Sunday, May 27, 2012

A heart to heart QUOTES in THE BUZZ OF LIFE 3

Start finding others who need love and take the initiative in giving it to them,  love seems to begins flowing back to us.

Heart to heart,  MGV    (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

When we encircle ourselves with a few intimate friendships,  we build for ourselves a pipeline that supplies a stream of sustaining reassurances that we exist, that we have worth.

Heart to heart,  MGV    (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Sometimes people are in bad shape emotionally because they do not have enough love in their lives,  and they are almost screaming, “somebody,  please love me!”  We have enough love in family and friends, cherish them.

When we are “networking”  merely for what we can get out of it,  it usually backfires.

Heart to heart,  MGV    (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Beauty is not the dress we wear, the make ups we put on our faces, the pieces of jewelry that we use nor the signature things we bring but the inner beauty or the beauty from within. It radiates and it shines even in darkness. Shine for others today.

Heart to heart, MGV

No matter what we do or say, we can never please everybody. It is true we can't like everybody because of some behaviors but it is a matter of our attitude towards it. Love everyone anyway and do what you think is right!

Heart to heart,  MGV

There are moments in our lives that we think and feel rejected, forgotten, taken for granted, exploited, or even verbally abused. Maybe true, but what we think or feel or see is what we get. Let our dominant thoughts focus on happiness and love then drop all those drama modes. Don't let those ill feelings get into your heart, mind and spirit. Welcome and create a happy world. Shift your paradigm.

Heart to heart, MGV

If wealth is the secret of happiness,  then the rich should be dancing on the street.   But only poor kids do that.

(((((( Heart to heart,  MGV  ♥    ♥ ♥    ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

If power ensures security,  then officials should walk unguarded.  But those who live simply,  sleep soundly.

(((((( Heart to heart,  MGV  ♥    ♥ ♥    ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

If beauty and fame bring ideal relationship,  then celebrities should have the best marriages.

(((((( Heart to heart,  MGV  ♥    ♥ ♥    ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Live simply.  Walk humbly,  Love genuinely.  Be an instrument of God while here on earth.

(((((( Heart to heart,  MGV  ♥    ♥ ♥    ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

There are things that you don't want to end but you are afraid to continue.  It is just like you don't want to expect anything,  but you are hoping.

(((((( Heart to heart,  MGV  ♥    ♥ ♥    ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

I love mornings!  It makes me think of the value of life,  It asks me to live not yesterday's  sorrows nor tomorrow's dreams but today's blessings.

(((((( Heart to heart,  MGV  ♥    ♥ ♥    ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

A last resort is a last resort,  using it before everything else is a moot point.

(((((( Heart to heart,  MGV  ♥    ♥ ♥    ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Whoever has gratitude will be given more,  they will have an abundance.

(((((( Heart to heart,  MGV  ♥    ♥ ♥    ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

There is always missing in the grand picture of home.  Your love and affection really matters most.  I miss you, sweetheart,  more than you'll ever know.  I miss you because I love you with passion.

Heart to heart,  MGV    (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

When we think about our problems,  they grow double;  but when we smile about them,  they become bubbles.

 Heart to heart,  MGV    (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Let us quit worrying and instead remain positive at all cost.

 Heart to heart,  MGV    (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Opportunities don't knock at all.  They don't have to,  they're already all around us.  It's up to us to see where they are and take advantage of them.

 Heart to heart,  MGV    (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

You don't have to suffer just because you have problems. You don't have to be happy to smile. You can be in a bad mood and smile and your mood will turn around.

 Heart to heart,  MGV    (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

On a bad day, see what goodness you can find.  Appreciate the good in everything. Even in trials, ask yourself: "What am I supposed to learn from this?" Trust GOD and do whatever HE has impressed upon your heart to do.

Heart to heart,  MGV    (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Step out of your box and HE will surprise you! Remember you are more than who and what you are now!  (Thanks Thomas)

Heart to heart,  MGV    (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Love the life you have and be grateful for everything in it.  Gratitude will serve you well and loving the life you have will bring delight in every way.

Heart to heart,  MGV    (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

“Every blessing you find has magical power.”

(((((( Heart to heart,  MGV  ♥    ♥ ♥    ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

“The problem with BLAMING OTHER people for our mistake is that we will still suffer the pain and consequences of our mistake, but won`t learn from it, and so bingo! We`ll keep making the same mistake again.”

