Friday, February 28, 2014

What more a lover need?


A lady who can fill warm symphony in the ears, can make and turn all warms of love feeling within seconds just by a mere presence feeling.  What more a lover need, a full package of golden touch.

The drizzle of my passion is pure, as white as snow as pure as the Ganges.
The night is asking the clouds,  not to veil her lovely moon from her.
The clouds will rain down romance, the light of the moonbeams will enhance.
The longing and pining for you - The moon beams burn my heart,
Long to embrace your love-rain.
The sky of my mind is invaded with the clouds of your thoughts.
The tears your eyes shall be washed away with the rain of my love.
The clouds are naughty,  teasing me , craving to rob my peace,  oh,  my peace.

Don't be so far away, you don't know what its absence causes.  Is wanting too much of my heart.  He's used to cuddle, caress you. Used to love you without any charge or hurt you. So what little he has don't take.  Just come done Sun warming cold day ... Nothing more.


                                                    Mhargz GV 

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