Monday, March 3, 2014

The best answer is silence

The sea cast its spell breaking the reverie sought in the sanctum of the mind,  the intuitive waters carried thoughts into its depths to rest with colossal tragedies, yet, with the storm pains resurfaced throwing up memories breathing down to the heart love revealing itself again.

Love is more fragile than the feelings of insane lover who thinks the world is in himself,  but can't have a glance of beloved.

To have a life like in the fairy tales,  dreams fulfilled to give her love.

The wild thoughts from the branches of mind, seeks the bosom of sky. It wants to touch it, kiss it, always longing day and night, sheds its leafy jewels in sorrow of separation. Lost in eternal silence, hopes for union, it prays.

Silence is the best answer.


                                           Mhargz GV   

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