Monday, November 18, 2013

Is it goodbye, now and forever my love?


My love,

If you only know the reason behind my every smile,  you will never take me for granted.  If you only know the reason behind my laughter,  you will never make me an option.  If you only know how much I truly love you,  you will never push me around.  If you only that you are my ultimate joy and happiness,  you will never ever say goodbye.  Yes,  and if you only know the reason behind my every tears,  it is because you said goodbye.

I know that is just your way of getting rid of me,  to make me keep quite for awhile.   To give you some room to breath,  to give you some time to ponder,  to give you some moment of space and to give you some time with yourself without me in it.   But sooner or later,  you will realize life is so dry,  life is so barren,  life is so arid,  life is so boring and life has no meaning,  without you and me together.

We are meant for each other,  my love.  We are meant to love each other.  We are meant to be together,  in all the ups and downs of life.  You were born to love me and I was born to love you.  We were made for each other,  to love each other,  to cherish each other,  to respect each other, and to face our love with a warrior spirit.  To keep our love just they way it was meant to be.  Each for the other and both for LOVE,

We are no fighters.  We fight for what we love. We fight for each other and we fight to be in each other's heart,  now and forever.   I love you my love.  I know you love me.  I just hope that you and I will pass the test of time and love.  That you and I will be reunited in our planet of love.  You are my life,  my world,  my oxygen.  You are my heartbeat and my everything,
Because I love you, ♥2♥♥                                                     
                                                                          Mhargz GV        

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