Friday, July 18, 2014

Love is a journey and a relationship.


It takes two to TANGO! As well as LOVE

Love is the essence of our being, the reason of everything we do. Love is the sweetest sound you want to hear like a drumbeat in your ears. Only three simple words “I love you” but it means everything.

Sometimes when you are so much in love you become possessive, jealous, a stalker,  mad or like crazy begging for love, begging for time and affection. But is it necessary to run after the love of your life?  Is it not proper to give them space to move or breath awhile out of your embraces?

Every one needs time to be alone, time for friends, time to be away from  a suffocating relationship. Time to breath and some space.  Yes, some space out of a rigid or boring life of negative and selfish emotions. Time to say,  oh my love,  give me some space to move,  to breath,  to be alone for awhile,  and think things over and over again.

Allow me to share some of Leo Buscaglia’s love quotes from Living, Loving & Learning.

“There are no formula and no books to memorize on becoming. I only know this:   I exist, I am,  I am here,  I am becoming,  I make my life and no one else makes it for me.   I must face my own shortcomings,  mistakes,  transgressions.  No one can suffer my non-being as I do,  but tomorrow is another day, and I must decide to leave my bed and live again.  And if I fail,  I don’t have the comfort of blaming you or life or God.”

“Life is a great river,  and it will flow,  no matter what you do or don’t do.  We can decide to flow with the river, and live in peace and joy and love,  or we can decide to battle it,  and live in agony and despair.   But the river doesn’t care.   Life doesn’t care.  In either case,  all of our streams run into the same sea.   It’s up to you.”

Some quotes about love:

Relations never leave each other, or never break,
They just sometimes sit silently
Deep in each other’s heart saying
"I am still here,  are you there?"

So you’re one and one but you’re two and you’re together.  You’re  an “I”,  He’s an “I” and you are together an “us.”

“Give your hearts,  but not into each other’s keeping,  for only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.  Stand together and yet not too near together for the pillars of the temple,  in order to hold the temple up,  stand apart.  The oak tree and cypress do not grow in each other’s shadow.” Khalil Gibran

“Sing and dance together and be joyous,  but let each one also be alone.” Khalil Gibran

“Let’s communicate,  let’s talk,  let’s let it happen.”  But it doesn’t happen in someone else’s shadow.  There you wilt,  you forget who you are,  you lose you and if you’ve lost you,  you’ve lost the most essential thing you have.

Sharing is my passion.  A buzzing heart speaks about love

     Mhargz GV       

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