Saturday, November 2, 2013

Only a dream


 I dreamed of a special someone to love me no matter
who am I, no matter what I do,  no matter where I am,  no matter what
my situation or circumstance is,  no matter if I am young or old. 
No matter of space, time and distance.
A dream of  being loved just the way I am,  just being me,
just being myself,  just because I am me. 

Until one day I found my dream,  the much awaited dream, 
my heart desire and my passion.  Yes, I found the man I love,
the man of my dream, the man of my life and maybe my soulmate.
I smiled in silence, I smiled even when I was alone,
I was happy that at long last  my prince charming came along
only to find out, he was in  a relationship with another.

Love hurts but it makes one happy.   

 The Buzz of Life

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