Friday, November 15, 2013

Music to my ears when you said I LOVE YOU!


Never waste your time in doubts and fears.

When I ask questions,  it simply means I want to clear an issue or some thoughts bothering me.   I want you to know that there is something eating me deep inside.  So I take time to ask you for something that might cause a crack in our relationship.  It is not easy to live in silence and never express what you really feel deep inside.  It might be out of control,  it might burst and it might cause damage.

I never doubt you whenever I ask something.   I just want to clarify and I want to share my feelings with you.   You said never to doubt you.  It was not a doubt,  it just needs an assurance that you are there for me,  no matter what. I love you because I need you.

When I ask some questions,  it simply means I have  fear of losing you.  So never ever be upset if I ask,  I just want to love you now and forever.

My gift for you is from my heart:   my undying love.

Try to give away love,  it might affect someone.

“I believe that life is given us so we may grow in love.”

                                                                  Mhargz GV             

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