Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Deafening silence haunting me.

Silence is the language of my soul but I can't bear this deafening silence haunting me. Keep in touch while you may because it is not easy to deal with missing syndrome.

Because I love you, ♥2♥♥

Sleepless nights thinking of you. I prayed towards heaven to bring you back before I sleep. Prayers were answered and now I say take care of you my love, while I sleep in dreamland with only you in my heart.

Because I love you, ♥2♥♥

I said I love you, you asked me how much. My reply, I love you beyond measure. Love can't be measured because it can only be felt.

Because I love you, ♥2♥♥

Every time you poke me,  it tickles my heart.  Every  time you send an SMS  or text messages , it made me  smile whole day long but whenever you call me in the middle of the night,  I jump for joy.  Out of sheer happiness because of your  time and effort to keep in touch with this lonely heart without you.   Thanks for keeping in  touch because you transform my world into wonders and magic.

Because I love you, ♥2♥♥

If it makes you smile for a day or for a lifetime,  then do it without hesitation.   You don’t need an approval from anyone if it is for your happiness.

Because I love you, ♥2♥♥

There is no need to find LOVE because it abides in your heart. All you need is to give it away, because love is intended to be a token to someone else.

Because I love you, ♥2♥♥

Keep your heart open amidst pain and realize that although it is painful yet it is temporary. Nothing last forever.


                                                                    Mhargz GV   


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