Life is sometimes full of surprises. One day you have a friend then you wake up, there is no one there for you anymore. But life goes on. We have to move on and dress up. Anyway, it is your show.
If someone just ignored you for no reason at all, then it is not your fault nor your loss. It is that other person’s loss. The person left a friend who could have stayed behind in fair or stormy weathers.
Trust your feelings, take chances, find your happiness and cherish sweet memories. Life is how we create it.
Relax and try to live in the spirit consciousness away from selfish and materialistic sense of the world. Peace , love, light and joy be ever with you in your realistic world away from “Facebook” which is a purely social medium and not a personal one. Take care my friend.
( A final message from a friend for more than 2 years )
If you go away and must say goodbye to a friend , say it gently so as to cherish moments of togetherness. A friend might leave but the fingerprints of love and happiness remains forever as part of sweet memories.
Life isn’t worth living, unless lived for other people. Live for others but never neglect someone who cares for you enough.
Treat others with the same warmth and consideration you need and see what happens.
No one can change others without their consent.
Any relationship that does not respect the individuality and choice of other cannot survive.
Closeness comes only when we have as deep a respect for the rights, attitudes and feelings of the other as we do for our own.
If we desire to form lasting relationships with others we must start by being happy with what they are.
The only thing we can truly count upon is that we can change our behaviours in order to accommodate their abuse, thoughtlessness and cruelty.
We can help others to change but only they can change.
Never blame your unhappiness upon others. We are totally responsible for ourselves.
We can’t look for reasons outside of us.
Relationships are not dumping grounds for our selfishness, egocentricity, despair and anger.
We only grow when we assume responsibility for our own joy and happiness.
Lasting happiness and peace come from within.
When joy and happiness are ours, then people and happenings come and go but joy remains ours forever.
“If love is the answer, what is the question?”
Throughout your life, you will come to crossroads. These are places where you are able to choose a new path to travel on. You are at the one right now.
“For most people, their future is determined by their past. They become entangled in the present, they never take the time to pull up to the 30,000 foot level and look at the forest. All they see is the tress all around them.”
Direct verbal expression is the most effective way to communicate love.
What drives you? Harness that passion. Let your vision be the basis for guiding you in your business and your life.
Amazing feats can be accomplished when you focus your energy and reaching a vision that has become your motivator, the dream that fuels your action.
Nothing happens until you choose it, and take action on it.
Start today, and do it now!
“Don’t get trapped in “Paralysis by Analysis” your fear to play big doesn’t serve you or anyone.”
“Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly”
Robert Schuller
You must implement the ideas in order to move forward, using your vision and your values as your compass and guides.
“Everything you choose to do – or not to, impacts your life. By deciding to invest in learning from expert trainers and visionaries, you will make your vision your reality.”
Play the biggest game of your life ... NOW!
“No man is happy unless he believes he is.”
“Happiness is a man’s greatest achievement; it is the response of his total personality to a productive orientation toward himself and the world outside.”
“The only worth having is an earthly existence is a sense of humor.”
Never feel guilty when you are happy. We all deserve to be happy.
Now, all we need is to learn to laugh again.
“Laughter is the closest distance between two people.”
There is no more sure way of coming together with other human beings than through laughter.
We make our own happiness. We define it for ourselves and experience it in our unique way.
No one can be happy for us nor tell us what should make us happy, though people will always try.
The sad fact is that we fall into Madison Avenue traps which convince us that happiness is the right drink, the flashy automobile, the scented deodorann, bursting with-health cereal or the special snack food.
We never stop to think that there is nothing in this world which can be given or denied us that will bring happiness unless we decide it.
Nothing but life itself is necessary for humans to know joy and happiness.
Let your ideas and feelings be expressed freely.
When we laugh together we bypass reason and logic, as the clown does. We speak a universal language. We feel closer to one another.
Joy, humor, laughter – all are wonderful, easily accessible tools for bringing comfort into a relationship.
Joy and happiness are simply states of mind. As such they can help us to find creative solutions.
Joy comes into our lives when we have something to do, something to love , and something to hope for.
“Live fully and with abandon. Love totally and without fear. Hope splendidly and never relinquish the dream. These will help us but joy will only be ours, when we choose it.”
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
Abraham Lincoln.
Many a relationship has been saved by a good belly laugh.
Let go of those people who left you, who hurt you in the past. They are now buried in yesterday and does not belong to your future anymore. Let it be.
“Love must be set free, and when it comes back to you, only then will you know real love.”
Loving you is my greatest joy. My joy, my happiness, my life.
“At some time or another most all of us have known jealousy. It is no respecter of social position, intellectual or economic level, or age. “
Realize that in your unwavering love for someone, the person is free. The person who is jealous is the a prisoner.
“Jealousy is a universal feeling, it isn’t sick or pathological until it is acted upon. The feeling is normal. The behaviour it elicits is what is often irrational.”
Feeling of jealousy are not always bad. It is often through such feelings that we acquire the necessary insight which causes us to appreciate the value of another person.
Jealous feelings can also serve to bring our neurotic needs to the surface and thus cause us to change our behavior.
Jealousy can be either good or bad, not so much depending upon what we feel, but what we do and how we act upon what we feel.
Jealousy doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It is mainly aroused in active, loving relationships with others.
The failure of our “WE” is never our failure. Alone, we grope for some support system. We often find this by shifting the blame to others.
No one, of course, is ever destroyed by another person in this sense.
A jealous person, or any disturbed individual, is destroyed only from inside himself.
We are responsible for our jealousy, no one else. Blaming others for what we feel, can lead nowhere.
Person who clings to jealousy destroy themselves. They use energies for dead-end feelings which could be channeled into creative solutions.
Of course, no one chooses to be jealous, it simply happens. What is important is to change the values and beliefs which created the response.
Jealousy diminishes only when we regain a feeling of worth and self-respect, stop internalizing the problem and begin to view it objectively as something stemming from our personal demands and needs.
Loyalty in a relationship is based upon trust and respect. It can only be offered, never demanded.
Relationship are continually changing. A mutual agreement to be loyal or honest will form the basis from which future trust will arise.
Loyalty is, therefore, a pact. Fidelity is a pact.
Perhaps we must finally accept the fact that we can never possess another human being.
“We must learn that loving each other is to want them to be themselves – painful as it may be – with or without you.”
“If a friend or loved one want to go, even if we device a hundred ways to try to hold on, we will never be successful. And how little we value ourselves when we manipulate someone in order to keep them, when they would rather be elsewhere. We are better without those individuals in our lives.”
Loving Each Other – Leo Buscaglia
Don’t be afraid of jealousy. It is a natural and normal emotion. Everyone who cares and loves feels jealous at one time or another. The essential decision is whether you will allow your jealousy to become an all-consuming monster, capable of destroying you and those you love, or become a challenge for you to grow in self-respect and personal knowledge. The challenge will rest with you.
Loving Each Other – Leo Buscaglia
Things do not come to an end on one missed chance. We will get more chances.
If someone leaves you, let it go. Over and done, end of the story.
The moment we indulge our affections, the earth is metamorphosed. - Emerson
Talk not of wasted affection. Affection never was wasted. - Longfellow
THANKS for reading
Heart to heart,
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