How I wish to live my life with you with qualities
that melts my being. Your every smile looks like a fairy to me. A smile that is contagious because when you smile it changes my mood into a
magical wonder. You are my angel, sunshine,
inspiration, a star of passion that ignites my being.
You inner beauty exudes in everything that you do. Because you are you, I learn to love you with all my heart and
soul. I need you and I wish to live my
life with you. You alone is all I
want, love and care for because finally I found my
soulmate in you.
For the first time in my life, I
am in love , the only love there is. A wondrous
feeling. My mood swings if I don’t hear
from you. I miss you and totally in
despair to hear your sweet words. I think of you every single minute, night and day,
in every breath I take and everything that I do.
I smiled when I think of you and I search for you
in every nook and in every corner of my being. I want to be honest with me, to express what I feel because you deserve to know what I feel deep inside
me. Realize that I love you and always will, now and forever. I love you more than words.
I need you because I love you. Be my love and be
mine forever, be my soulmate because you hold the key that fits into my heart. I feel complete with you by my side. And when I said I love you, I am making a
promise to your heart and I intend to keep that promise, forever and a day.