Monday, November 11, 2013

Who cares what people say of you?


Life is beautiful and worth living because you love me and I love you. Loving each other beyond limits makes our world magical and full of meaning.

People said I am crazy for loving you. But who cares? They can't feel what I feel, they can't see what I see in YOU. Above all, they can't love the way I love you ... and you know what?, it makes me smile and hope for that beautiful moments when we will be together, now and forever. I long for that sweet embrace my love.

No borders for LOVE, if you truly love, really love. You are mine and I am yours. Love will keep us together, despite time, space and distance.

Whatever you do, wherever you are and no matter how far, I think of you every seconds of my life. Love knows no distance nor space because you belong to me and I belong to you. Yes, my love, we belong to each other no matter what.

What a feeling to wake up in the morning and read a message from your love. An assurance that you are a sweetheart and awesome. A grand feeling beyond measure.

Someone will fly to see you through ... my heart. Because I care.

                                                                     Mhargz GV

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