My love for you is like the fresh early morning dew. No matter how far, no matter how we miss each other, no matter how we sometimes have love quarrel, love will flourish and flow like a river. I love you, sweetheart, just the mere thought of you makes me quiver …. you really mean so much to me. Loving each other through ups and downs spelled the difference.
Heart to heart, MGV (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥
People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;
It was never between you and them anyway.
Mother Teresa
Heart to heart, MGV (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥
Oh, sweetheart, why can't this heart take a break for a while and think of other matters, instead of YOU? You are my oxygen, the every breath I take. No words from you makes my heart beat even faster, wondering where you are? Thinking of you every single minute makes me jump into conclusion, that YOU ARE REALLY A PART OF ME AS LIFE ITSELF. I love you and will never stop loving you, that is a promise.
Heart to heart, MGV (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥
I love you! You don't know how much I love you. Oh, so sweet words coming from you makes me breathless. Those are music to my ears because it comes from the one I love, the love of my heart! Only you can really make me feel like I am in heaven. Only you!!
Heart to heart, MGV (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥
Can you feel the intensity of my love, sweetheart? Can you feel the wondrous feeling only love can ever offer to us? Your love really makes me shout and jump for joy. There is something in YOU that really makes me feel this feelings that I never felt before. I LOVE YOU WITH PASSION, now and forever!!
Heart to heart, MGV (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥
There is always missing in the grand picture of home. Your love and affection really matters most. I miss you, sweetheart, more than you'll ever know. I miss you because I love you with passion.
Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))
Your love made me believe in magic. You ask me why, sweetheart? I want the magic called your LOVE. Knowing you made me feel happy like no other.
Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))
You are my beacon of hope in the far distance. You are my life and my ambition. You change my way of thinking about love. From selfishness to unconditional love. Oh my sweetheart, what is in YOU that moved my heart like mountain? Now my heart is full of joy and happiness merely the thought of you.
Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))
I am floating in an elevated sense of your love. If sometimes I keep my silence, it means “I love you” more. Silence is the language of my soul whenever I miss you. It is not easy to miss and love you because of the time and space in between us, but we can hurdle the barriers because of LOVE.
(((((( ♥♥♥ Heart to heart, MGV ♥♥♥ ))))))
I don't know if you still love me. I don't even know if you still care. Your gift of silence is deafening me and touching the innermost fiber of my being. It seems like only yesterday when you said you will “love me till the end of time”. It seems like only yesterday when you said you really care. But I still love you and will never stop loving you, promise! You know where to find me because I will be there for you.
Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))
“Better visualize yourself with that person and feel as if it has become a reality. It will not change the fact that you are alone, but it will place you in a position of accepting love that is meant for you.” (Thanks Sanjay) - Yes, I am alone but never lonely, because I am with you and your love lives in my heart.
Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))
You have been out of touch lately sweetheart. I respect your silence for awhile. I respect your time to be alone but please remember, someday if I will give you the gift of silence, you will feel how it hurts, how it is to be taken for granted, even for just a single day. I love you, my heart beats for you because you are my breath, my oxygen that keeps me going for awhile. I miss you with passion!!
Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))
I respect your silence, your gift of silence. Because I love you. Silence is all I have and I know there is a good reason for every silence of your heart.
Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))
I love you, with all my heart, mind and soul. You are my oxygen, my every breath I take. I love you more than you will ever know. I need you because I love you ... and I promise you, that you will be in my heart, to be loved and cherished, and will remain there forever. Yes, you live in my heart, now and forever BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, ONLY YOU.
Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))
Your love is so cool like the water, and soft blue like the sky. You make me feel so fresh and beautiful just the way you smile at me. I love you with passion more so when you said “you love me:” like no other.
(((((( ♥♥♥ Heart to heart, MGV ♥♥♥ ))))))
You just don't know the intensity of my love and joy everytime you send a smile icon via an sms to me, sweetheart! I love you now and forever with passion!
(((((( ♥♥♥ Heart to heart, MGV ♥♥♥ ))))))
Sometimes I wonder, why did I ever have to love you? I have searched for the right answer, but it all pointed to my heart. This heart beats for only you, feels for you and loves you with every breath I take. Thanks so much for being a part of me as life itself. I could not imagine what would life be without you? I love you with passion.
((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))
Do you ever miss me, sweetheart? Because I always miss you with so much intensity and it is burning inside of me. Do I miss your kisses? Hugs? Sweet nothings we shared? Holding my hands, kissing my forehead? Hmmmmm …. everything about you makes me smile. Why can't I stand a mere seconds, minutes or even hours of being away from you? Sweetheart …. I love you with passion!
((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))
“My body and mind are living in a world by which I remain unaffected, but in which I am being tried. My soul is living in a world physically away from me and yet a world by which I am and want to be affected. You are a part of that world and perhaps the nearest to me. My innermost being wants your approbation of what I am doing and thinking. I may not always succeed in getting it, but it craves for your verdict. ♥”
((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))
“A relationship is like a rose,
How long it lasts, no one knows;
Love can erase an awful past,
Love can be yours, you'll see at last;
To feel that love, it makes you sigh,
To have it leave, you'd rather die;
You hope you've found that special rose,
'Cause you love and care for the one you chose .”
((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))
“A million words will not bring you back,
I know because I've tried.
Neither would a million tears,
I know because I've cried. “
((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))
It is your love factor that carries me through.
((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))
“Love is supposed to be patient but you also have to consider how impatient the human heart can be. No surprise at all why people hurt just as easily as they can heal one another, why love remains undefinable, why hearts are broken everyday.”
((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))
Thanks for reading
Heart to heart,
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