Friday, February 28, 2014

My beloved, enter the chamber of my heart.


My beloved! Enter the chamber of my heart. 
Smash the gulf between dream and truth.
Wander in the wonder-world of my soul.
Let our eyes engage into silent dialogue.
Hearts remain silent to hear our love-sighs.  
Breaths are held to hear the love melodies.

Thoughts are jotted on the garments of desire. 
Twinkle as ethereal stars sheltered in the yawn of love.
The gate of heaven is open, me first to enter.   
We are lost in the coupling of thoughts, ecstasy.
Let us travel from dust to light, 
light to dust again and again in this eternal game of creation.

When my heart feels loneliness; 
Mind becomes remorseful;
Soul suffers from thirst; 
And the valley of my thought becomes dry and hard like rock, you appear to caress me.

With your very arrival like a fairy or an angel, flowers of love bloom in mind. Drinking the wine of your love.  My heart begins to dance with the rhythm of melody of your Love.


                                                 Mhargz GV 

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