Thursday, December 26, 2013

Enough is enough


Love brings out the best in each other.  Love makes you feel those feelings that you never felt before.  If you love someone,  it gives you smile and sometimes tears of joy.

Love comes at the right time,  right moment and right place.   But sometimes it comes with the right love but separated with time,  space and distance.   Keep on loving,  anyway.

You crawled into my mind and made my imagination run wild.   I can’t live without you now and tomorrow.
Love is there and will always be there.  It needs to be shared to define each other.   Love is you,  only you.

Why do I get hurt when ignored or taken for granted?  Why do I get jealous of petty things and no value at all?   I know my worth,  I know my special place in the universe.  I am a star in my own right.  Hence,  enough is enough.  My self talk now:  Let go and never worry.  Never expect anything and accept everything that comes my way.   If meant to be,  it will be.  Delete everything and start anew.

It is better to let go and never expect anything from anyone.   Expectation sometimes hurt but the best thing to do at the moment,   stop the expectations before it gives damage to your emotions.
                                                                Mhargz GV                

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