Monday, November 25, 2013

Now that I found LOVE, I will never let go


It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give unasked, through understanding.

Khalil Gibran

At long last I found YOU!

It seemed like it was only yesterday when I loved like no other.

A love beyond compare and full of wonderful moments of laughter and fun.

I thought it would last forever and a day but I was wrong, all wrong.

You said goodbye. I cried a tear and almost gave up on hope.

Until YOU crossed my path and wiped my tears away .

YOU said hello and the moment our eyes met, I knew by heart . life would never be the same again.

You gave me hope to carry on and you offered your love, much better than my past.

There is no more regret because I found YOU and honest to admit, so happy loving you.

I love you more than words and I have learned my lessons to be the best ME for YOU.
Night and day, I think of you. You are my oxygen in this planet called love.

                                                  Mhargz GV         

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