Tuesday, November 12, 2013

My sweetheart, I love you!


Sweetheart, I love you. You are my first priority even though I am your last priority! But my priority of all priorities is just to love you with all my heart, mind and soul.

I love you ... you dwell in my heart and will dwell in my soul now and forever. I never regretted the day I found you because it made me whole and complete.

ENJOY the present moment until true love finds you. Just like a butterfly it will alight in your heart out of nowhere. Yes, love is on its way to your heart!

Love should not only be based on feelings but on commitment. Love is for keeps and it is not just for a passing thing. Thank you for loving me.

Express your thoughts and never impress others. But there are moments that silence is the best art of communication. Be silent once in a while if it only means peace and serenity within yourself.

In our journey in life , we sometimes have to move backward to take a better step forward. Yes, shift gear and move towards your passion. Love and let love.


                                                              Mhargz GV   


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