Sunday, November 24, 2013

Madness in LOVE


There is madness in love and I love you with my soul.

Because I love you, ♥2♥♥

A real relationship has fights, tears and pains, or even jealousy, but everything will turn out right if LOVE is the solid foundation. I love you fiercely!

Because I love you, ♥2♥♥

You said you were in pain because I doubted you.  One will never doubt if there is no reason to doubt or even be jealous.  One of the reasons that someone will doubt you if you never control or  even avoid creating malice whatever,  and flirt and flirt in open air.   If you love someone,  then try to respect each other's feelings and emotions.  Try to understand that even if someone loves you so much,  there will always be jealousy or doubt,  if you can see or feel or even hear what you say or do in public.  

That is why communication is vital,  because it is the life - blood of any relationship.

Love and let love but respect the feelings of someone who truly loves you.  Never take it for granted,  because someday you will wake up and realize that love will vanish because out of jealousy or doubt,  someone would decide once and for all to let go and give you your freedom.

                                                                    Mhargz GV             

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