Friday, February 28, 2014

Dive into my being.


When I say that I miss you I mean something more.  I mean I’ve been bidding my time till you kiss me again. I keep poems like secrets and then tell them when I’m tired of hiding who I am. I am missing you most in the silence between songs on my favorite record.

Sometimes it takes so long for the music to start… is there a shoreline where the seaweed holds the rocks so tight they soften into sand? is it too late to say that’s how my heart feels in your hands? like you could sift it through an hour glass and pass it off as time never stood still, and neither did I but I will if you let me.

I let myself silent! To hear the voice of your soul. Yes! It whispers the unsaid desires of ours. You made me blush with gentle touch of yours. I close my eyes as you are coming more nearer to me, right inside my soul!

Look! how dark this night has become, Where we can't even see the shadows of us. You emerge into my being like a drop of rain become one with the ocean. Dive into my being? I ask this world! If they can distinguish our souls.


                                                       Mhargz GV

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