Monday, February 17, 2014

Love is a miracle



I hear a summon. Is it that of my conscience? Is it that of my love? Is it that of the Almighty?

I am not sure from where it comes. I hear it calling me again and again.

The call touches the strings of my inner-self. Then melody is created out of it like that of lyre.

My heart and soul are absorbed in listening to the rapturous music and my mind finds bliss.

I feel myself elevated from the thorns of reality and life. My heart feels tireless and burdenless.
And I become more gentle and more humble. I perceive in me - a new life full of rapture,

joy and happiness. My heart finds in me peace and calm.

Whatever the source of the call may be, I am certain - It's the miracle of the love as my conscience, 

we are one and not separated.



                                                             Mhargz GV    

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