Saturday, November 2, 2013

Time, space and distance are not mine.


I have searched for love,  here,  there and everywhere.
Searched for someone in every nook and in every corner of my life. 
Until one day I just gave up because I became hopeless and in total despair.
All my efforts were an exercise in futility.

When all of a sudden,  I just woke up already falling in love with you.
A love beyond measure,  beyond compare.
A love that was real and so full of joy and happiness.
Except that in between my love are time,  space and distance. 

Yes, love is a journey and it is  real and not for fun.
Love is not a waste of time or effort and I choose to travel with you.
There is pain of separation because of distance and space
but I can bear the  PAIN in exchange for  LOVE … because loving YOU is my ultimate joy. 

I have searched for love,  here,  there and everywhere.
Searched for someone in every nook and in every corner of my life. 
Until one day I just gave up because I became hopeless and in total despair.
All my efforts were an exercise in futility.

When all of a sudden,  I just woke up already falling in love with you.
A love beyond measure,  beyond compare.
A love that was real and so full of joy and happiness.
Except that in between my love are time,  space and distance. 

Yes, love is a journey and it is  real and not for fun.
Love is not a waste of time or effort and I choose to travel with you.
There is pain of separation because of distance and space
but I can bear the  PAIN in exchange for  LOVE … because loving YOU is my ultimate joy.  

Mhargz GV

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