Sunday, December 1, 2013

If you run away, I would die missing you!


I’d like to run away from you but if you won’t come and find me, I would die missing you.

When you love someone all your wishes start coming out.

The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is to love and be loved in return.

Soul meets soul on lover’s lips.  Let me kiss you goodbye.

“Sometimes life takes you on a detour.  Use these times to see things you would have missed had you remained on your planned route.  You may find it to be among the best parts of your journey.”

Love is the essence of life. Treasure and cherish it.

An idea lives on unless you share it with passion!!!

I can’t help but LOVE YOU when you said you love me!  Now that I love you deeply you ignore me with your deafening silence.  But silence my dear,  is the language of my soul.

I would rather be a devil’s advocate per se,  than to tolerate the wrong doings or verbal abuses of someone.  I will never please someone by being silent on issues that bothers and affects me.


Love is all there is and it leads us to self - confidence.

I love you always and in all ways.  I think of you in every breath I take.

                                                          Mhargz GV     

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