Sunday, February 2, 2014

I love you because it is you.


I've never seen you or touched your skin.  I've never felt your lips or held you tight.  But I know I love you not  because  of the way you look or because  of that sexy voice (yet not heard).  Not because of the things you say but because of whom you are when we meet.  I will kiss you and hold you all night.  I love everything about you because it's you!

 I really,  really love you.  We are  like upper and  lower eyelids. They often meet because they miss each other,  But when they meet they don't see the world,,

Walk is easy. But walking alone is tough. Being loved by someone is secure. But loving someone is insecure.  Being missed by someone is nice.  But to miss someone is painful!

A woman in harmony with her imaginations is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself.
                                                    Mhargz GV     

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