(((((( Heart to heart,  MGV  ♥    ♥ ♥    ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

A MOTHER is she who can take the place of all others,  but whose place no one else can take.  SHARE and TAG if you love your mom and you are a proud mom whose place nobody can take.

((((((Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥♥♥♥))))))

“Don't close the book,  just turn the pages.”

((((((Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥♥♥♥))))))

You  can't go through life giving up on everything!  If you're going to achieve anything, you've got to stick with something!  Stay blessed  and have a fruitful week♥ (Thanks Thomas)

(((((( ♥♥♥  Heart to heart,  MGV ♥♥♥ ))))))

The next time you think of the wonderful things that God has made for you,  don't forget to include “YOURSELF” because you are a blessing!  I am so blessed to have you as my friends – one of the best gifts ever.

(((((( ♥♥♥  Heart to heart,  MGV ♥♥♥ ))))))

“In the late 70's,  Bee Gees scored a monumental hit with the song. “How Deep is your Love?”,  can we ask ourselves the same question?  Really,  how deep do we love?  Is our love for keeps,  or is it just for the good times?  Do we love fully or do we do it with reservations and biases?  What is your understanding of the word LOVE?”  Something to ponder on for awhile.

(((((( ♥♥♥  Heart to heart,  MGV ♥♥♥ ))))))

“Treasure the gift of true FRIENDS,  they are your pillars of support!
Treasure the gift of FAMILY, they have been entrusted by GOD Himself for you to love!
Treasure the gift of SELF,  for you are  beautiful in the eyes of GOD.!
Treasure the gift of FAITH,  HOPE and LOVE.  They are GOD's gifts of Himself to you!  With these gifts,  you are wealthy beyond imagination for you are BLESSED more than you know!”  (Thanks Emma M.)

(((((( ♥♥♥  Heart to heart,  MGV ♥♥♥ ))))))

Time and circumstances can change at any time.   Let us not devalue or hurt anyone in life.  We maybe powerful today but remember,  time is more powerful.   Life is like a wheel,  sometimes up,  sometimes down.

(((((( ♥♥♥  Heart to heart,  MGV ♥♥♥ ))))))

Many times in our lives we meet people who do not have faith in what we can do.  We have to focus on our dominant thoughts and believe in us and maximize and optimize the skills and talents that were given to us freely.  We have the gift of speech and all we have to do is use it in order to win and help people.  Use words if you have to.

(((((( ♥♥♥  Heart to heart,  MGV ♥♥♥ ))))))

There are some  whose only desire is the prestige and the privileges of the position of leadership,  but service is not in their hearts.   Serve because you care.

(((((( ♥♥♥  Heart to heart,  MGV ♥♥♥ ))))))

May the road that we have chosen today will lead us to peace,  joy and harmony.

(((((( ♥♥♥  Heart to heart,  MGV ♥♥♥ ))))))

When you share yourself with others,  life begins to find its meaning.

(((((( ♥♥♥  Heart to heart,  MGV ♥♥♥ ))))))

When you help others,  you start planting a lifetime of happiness.

(((((( ♥♥♥  Heart to heart,  MGV ♥♥♥ ))))))

The time you touch the lives of others is the moment you truly live your purpose.

(((((( ♥♥♥  Heart to heart,  MGV ♥♥♥ ))))))

The kindness we do is never los

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

Life's handy kit:

Chop Sticks  reminds us to pick out the good qualities in others.
Rubber Bands  reminds us to be flexible because things might not always go the way we want it to be.
Band Aids  reminds us to heal the hurt feelings, ours and others.
Pencils reminds us to list our blessings everyday and share it others.
Erasers  reminds us that everyone makes mistakes and it is alright because nobody is perfect.
Chewing Gums  reminds us to stick with God and we can accomplish anything because with HIM,  all thing is possible.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

Carry the burden smilingly and cheerfully,  because patience is the key to victory.   Rumi

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

The Sufi orders have lost order...
All that remain are stories about miracles!  Rumi

Yesterday is gone and its tale told. Today new seeds are growing. Rumi

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

Love is a mirror, it reflects only your essence, if you have the courage to look in its face.   Rumi

