Tuesday, November 26, 2013

My darling, say you love me!


Do you love me?  Really love me?  Because I do love you with my soul.  You are everything to me.

If you live in your silence or silence is your attitude,  or silence is a vengeance then you won!!  You are hurting the one who loves you dearly.  Remember,  silence begets silence and life is a boomerang.

I love you with an extraordinary kind of love.  Never treat me like an ordinary nor ignore me nor take me for granted.   You don’t own your feelings,  someday you will feel the same and you will realize,  it hurts.

Love is like a butterfly.   It simply alights on your shoulder and all of a sudden you realize you are madly in loved with someone.  Cherish each precious moments.

I never asked for love nor prayed towards heaven to find someone to love.  It just happened right after your first hello.  Every hello comes a love beyond compare if only you know how to make it flourish.

My heartbeat,  my life and my world.  I love you with my soul.  Please take care of my heart,  now and forever.  It is yours,  remember?

Play with me but never with my feelings and emotions.    Love is for real and not for fun.  Say you love me.

Treat me like a queen and you will be my king.  Play with my feelings and I will show you how to end the game.  Never take feelings and emotions for granted. 

I need you, oh,  I need you.   I will never let go of your hands,  never and a thousands of NEVER.

                                                                         Mhargz GV         

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