Thursday, August 21, 2014

The slave of LOVE


Slave of love

I worship you more than you think  I only love you.  

You are the tears I will never give up.

You said hello,  I said hi
You said how are you?,  I replied am fine.
You said nice to see you,  I replied the feeling is mutual.
You said I like you,  I replied same here.
Moments went by,  you said I love you
I was silent,  I never replied.
Again you said I love you,  I replied thanks for loving me.
Another days went by,  day in and day out
Night or day,  you said I love you.
But I just smiled and said thanks for the love.
We talked,  we laughed,  we smiled and simply interacted,  just talked for awhile
A talk that went on and on and on.
We learned to know each other, discovered each other’s needs and wants,  explored on feelings and emotions,  until one day  we both wake up,  already falling in love with each other. 

Love is a like a butterfly,  it just appeared out of nowhere.
It just grabbed your heart,  your attention,  imprisoned your soul and being, until you realize, there is no point of return.
You fall in love,  again and again,  in different forms. 
Love is on the air,  love is everywhere,  love comes unexpectedly.
Love is the lovely oasis in the desert of our lives.
Embrace the love in you and remember,  you are not the lover but love itself.
Love and let love.  Love begets love.
Shout it loud and clear.  Go to the valley and shout once more I LOVE YOU,  and surely you will hear it back … I LOVE YOU,  I LOVE YOU,  I LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU, YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!
                                                            Mhargz GV       

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