There are really times in our lives that we easily let go of our feelings and emotions. We don't care what people say infront of us or behind our back. As long as we freely express what we think and feel for the moment. We just share it with someone, because sometimes we believe they should know about our innermost feelings.
Even our innermost and very intimate feelings are shared with someone we perceived to care for us. Sometimes it is easy to believe that the someone cares for you too. One might be living in fantasy, or dreamland or magical world, but we think and believe that we are loved, the way we love. If we ask question, or clarify something, they think we are jealous or in doubt. But that is not the case. You feel something different. You see something different. You sense something fishy is going on or that something is unusual. Call it mental telepathy or the sixth sense, but it is there. Believe me, you can really feel deep inside you if someone is untrue to you. You can really see with the use of your third eye or extra sensory power, that there is really something out there going on.
Yes, you can feel it. You can see something unusual or different out of the relationship. Then they say, you don't trust me? Of course we trust, but show it by all means that you are trustworthy. Never shed doubt or show signs of something different from before. If there is a bit of change, it is an indicator that something is going on.
Someone said never to investigate. Of course, we don't investigate ... it just show up out of nowhere. Maybe there is a hidden force that is showing something for you to realize the situation or circumstance you are into. We love, we care, we share our affection and of course we never ask to hear it back in return. It is okey but to do something that you know will hurt or will shed doubt or will be discovered sooner or later, the more it hurts. Then you accuse this love without trust? It is there, so vivid and clear, so obvious is painful. It is unbearable.
Never ever take someone for granted. Never ever ignore someone because someday it might boomerang. Karma has no expiration date.
Play with the person, but not with the feelings. It hurts.
Speaking from the heart
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