avoid hard years of serious study.  Knowledge is power.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Find the talent,  the possibilities, the ways and means.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

A giving attitude is the secret to successful living.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Hope is holding on.  It’s never giving up.  It’s never quitting.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“If you want to change the world,  don’t wait for the world to change;  just look at the old world with new eyes.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

When all is said and done,  you are the instrument.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

When you respond to what’s going on – your self is involved.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Through our work we help others,  and grow ourselves.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

A true story –

Sometime ago,  at the Seattle Olympics,  nine athletes,  all mentally and physically challenged,  were standing on the start line for the 100 M race.  The gun fired and the race began.   Not everyone was running, but everyone wanted to participate and win.  They ran in three,  a boy tripped and fell,  did a few somersaults and started crying.  The other eight heard him crying.  They slowed down and looked behind them.  They stopped and came back.  All of them...

A girl with Down’s Syndrome sat down next to him,  hugged him and asked, “feeling better now?”

Then all nine walked shoulder to shoulder to the finish line.

The whole crowd stood up and applauded.  And the applause lasted a very long time.

People who witnessed this still talk about it.  Why?

Because deep inside us we know that the most important thing is life is much more than winning for ourselves.

The most important thing in life is to help others win.  Even if that means slowing down and changing our own race.

“ A candle loses nothing if it is used to light another one.”


 (((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Silence does not mean yes.  Sometimes it means I’m tired of explaining to people who don’t even care to understand.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Others may say “bad things” about me.  I don’t need to go around and explain myself.  Because people who associated with me,  spent our times together or bonded together,  will never believe you.   Simply because I have taken cared of my credibility and most of all my values.

“We make our world by the words we’s a different world today than it was when we were young many moons ago.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“The people who mean something to your life are not rated “the best”,  don’t have the most money,  have not won the greatest prizes.  They are the ones who care about you,  take care of you.  Those who,  no matter what,  stay close by.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Applause dies away!
Trophies gather dust
Winners are soon forgotten.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“Junk the junk food of your mind.  To keep hope alive,  to be a creative imaginer,  you have to throw out the tremendous load of junk food that we feed into our mind and emotions.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

You must keep a sense of humor and be able to laugh at your self.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Make it happen.  You can make it happen if you only believe and manage.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

You make it happen.  Do you want your dream to come true?  Then make it happen!

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“What do I really want to accomplish?”  “If I continue the way I am,  will I get to where I really want to go?”  If I get there will I be happy?  “And will that really fulfil me at my deepest level?”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“Trade-off.  You must be willing to trade-off.  That means that you will have to decide what you will give up in order to keep what you’ve got.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Anybody whose life is static is dead.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Unlock some human values you never experienced before – faith,  hope,  and love.  Let these values be the driving force propelling you toward true success.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

‘’Quit complaining because life isn’t as nice as you want.  Look at what you have left,  never at what you’ve lost.  Quit remembering all those negatives,  haunting memories.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“Persevere:  don’t give up.  Tough times never last,  but tough people do.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

You can’t have your way all the time.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“Overlook and overcome.   Do you have a problem that is too big that you don’t know how to handle it?  Then maybe you need to overlook and look over.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

If you love me,  really love,  you will find me no matter what and no matter when.  Because you already know where to find ME.   I love you, my babe!  So much!

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Thanks for reading ...

Heart to heart,


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