Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Where is the loneliness where I am your heartbeat?


Why, why, why oh ooh ohh. There you are, in a darkened room  and you're all alone, looking out the window.  Your heart is cold and lost the will to love like a broken arrow.
Here I stand in the shadows, in the shadows.  Come to come, come to me, can't you see that?

We are, all of us, made up of our stories. Some of them are happy tales, others sad. Most of them are true, but some of them are the stories we tell ourselves to make it through the day. This is why stories are so important, they make us who we are.

Life is a journey.  You choose your destination but once.  Follow your destination , your aim, your goal to reach it, to receive it with full potential , no stoppage,  I think.

No human is bad, even the biggest criminal also have a heart. Hence any human who SINCERELY realizes his or her mistakes, DESERVES to be FORGIVEN. The process of realization and forgiveness must NEVER stop, since this very process runs the whole world with a new ray of light.
Where is the solitude when I am your shadow, where is the loneliness when I am your heartbeat ?

There's a darkness upon me that's flooded in light.  In the fine print they tell me what's wrong and what's right and it comes in black and it comes in white.  And I'm frightened by those who don't see it. When nothing is owed or deserved or expected. And your life doesn't change by the man that's elected.  If you're loved by someone you're never rejected.   Decide what to be and go be it.

Take the sighs to smile in peace.  With a light heart to fly yonder and build a nest of love with the dry twigs of deep passions . To lay the eggs of joy and hope hatch them for tomorrows progeny.



                                              Mhargz GV    

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