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

How often you say Wake up, you’ll miss the sunrise. But His Sun always shines within me. How can I miss the sunrise?   Rumi

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

When you come back inside my chest  no matter how far I have wandered off,  I look around and see the way.  Rumi

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.   Rumi

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

"Who gets up early to discover the moment light begins." Rumi

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

I saw you and became empty. This emptiness, more beautiful than existence, it obliterates existence, and yet when it comes, existence thrives and creates more existence.  Rumi

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

When you come back inside my chest  no matter how far I have wandered off,  I look around and see the way.  Rumi

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

Purify your stubbornness.  Drown it. Burn it.   Rumi

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))
"When you ain't got nothing you got nothing to lose."  Bob Dylan

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

Thought is energy.  Watch you thoughts,  it becomes you.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

Life is a relationship.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

Words have energy. Be gentle with your tongue.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

Words create worlds.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

Swallow your pride because it is not fattening anyway.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

There is no peace in an angry heart.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

Be strong and know your heart.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

Two people can't quarrel if one won't allow it.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

Blaming does not solve the problem.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

“If it is to be,  it's up to me and God holds the key.”

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

Commitment to your goals,  your relationship and the Supreme Being is vital in life.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

It is now or never,  say you love me.  Tomorrow might be too late.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

“Happiness  consists of a solid faith,  good health  and a bad memory.”

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

The most problematic word in our vocabulary is BLAME.    If we stop trying to blame, we can simply look for the solution and get on with our lives without all of the aggitation and animosity towards another. Why not simply accept that it has been done or said and MOVE ON from there.  (Thanks John Rogers)

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

Never blame a day in your life.  Good days gives you happiness.  Bad days gives you experiences.  The worst days give you a lesson and all are God's blessings.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

“I lend you a hand but someone lend you a heart.  I brought you smile but someone brought you joy.  I kissed your tears but someone made it dry.  I showed you my care but someone showed you love.  I sat on your back but someone sat on your side.  Suddenly I realized no matter how hard I'll try,  GOD can always do better than I.”

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

Why is sunset more colorful than sunrise?  I guess?  It is an irony of life saying sometimes good things happen in goodbyes.  Learn to say goodbye and move on,   if necessary.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

PRIDE is a serious enemy of self-improvement.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

Respect is earned and not ascribed.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

“True strength of character is not just calculated by how well we manage to carry some sizable load under challenging conditions,  but is perhaps better measured by our ability to remain KIND and LIGHT.”

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

Great things starts from small beginnings.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))  

Champions are not made in the ring.  They are only recognized there.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))  

Realize that faith is stronger than fear.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))  

“The moment you wake up and see the creation of GOD how life is all about is manesfested on how  you relate to others because heaven is found in your heart.”   (Thanks Virgie Tubeo)

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))  

Growing a lasting relationship … love the people who treat you right and pray for the ones who do not.  ENJOY LIFE,  it has an EXPIRATION DATE.  ( Thanks Queen Roche )

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))  

Life's about changes, nothing stays the same
Together we've stood to face whatever came!
We've fought the battle, we've won the war
The "proof" is in the person you are!
 (Thanks Sanjay)

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))  

SMILE somebody cares (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥ 2 ♥♥

“It hurts to smile when you know it'll only last a little while. So you probably fake the smile to save yourself from future pain. But you are actually hurting yourself, because nobody knows how you truly feel,  just because you don't wanna shed a tear.”  (Thanks Liway Hernandez)

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))  

Privacy is not something that I am merely entitled to, it's an absolute prerequisite.  Marlon Brando.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))  

“Never think that someone else is more blessed that you are.  It is just that we are blessed in different ways.”

(Thanks to META Queen Roche)

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))  

Enjoy life as days go by.  We can never tell when we stop going up our hills in life.   Life is a journey.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))  

“A soft word, a kind smile, a gentle pat on the back........ these things I will keep with me through Eternity. The Diamonds will simply be left behind for someone else to play with.“  What an insight!  Yes,  diamonds are forever but we will leave it behind for someone else to cherish.   Come to think of it!  (Thanks John Rogers)

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))  

A sympathetic heart is like a spring of pure water bursting forth from the mountain side.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))  

"Fair Weather Friends" leaves you when "Fair Weather Ends"

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥))))))

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