" Even though you may be small, even though you may feel insignificant in the vastness of the universe, there are tasks that only you can perform. There are people that only you can help. There is a purpose that is uniquely yours.”
Appreciate life even if it is not perfect.
(((Heart to heart, MGV)))
Contentment is not fulfillment of what we wish for, but an appreciation of what we have.
(((Heart to heart, MGV)))
Remember, not everyone is given the chance to grow old.
(((Heart to heart, MGV)))
All of us belong to the universe, therefore, we should work together to uplift and help one another towards achieving a common goal; to live our lives not pleasing others but to the eyes of the Lord.
(((Heart to heart, MGV)))
Choose to accept and become the person God has made you to be.
Tap into the originality and creative genius of God in your life.
Friends communicate at a heart level.
Every person should have a special cemetery lot in which to bury the faults of friends and loved ones. To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover the prisoner was you. Anon
“Life is an adventure in forgiveness.”
It is true that the one who forgives ends the quarrel.
Discover step- by- step excitement.
To win you must begin.
The first step is the hardest.
Don’t be discouraged. Little steps add up, and they add up rapidly.
Dare to begin.
No endeavor is worse than that which is not attempted.
You don’t know what you can do until you have tried.
There is no standing still. Do what you can.
It is always your next move. N. Hill
All the people in this world, religious or not, humane or inhumane, dull or wise, have the right to be angry. You stereotype a person of no upbringing, those people that gave in to anger and those who have spoken bad words to other people, but did you feel what the person really feels inside that you humiliated? Did you know that the person you judged is carrying a heavy burden of problems? Did you consider the person’s inner feelings? If in a split seconds you can exchange in person or in body, do you think you won’t feel the burdens the person carried in the heart? We are not persons made of stone that even if we are stepped on, spitted on with saliva, and everything negative hurled against us that we don’t feel anything because our hearts are made of stone ? We are only human beings that will feel the hurts, knows how to fight and love. Just a human being in need of a true and real friend. A friend that will never backbite or destroy you to anybody even if you can have the power to do it. In other words, even if you are God-fearing or religious, you are not perfect because nobody is perfect. Because all of us are only human beings.
When you say " I am sorry " it does not mean you are wrong. It simply means you value the relationship and you never, ever and a thousands of never want to lose the person you love.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
"The first recipe of happiness is to avoid too lengthy meditations on the past." Let it go.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
Every living human being has problems.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
Every problem have a limited life span.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
Realize that every problem holds positive possibilities. Find them.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
Every problem should change you for the better.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
You can choose what your problem will do to you. Analyze your problem and learn something from it.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
There is a negative and positive reaction to every problem,
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
Everybody has problems. No life is problem-free!
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
There will never be another now. I’ll make the most of today. There will never be another me - I’ll make the most of myself.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
Insulate yourself from negative forces and negative personalities.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
Communicate and dedicate to make your life full of meaning.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
Maybe you don’t have a problem. It’s maybe just a need to make a decision.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
Don’t wait.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
Don’t aggravate your problems, self-pity, jealousy, cynicism, hatred, anger, or lack of positive faith in the future.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
Don’t exaggerate but don’t underestimate.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
No matter how positive we are, there is something up there in charge. The most positive energy is prayer.”
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
Take care!
Take it easy!
Thank God it’s Friday.
I’ve got to see it before I believe it.
No way!
Not too bad!
I’ve heard that before.
Never, can’t be done.
The case is closed
It’s terminal.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
Break Murphy’s Law:
“Anything that go wrong will”
“Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.”
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
You need not be a “10”.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
KISS. Keep it short and simple (Keep it short but sweet)
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
Learn to say “NO”.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
It is so painful whenever someone you love will just give you a gift of silence. Hurl me with those hurting words, kick me if you want but never, ever give me the silent treatment. It cuts like a knife. Always continue the journey of being a channel of inspiration to every person you meet on the road.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
Life is never a coincidence.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
Life is the fruit of the seed of what you plant.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
Remember, there are only two days in our lives that we can do nothing about. One is YESTERDAY which is gone while the other is TOMORROW which is uncertain and might not come at all.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
We can only live TODAY so work, relax, love and pray and above all enjoy.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
Life is built on RELATIONSHIP but not on achievement or acquisition. Don't forget that everybody needs SOMEBODY. Those that you despise today are the same people that you will meet tomorrow! Keep loving♥
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
Other people said they have seen angels, but I have met YOU and you are enough.
I would fly you to the moon and back if you’ll be my love.
I love you and those three words have my life in it.
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
I’d like to run away from you but if you won’t come and find me, I would die missing you.
When you love someone all your wishes start coming out.
The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is to love and be loved in return.
Soul meets soul on lover’s lips. Let me kiss you goodbye.
“No man should be worth your tears, and the one who is, shouldn’t be making you cry in the first place.”
“I love you for all that you are, all that you have been and all you’re yet to be.”
“It only takes a few seconds to hurt people you love, and it can take years to heal.”
Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.
“You can’t force someone to love you, but you can show them what they are missing.”
“I can do it, just watch me and I’ll prove it.”
It takes a lot of courage for a woman to admit she loves you. Never take it for granted please.
You are your own thoughts and feelings.
“Today see if you can stretch your heart and expand your love so it touches not only those to whom you can give easily, but also those who need it so much.” Yes, positive words are powerful because it helps you to take charge and take control of your life. CONGRATULATIONS FC for doing such a wonderful gesture of sharing your words and touching our hearts thru your page Be frank and stay cool.
To all my friends, friends of friends and supporters of this page, my warmest thanks for being with us with your likes, comments and shares of our quotes. Being a part of this page transformed us into a beautiful butterflies with wings of rainbow. From my heart to your heart , my thanks with warm embraces.
Heart to heart, MGV
"Life is a great and wondrous mystery, and the only thing we know that we have for sure is what is right here and right now. Don't miss it."
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))
Thank you so much for reading ...
Heart to heart,
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