Saturday, November 2, 2013

Love is for real

The Buzz of Life

Love sometimes entails some sacrifices. Waking up at the wee hours of the morning, hoping against hope to find someone out there, someone to talk to, someone to listen to what I say, someone to kiss me, someone to hug me and whisper sweet nothings,  someone to be just with me, no matter what, no matter where and no matter when.

But those are just hopes, dreams, aspirations and heart's desire. Sometimes, we really have to keep in touch with reality, that time and space are beyond our control. Distance can be ignored because it is only in our mind,  but being with someone you love, all by your own ... is just a dream.

Yes, there is pain and joy in loving someone,  the pain of separation and the joy of loving.  Love and joy will prevail over pains and hurts, IF it is a one true and everlasting love.

The Buzz of Life 

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