Never force anyone
to do anything for you “in the name of love”.
Love is not to be bargained.
“Don't think in
terms of forever. Think of now, and forever will take care of itself.”
Yes, think of the now, the present moment. All I need is for you to check on me once in a while, to ask if I am alright. You know I need you because I love you, but why ignore me?
“Don't feel as if
you are required to spend your every working hours with those you love. Move aside from time and allow them a
separate space, too.”
I understand you are busy, overworked and needs more time to finish what you are doing. But can't you just leave a single hi or hello or how are you, to give me an assurance that you are alright and for you to know, I am also feeling good?
“Respect the other
person's relationships apart from you.
If they are important to the one you care about, they should be important to you.”
I do respect your relationship with others. All I need is for you to make me a priority and not just an option. I need to know if you are there, thinking of me, loving me and missing me. Those are my feelings and I want to know if you feel the same.
“Recognize that
all relationships cannot be forever.
Recognize their temporary quality,
but continue to act as if they are permanent.”
I never expect a happy ending between the two of us. All I want is to enjoy the present moment with each other. All I need is to live the present moment to its fullest, with you, loving you because love is all I care for. Loving you is the greatest gift I can give myself.
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